Released 2024-03-26
- #357 - rook: Add ability to set RBD image features @TorLdre
- #301 - bin: Playbooks for cis benchmark patching @robinelastisys
- #359 - Update kubespray submodule to v2.24.1 @Pavan-Gunda
- #349 - other: Port 2.24.0 ck8s1 @anders-elastisys @davidumea
- #351 - documentation: docs: Update issue templates and release resources @aarnq
- #355 - bug: playbook: switch to ansible_host in authorized_key.yml @davidumea
- #356 - bug: config: add extra tolerations for coredns @davidumea
- 0c2d0 - rook: Fixes to templates and helpers for migration
Released 2024-06-26
- fec0757 - Update Kubespray submodule with private cloud lb and anti affinity changes for Upcloud
Released 2024-07-22
- cccb1df - Upgrade kubespray to include support for upcloud router