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Releases: emsig/emg3d

Stable API

28 May 20:45
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Here it is, three months of hard labour lead to v1.0.0!

There are many changes, and they are listed below for each module.

Your existing code will break, and I apologize for it. Please do not hesitate
to get in touch if you have troubles updating your code.

API: With version 1.0 the API becomes stable and you can expect that your
code will work fine for the duration of emg3d v1.x.

  • Removed all deprecated features.
  • Reduced top namespace to principal functions; get_receiver is not in the
    top namespace any longer. It is advised to use directly the field method:
  • Moved to and to
  • Changed principal repo branch from master to main.

Detailed changes by module


  • Because frequencies are now dicts as well in a Survey they have to be named
    by their key instead of their value when selecting data in the parameter
  • Entire configuration is now added to the log file.


  • restrict_weights: New signature.


  • New module containing all sources and receivers. Currently implemented are
    TxElectricDipole, TxMagneticDipole, TxElectricWire,
    RxElectricPoint, and RxMagneticPoint.
  • New class TxElectricWire for an arbitrary electric wire.
  • Receivers can be defined in absolute coordinates, or in coordinates relative
    to source position if they move with the source. Latter makes only sense
    within a Survey/Simulation.
  • dip is new called elevation to make it clear that it is the angle
    positive upwards (anticlockwise from the horizontal plane).
  • Bugfix of the loop area for a magnetic dipole (the area was previously wrong
    except for dipoles of length of 1).
  • Zero source strength does no longer mean "normalized", it means zero
    strength (hence no source).
  • Besides the sources and receivers it contains utilities how to move
    electrodes in the coordinate system (e.g., rotation).


  • fields.Field:

    • Is not a subclassed ndarray any longer; with all its advantages and
      disadvantages. E.g., operations on Field are not possible any longer
      and have to be carried out on Field.field. However, it should be easier
      to maintain and expand in the future.
    • New signature.
    • Knows new its grid. As a consequence, all functions that required
      previously the grid and the field require new only the field;
      e.g., emg3d.fields.get_receiver.
    • Has no property ensure_pec any longer, it is ensured directly in
    • Has new the methods interpolate_to_grid and get_receiver.
  • Renamed parameters in all functions:

    • src to source;
    • freq to frequency;
    • rec to receiver.
  • Removed functions and classes:

    • SourceField; it is just a regular Field now;
    • get_receiver (the name still exists, but it is now what was before
  • Renamed functions and classes (both do not take a grid any longer):

    • get_h_field to get_magnetic_field;
    • fields.get_receiver_response to fields.get_receiver.



  • Changed function and class names:

    • _Map to BaseMap;
    • grid2grid to interpolate (new signature);
    • edges2cellaverages to interp_edges_to_vol_averages (new signature);
    • volume_average to interp_volume_average (new signature);
    • interp3d to interp_spline_3d (new signature).
  • maps.interpolate:

    • Can now be used to interpolate values living on a grid to another grid or
      to points defined either by a tuple or by an ndarray.
    • The implemented interpolation methods are 'nearest' (new), 'linear',
      'cubic', and 'volume'. Volume averaging ('volume') only works for
      grid-to-grid interpolations, not for grid-to-points interpolations.
    • Does not accept entire fields any longer. Entire fields can be mapped with
      their own field.interpolate_to_grid method.
  • Maps cannot be (de-)serialized any longer ({to;from_dict}); simply store
    its name, which can be provided to models.Model.

  • Function rotation should be used for anything involving angles to use
    the defined coordinate system consistently.


  • Changed function and class names:

    • _TensorMesh to BaseMesh;
    • min_cell_width to cell_width.
    • get_origin_widths to origin_and_widths (has new finer loops to fine
      grid sizes than before).
  • meshes.BaseMesh:

    • Reduced to the attributes origin, h, shape_{cells;nodes},
      n_{cells;edges;faces}, n_{edges;faces}_{x;y;z},
      {nodes;cell_centers}_{x;y;z}, shape_{edges;faces}_{x;y;z}, and
      cell_volumes. These are the only required attributes for emg3d.
  • meshes.construct_mesh: domain, vector, distance,
    stretching, min_width_limits, and min_width_pps can now also
    be provided as a dict containing the three keys '{x;y;z}'.

  • meshes.skin_depth takes new mu_r instead of mu.

  • good_mg_cell_nr: max_prime is new max_lowest, as it could also
    be, e.g., 9, which is not a prime.


  • models.Model:

    • Knows new its grid. As a consequence, all the functions that used to
      require the grid and the model require new only the model;
      e.g., emg3d.solver.solve or emg3d.fields.get_magnetic_field.

    • If property_y or property_z are not set they return now None,
      not property_x.

    • If a float is provided for a property it is new expanded to the shape of
      the model, and not kept as a float.

