- The code should follow Watson Developer Cloud coding guidances
- The code should follow: https://github.com/airbnb/javascript
- 2 spaces identation
If you encounter an issue with using the labs here, you are welcome to submit a bug report. Before that, please search for similar issues. It's possible somebody has already encountered this issue.
If you want to contribute to the repository, follow these steps:
- Fork the repo.
- Develop code changes.
- Commit your changes.
- Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
The main steps are :
- check pre-requisites on your laptop (Linux, Mac)
- setup your development environment to use Node-RED on localhost
- coding : modify or create a new node using Node-RED on localhost
- commit your work and pull-request
Note : this procedure have been tested on OS X Yosemite
Install a Node version manager if not already done :
- Linux/OS X : use nvm Example :
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash
Using npm, install Node 4 :
nvm install 4.0
- and use it :
nvm use 4.0
Notice : npm is provided along with Node.js
Here are the steps to successfully setup your development environment to contribute to this project
- Fork the main Node-RED Watson project using your GitHub account (ex: @ylecleach)
- Create a work directory that will contains the source code of your fork
mkdir ~/dev/src ; cd ~/dev/src
git clone https://github.com/ylecleach/node-red-node-watson
Notice : replace ylecleach by your own GitHub ID
- create a npm link to your forked project. This will also build this project dependencies.
cd ~/dev/src/node-red-node-watson
npm link
- Install Node-RED on localhost, assuming we install it on ~/dev directory (you can install it in another location as you wish)
cd ~/dev
npm install node-red
- Install your fork project into local Node-RED using npm link:
cd ~/dev
npm link node-red-node-watson
- Starting Node-RED on localhost
cd ~/dev/node_modules/node-red
npm start
- open Node-RED on http://localhost:1880 and check you have the Watson nodes properly installed in the Node-RED palette.
Then you can work on your project locally, update or create nodes, and all you have to do is to stop and start your local Node-RED.
If you need to install co-requisites nodes such as the nodes for dropbox support
cd ~/dev
npm install node-red-node-dropbox
If your want to modify an existing Watson nodes, just search the node in the following file under the node-red / nodes section :
vi ~/dev/src/node-red-node-watson/package.json
If you want to add a watson node, then you have to create an entry such as :
"watson-dialog": "services/dialog/v1.js"
using the same name convention. For example the Watson Dialog Node is composed of these two files :
- services/dialog/v1.js
- services/dialog/v1.html
Please refer to those examples and to the NodeRED.org documentation.