Unit cell ========= - A *crystal* is a solid body which consists of *identical* unit cells (following J.H.). - Unit cells fill the whole space *without* gaps (following J.H.). Each unit cell is mapped into another (identical) unit cell by a translation vector. Unit cells do *not* *overlap* when translated (i.e. unit cells are partition of space into equivalence classes); -- In a "classical" crystal, unit cells fill a 3D space; therefor translation vectors are mathematically vectors in a 3D space. -- yet, interestingly enough, the same model can be applied also to quasi-periodic structures like modulated structures and quasicrystals; in that case the structure is *modelled* as a periodic space filling array of unit cells in *higher* dimensional space (4D, 5D, 6D – more for quasicrystals?); The observed 3D structure is obtained by an irrational 3D cut through this higher dimensional periodic space. Thus, the same definition of unit cell and the same requirements to unit cell apply also in the case of modulated structures and quasicrystals, just the dimensionality differs. NB: I am not sure if this is the only way to model quasicrystals and if every quasicrystal can be modelled in this way; need to consult advances in the field. -- This definition seems to include stuff like Fotonic crystals (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photonic_crystal), which is intended. - Potentially, unit cells can fill space of arbitrary size (so a crystal is not limited in size by its definition and by its periodic nature); we can even talk about "infinite ideal" crystals, but we do not need to: the infinity is *potential* here, not *actual*. Event then, some mathematical formalism *will* assume infinite crystals (e.g. the theory that Fourier transform yields delta-functions); - It is an interesting mathematical fact that such arrays of unit cells *diffract*, i.e. their Fourier transforms have sharp (delta-function shaped?) peaks; - Unit cells *must* have some non-homogeneity in them (atoms, molecules); otherwise we get homogeneous "gas" filling the whole space (that, as we know, does not diffract :) (S.G.) - Aside from being non-homogeneous, unit cells do not need to have any specific structure: they *can* contain atoms (as in the definition of R.A.) at fixed sites (90% of cases), but they can also contain positionally disorder groups (alternative conformations), occupational disorder at fixed sites, disordered regions (e.g. filled with solvent); the cells can contain atoms that vibrate (move scholastically) around they average positions. This disorder, although it (potentially) makes every unit cell different in a physical sample, still allows to speak about *identical* unit cells since, in this model, we assume that disorder is the same in every unit cell, and so unit cells are identical *on* *average* (average in time; average in space). Thus our model of a unit cell is the *average* cell that fills the space. - (H.J. requirements): parameters. The unit cell is defined by three (in 3D space) or N (in N-dim space) linearly independent (non-coplanar) vectors. In the 3D case we most often call them \vec{a}, \vec{b} and \vec{c}. These vectors: a) define translations (a translation group) that map one unit cell in a crystal into some other identical unit cell in the same crystal. b) define the *shape* of a unit cell as a parallelepiped spanned by these 3 vectors; - Additional parameters might be needed: additional parameters are needed to model internal structure of the unit cells can be atom sites, atom thermal displacement factors, atom kinds, atom occupancies, atom shapes, electron density (a 3D array of values) -- NB: *some* parameter is *necessary* since, as mentioned above, the unit cell *must* be non-homogeneous; which parameters are used, however, is not so important. - The periodicity (vectors \vec{a}, \vec{b}, \vec{c}, ...) of unit cells, their identity and their non-homogeneity is what distinguishes the crystal from other forms (models) of matter like glass, liquid, gas, plasma, vacuum, etc. - Additional parameters might be necessary for a crystal model (e.g. temperature), which can be added as needed as long as they are compatible with the model of identical periodically placed unit cells that do not overlap and fill the space without gaps. This seems to capture essential properties and parameters of the unit cell and the crystal...