    • Has to be initiated with all desired properties; it cannot be changed
      afterwards. E.g., if it was initiated without electric permittivity, it
      cannot be added afterwards. However, it can be initiated with dummy values
      and adjusted later.

    • Renamed interpolate2grid to interpolate_to_grid.

  • models.VolumeModel: Does not take a grid any longer.


  • Simulation:

    • Works new for electric and magnetic dipole sources as well as electric wire
      sources; electric and magnetic point receivers.
    • Works now as well for surveys that contain receivers which are positioned
      relatively to the source.
    • New signature: no grid any longer, name is new an optional keyword
      parameter, new optional keyword parameter info.
    • Method get_sfield is removed.
  • expand_grid_model and estimate_gridding_opts have new signatures and
    do not take a grid any longer.


  • solver.solve:

    • New signature: no grid any longer; efield and cycle are moved
      to keyword arguments.

    • The defaults for sslsolver, semicoarsening, and linerelaxation
      is new True (before it was False). This is not necessarily the
      fastest setting, but generally the most robust setting.

    • New keyword parameter plain, which is by default False. If it is
      set to True it uses plain multigrid, hence sslsolver=False,
      semicoarsening=False, and linerelaxation=False, unless these
      parameters were set to anything different than True.

    • Some verbosity levels changed (for consistency reasons throughout emg3d).
      The new levels are [old levels in brackets]:

      • -1: Nothing [0]
      • 0: Warnings [1]
      • 1: One-liner at the end [2]
      • 2: One-liner (dynamically updated) [-1]
      • 3: Runtime and information about the method [same]
      • 4: Additional information for each MG-cycle [same]
      • 5: Everything (slower due to additional error computations) [same]

      Level three updates now dynamically, just as level 2.

  • solve_source(): New function, a shortcut for solve(). It takes a
    source and a frequency instead of a sfield, gets the sfield
    internally, and forwards everything to solver.solve.

  • multigrid, krylov, smoothing, restriction, prolongation,
    residual, RegularGridProlongator: New signature, mainly not taking a
    grid any longer.


  • Survey:

    • frequencies is new a dict just like sources and receivers.
    • sources and receivers must be tuples or dicts; lists are no longer
      permitted. For this, the module surveys has new convenience functions
      txrx_coordinates_to_dict and txrx_lists_to_dict.
    • Has no attribute observed any longer; access it just like any other
      data through
    • rec_coords and src_coords attributes changed to the methods
      receiver_coordinates and source_coordinates.
      receiver_coordinates takes an optional source key.
      For relatively located receivers, it returns by default all positions of
      this receiver for all source position. If a source-key is provided it only
      returns the receiver position for this source. This does not affect
      absolutely positioned receivers.
    • Has no attribute rec_types any longer.
    • name is new optional.
    • New optional keywords date and info.
    • noise_floor and relative_error are new stored as data array if they
      are not floats.
    • The keyword fixed has been dropped. To simulate fixed surveys define
      the receivers with a relative offs...
Read more

Magnetics in Simulation

03 Mar 09:55
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  • Simulation:

    • Sources and receivers can now be magnetic, also for the adjoint-state
      gradient (unit loops, not yet arbitrarily loops).
  • fields.get_source_field:

    • The msrc argument introduced in v0.16.0 is renamed to electric, and
      has the opposite meaning. If True, the source is electric, if False, the
      source is magnetic. This was made to streamline the meaning with the
      meaning given in surveys.Dipole. The old parameter msrc is
      deprecated and will be removed. Warning, if msrc was provided as
      positional argument instead of as keyword argument it will now be taken as
      electric, with the opposite meaning (backwards incompatible).
    • The magnetic source was corrected and has the opposite sign now (factor -1;
      backwards incompatible).
  • Bug fixes:

    • Simulation: Stop overwriting synthetic data if provided in the survey to a
    • CLI: Removed configuration info from output data; caused problems when
      storing to h5. This has to be resolved with properly addressing the io
      stuff. Currently only stores the data selection to output data.

Verbosity & Logging

09 Feb 19:50
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  • Solve has a new keyword log, which enables to log the solver messages
    in the returned info dictionary instead of printing them to screen. This is
    utilized in the CLI and in the Simulation class to log the solver info.

  • Survey has a new attribute select, which returns a reduced survey
    containing the selected sources, receivers, and frequencies.

  • CLI:

    • Configuration info is added to output data.
    • Checks now first if all required files and directories exist, and exits
      gracefully otherwise informing the user. (The default thrown Python errors
      would be good enough; but user of the CLI interface might not be familiar
      with Python, so it is better to throw a very simple, clear message.)
    • Log is more verbose with regards to solver (rel. error, time, nr of it.).
  • Dipole throws new an error instead of a warning if it received an unknown

  • Various small things with regard to how things are logged or shown on screen.

  • Changed all DeprecationWarnings to FutureWarnings, meaning they will
    be removed in the next release.

