- Table of Contents
- Understanding This Guide
- Ways to Contribute
- Where to Go For Help With Your Implementation
Stage 0: General Setup and Project Prep
- Hardware & Equipment You Need
- pulling in hardware alternatives from ‘iterating and improving’, make this page overall more easy to read
- Storing Baseline Data
- Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi or other devices
- Setting Up openaps and dependencies
Stage 1: Logging, Cleaning, Analyzing Data
- Setting up visualization and monitoring
- Include NS related alerts and openaps system alerts for looping/not *DIYPS style net basal insulin reports should get added to NS reports
- Setup script
- with some tweaks)
- Analyze your existing data
- basals & ISF, use NS report or Dex Studio/Clarity, whatever people prefer
Stage 2: Creating an Open Loop
- Configuring and learning to use openaps tools
- much of this covered by script, so mostly pulling suggest and enact from old version
- Running an open loop with oref0
- most of the content previously from creating loop and retry logic
- Building preflight and other checks
Stage 3: Understanding Your Open Loop
- Determining basal recommendations
- Run for enough days to decide what max basal should be
- How often did you disagree or counteract what the loop was recommending?
Stage 4: Starting to Close the Loop
- Cron instructions (or daemon)
- this is obviously new and needs a lot of thought/contributions
- Observing the closed loop
- Starts with LGS mode only
- Don’t move forward until observed for 3 days
- If any consistent net negative low insulin amounts (check NS reports), then you may be overbolusing for meals and/or basals are too high 1.5-2 hours before the lows are occurring.
- Troubleshooting the closed loop
- Info from validating & testing
Stage 5: Tuning the Closed Loop
- Going beyond low glucose suspend mode
- (moving beyond max iob = 0)
- Tuning your targets
- After 3 days, at least one night with zero low alarms should occur before you consider dropping the max target from 160.
- Only drop 10 points at a time, again observing the outcomes over a few days.
- If going low three+ days, the “min” target may need to be raised
Stage 6: Iterating on the Closed Loop
- So you think you’re looping
- 3 nights consecutively with no major system problems and at least 1 night without low alarms – fill out form and get number
- Tests for when you are running for 24 hours
- Run 24 hours for 3 days (doesn’t have to be consecutive) to get a feel for how the system behaves when you do meal boluses with the system on
- Observe again net basal insulin delivery after 1 week of looping; see times of day when the system gives net negative; again, may be overbolusing and/or basals too high
- Enabling meal-assist and other advanced features
- First, regular carb entry required (so don’t accidentally trigger wtf-assist after meal-assist & co are enabled
- Confirm 1 week successful daytime looping
- Enable meal-assist & co to enable more aggressive high temps (setup script)
- Understanding the –assist features & how it works
- Close observation for a week
- #OpenAPS overview & history
- General technical resources
- Troubleshooting tips
- FAQs
- Other people, projects, and tools to check out
- Glossary