P2FK.IO is a simple .NET API wrapper allowing developers to interact with the Sup!? CLI via the traditional web.
The latest release of Sup!? with CLI can be found here: https://github.com/embiimob/SUP
- create a folder C:\SUP and unzip the latest release into it.
- run SUP.EXE, click the 🗝️ icon, launch and sync both bitcoin wallets.
#LIVE DEMO https://p2fk.io
NOTICE: Update the Wrapper.cs file if you wish to use something other then the following default values #DEFAULTS:
//default mainnet connection info
public string ProdCLIPath = @"C:\SUP\SUP.exe"; // Replace with the actual path to SUP.EXE
public string ProdVersionByte = @"0"; // Replace with the actual version byte
public string ProdRPCURL = @"";
public string ProdRPCUser = "good-user";
public string ProdRPCPassword = "better-password";
//default testnet connection info
public string TestCLIPath = @"C:\SUP\SUP.exe"; // Replace with the actual path to SUP.EXE
public string TestVersionByte = @"111"; // Replace with the actual version byte
public string TestRPCURL = @"";
public string TestRPCUser = "good-user";
public string TestRPCPassword = "better-password";
NOTICE: Update Program.cs if you wish to use images other then what is defaulted or change the titles #DEFAULTS:
//removes the /swagger/ from the path
options.RoutePrefix = string.Empty;
//update to incude your own api and version
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "P2FK.IO V1");
//update to incude your own api
options.DocumentTitle = "P2FK.IO";
//update to use your own images and favicons
options.HeadContent = @"
<link rel=""apple-touch-icon"" sizes=""180x180"" href=""./apple-touch-icon.png"" />
<link rel=""icon"" type=""image/png"" sizes=""32x32"" href=""./favicon-32x32.png"" />
<link rel=""icon"" type=""image/png"" sizes=""16x16"" href=""./favicon-16x16.png"" />
.swagger-ui img {
content: url('./HugPuddle.jpg');
width: 50px;
height: auto;
//added because large json output styling slows down the swagger ui
options.ConfigObject.AdditionalItems["syntaxHighlight"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
["activated"] = false
NOTICE: Requires ASP.NET Core Windows Hosting Bundle. ( install after IIS )