  • Bug fix with regards to data selection in the CLI; moved to Survey (see

Arbitrarily shaped sources

13 Jan 16:30
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  • fields.get_source_field:

    • Arbitrarily shaped sources (and therefore also loops) can now be created by
      providing a src that consists of x-, y-, and z-coordinates of all
      endpoints of the individual segments.

    • Simple "magnetic dipole" sources can now be created by providing a point
      dipole ([x, y, z, azm, dip]) and set msrc=True. This will create a
      square loop of lengthxlength m perpendicular to the defined point
      dipole, hence simulating a magnetic source. Default length is 1 meter.

    • Point dipoles and finite length dipoles were before treated differently.
      Point dipoles are new converted into finite length dipoles of provided
      length (default is 1 meter), and treated as finite length dipoles. This is
      backwards incompatible and means that the source field for point dipoles
      might not be exactly the same as before. However, in any properly set-up
      simulation this should have no influence on the result.

    • Bugfix: Fix floating point issue when the smaller coordinate of a finite
      length dipole source was very close to a node, but not exactly. This is
      done by rounding the grid locations and source position, and the precision
      can be controlled via decimals; default is micrometer.

  • fields: Values outside the grid in get_receiver and
    get_receiver_response are new set to NaN's instead of zeroes.
    Additionally, the first and last values in each direction of the fields are
    ignored, to avoid effects form the boundary condition (receivers should not
    be placed that close to the boundary anyway).

  • simulations:

    • Within the automatic gridding the properties are estimated much more
      conservative now, if not provided: before the log10-average of the last
      slice in a given direction was used; now it uses the maximum resistivity.
      This is usually the air value for x/y and positive z. This is very
      conservative, but avoids that users use too small computational domains in
      the case of land and shallow marine surveys. The downside is that it
      heavily over-estimates the required domain in the deep marine case.
      However, slower but safe is better in this case.
    • New method print_grids, which prints the info of all created grids.
      This is also used for logging in the CLI interface.
  • maps: interp3d takes a new keyword cval, which is passed to

Move to EMSiG

09 Dec 15:04
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Various small things, mostly related to the automatic meshing.

  • New parameter distance for get_origin_widths, as an alternative for
    domain and vector: distance defines the survey domain as distance
    from the center. This is then also available in construct_mesh and
    Simulation, including the CLI.
  • Removed precision from skin_depth, wavelength,
    min_cell_width; all in meshes. It caused problems for high
  • All data is stored in the Survey, not partly in Survey and partly
    in Simulation.
  • Deprecated collect_classes in io.
  • Expanded the what-parameter in the Simulation-class to include
    properties related to the gradient.
  • Moved from to

Fix deploy; take 2

04 Dec 17:08
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Fix deploy; take 2

Bugfix deploy

04 Dec 16:01
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Small bugfix release, as v0.15.0 never got deployed.

  • Fix CI deploy script.
  • Makefile for the most common dev-tasks.

discretize restructure

04 Dec 09:57
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The package discretize went through a major restructuring with many name
changes and consequent deprecations (see below for a list of affected
mesh-properties for emg3d). This version updates emg3d to be compatible
with discretize>=0.6.0 in the long run. It also means that emg3d will, from
emg3d>=0.15.0 onwards, only work with discretize>=0.6.0.

Other notable changes:

  • Bug fix re storing/loading synthetics
  • Moved from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.

The relevant aliases and deprecations for emg3d are (consult the release
notes of discretize for all changes):

Aliases: Aliases (left) remain valid pointers to the new names (right).

  • x0 => origin
  • nC => n_cells
  • vnC => shape_cells
  • nN => n_nodes
  • vnN => shape_nodes
  • nE => n_edges
  • nEx => n_edges_x
  • nEy => n_edges_y
  • nEz => n_edges_z
  • vnE => n_edges_per_direction
  • vnEx => shape_edges_x
  • vnEy => shape_edges_y
  • vnEz => shape_edges_z

Deprecations: Deprecated properties (left) raise a deprecation warning and
will be removed in the future. Currently, they still work and point to the new
names (right).

  • hx => h[0]
  • hy => h[1]
  • hz => h[2]
  • nCx => shape_cells[0]
  • nCy => shape_cells[1]
  • nCz => shape_cells[2]
  • nNx => shape_nodes[0]
  • nNy => shape_nodes[1]
  • nNz => shape_nodes[2]
  • vectorNx => nodes_x
  • vectorNy => nodes_y
  • vectorNz => nodes_z
  • vectorCCx => cell_centers_x
  • vectorCCy => cell_centers_y
  • vectorCCz => cell_centers_z
  • vol => cell_volumes

Bug fix discretize

20 Nov 17:09
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  • Bug fix for discretize>=0.6.0.

Bug fix

18 Nov 11:08
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  • Bug fix for Windows affecting good_mg_cell_nr (int32 issue).