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- What did you do? (how to reproduce)
- What did you see? (include logs and screenshots as appropriate)
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- Golang 1.11
- Docker
- dep v0.5
- Mac Install:
brew install dep
- Mac Install:
- gometalinter v2.0.12
$ go get
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ dep ensure -vendor-only
$ make
The following will build the release versions of workflow-controller and executor images tagged
with the latest
tag, then push to a personal dockerhub repository, mydockerrepo
$ make controller-image executor-image IMAGE_TAG=latest IMAGE_NAMESPACE=mydockerrepo DOCKER_PUSH=true
Building release versions of the images will be slow during development, since the build happens inside a docker build context, which cannot re-use the golang build cache between builds. To build images quicker (for development purposes), images can be built by adding DEV_IMAGE=true.
$ make controller-image executor-image IMAGE_TAG=latest IMAGE_NAMESPACE=mydockerrepo DOCKER_PUSH=true DEV_IMAGE=true
$ make cli
$ ./dist/argo version
$ helm install argo/argo --set images.namespace=mydockerrepo --set
images.controller workflow-controller:latest