Pre-compiled binaries are available in the Releases section.
Code documentation can be found there.
In order to setup your environment and build the code, please follow the following commands (for MacOS):
brew install arduino-cli
arduino-cli config init --additional-urls
arduino-cli core update-index
arduino-cli core install STM32:stm32
arduino-cli lib install LiquidCrystal && arduino-cli lib install "Analog Buttons" && arduino-cli lib install OneButton
Then, compile the project:
arduino-cli compile --fqbn STM32:stm32:Nucleo_64:opt=o3std,pnum=NUCLEO_F411RE --verbose src/software/firmware/srcs/respirator.cpp --output src/software/firmware/output/respirator-production
High-level configuration options are available and documented in includes/config.h.
Low-level configuration options can be found in includes/parameters.h.