diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fe9924557..bdfd33d3c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ Moreover, "optional extras" means that:
 - the websocket protocol will be handled by `websockets` (should you want to use `wsproto` you'd need to install it manually) if possible.
 - the `--reloader` flag in development mode will use `watchgod`.
 - windows users will have `colorama` installed for the colored logs.
-- `python-dotenv` will be install should you want to use the `--env-file` option. 
+- `python-dotenv` will be installed should you want to use the `--env-file` option.
+- `PyYAML` will be installed to allow you to provide a `.yaml` file to `--log-config`, if desired.
 Create an application, in `example.py`:
diff --git a/docs/deployment.md b/docs/deployment.md
index ed9605a6e..3cf9a9034 100644
--- a/docs/deployment.md
+++ b/docs/deployment.md
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Options:
                                   application interface.  [default: auto]
   --env-file PATH                 Environment configuration file.
   --log-config PATH               Logging configuration file.
+                                  Supported formats (.ini, .json, .yaml)
   --log-level [critical|error|warning|info|debug|trace]
                                   Log level. [default: info]
   --access-log / --no-access-log  Enable/Disable access log.
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index fc3e09591..0991cbc65 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ Options:
                                   application interface.  [default: auto]
   --env-file PATH                 Environment configuration file.
   --log-config PATH               Logging configuration file.
+                                  Supported formats (.ini, .json, .yaml)
   --log-level [critical|error|warning|info|debug|trace]
                                   Log level. [default: info]
   --access-log / --no-access-log  Enable/Disable access log.
diff --git a/docs/settings.md b/docs/settings.md
index 1fc0d028a..617ac63ef 100644
--- a/docs/settings.md
+++ b/docs/settings.md
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ $ pip install uvicorn[watchgodreload]
 ## Logging
-* `--log-config <path>` - Logging configuration file.
+* `--log-config <path>` - Logging configuration file. **Options:** *`dictConfig()` formats: .json, .yaml*. Any other format will be processed with `fileConfig()`. Set the `formatters.default.use_colors` and `formatters.access.use_colors` values to override the auto-detected behavior.
+    * If you wish to use a YAML file for your logging config, you will need to include PyYAML as a dependency for your project or install uvicorn with the `[standard]` optional extras.
 * `--log-level <str>` - Set the log level. **Options:** *'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'.* **Default:** *'info'*.
 * `--no-access-log` - Disable access log only, without changing log level.
-* `--use-colors / --no-use-colors` - Enable / disable colorized formatting of the log records, in case this is not set it will be auto-detected.
+* `--use-colors / --no-use-colors` - Enable / disable colorized formatting of the log records, in case this is not set it will be auto-detected. This option is ignored if the `--log-config` CLI option is used.
 ## Implementation
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 34a91e3fa..4a6d08473 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ websockets==8.*
 # Packaging
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ flake8
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 865b91cc9..2978d31bf 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def get_packages(package):
 minimal_requirements = [
-    "typing-extensions;" + env_marker_below_38
+    "typing-extensions;" + env_marker_below_38,
 extra_requirements = [
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ def get_packages(package):
     "colorama>=0.4.*;" + env_marker_win,
+    "PyYAML>=5.1",
diff --git a/tests/test_config.py b/tests/test_config.py
index ad33707d3..336ff5b8b 100644
--- a/tests/test_config.py
+++ b/tests/test_config.py
@@ -1,14 +1,37 @@
+import json
 import socket
+from copy import deepcopy
 import pytest
+import yaml
 from uvicorn import protocols
-from uvicorn.config import Config
+from uvicorn.config import LOGGING_CONFIG, Config
 from uvicorn.middleware.debug import DebugMiddleware
 from uvicorn.middleware.proxy_headers import ProxyHeadersMiddleware
 from uvicorn.middleware.wsgi import WSGIMiddleware
+def mocked_logging_config_module(mocker):
+    return mocker.patch("logging.config")
+def logging_config():
+    return deepcopy(LOGGING_CONFIG)
+def json_logging_config(logging_config):
+    return json.dumps(logging_config)
+def yaml_logging_config(logging_config):
+    return yaml.dump(logging_config)
 async def asgi_app():
     pass  # pragma: nocover
@@ -77,9 +100,78 @@ async def asgi(receive, send):
-    "app, expected_interface", [(asgi_app, "3.0",), (asgi2_app, "2.0",)]
+    "app, expected_interface", [(asgi_app, "3.0"), (asgi2_app, "2.0")]
 def test_asgi_version(app, expected_interface):
     config = Config(app=app)
     assert config.asgi_version == expected_interface
+    "use_colors, expected",
+    [
+        pytest.param(None, None, id="use_colors_not_provided"),
+        pytest.param(True, True, id="use_colors_enabled"),
+        pytest.param(False, False, id="use_colors_disabled"),
+        pytest.param("invalid", False, id="use_colors_invalid_value"),
+    ],
+def test_log_config_default(mocked_logging_config_module, use_colors, expected):
+    """
+    Test that one can specify the use_colors option when using the default logging
+    config.
+    """
+    config = Config(app=asgi_app, use_colors=use_colors)
+    config.load()
+    mocked_logging_config_module.dictConfig.assert_called_once_with(LOGGING_CONFIG)
+    ((provided_dict_config,), _,) = mocked_logging_config_module.dictConfig.call_args
+    assert provided_dict_config["formatters"]["default"]["use_colors"] == expected
+def test_log_config_json(
+    mocked_logging_config_module, logging_config, json_logging_config, mocker
+    """
+    Test that one can load a json config from disk.
+    """
+    mocked_open = mocker.patch(
+        "uvicorn.config.open", mocker.mock_open(read_data=json_logging_config)
+    )
+    config = Config(app=asgi_app, log_config="log_config.json")
+    config.load()
+    mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("log_config.json")
+    mocked_logging_config_module.dictConfig.assert_called_once_with(logging_config)
+def test_log_config_yaml(
+    mocked_logging_config_module, logging_config, yaml_logging_config, mocker
+    """
+    Test that one can load a yaml config from disk.
+    """
+    mocked_open = mocker.patch(
+        "uvicorn.config.open", mocker.mock_open(read_data=yaml_logging_config)
+    )
+    config = Config(app=asgi_app, log_config="log_config.yaml")
+    config.load()
+    mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("log_config.yaml")
+    mocked_logging_config_module.dictConfig.assert_called_once_with(logging_config)
+def test_log_config_file(mocked_logging_config_module):
+    """
+    Test that one can load a configparser config from disk.
+    """
+    config = Config(app=asgi_app, log_config="log_config")
+    config.load()
+    mocked_logging_config_module.fileConfig.assert_called_once_with(
+        "log_config", disable_existing_loggers=False
+    )
diff --git a/uvicorn/config.py b/uvicorn/config.py
index 4e046de94..f8012fc50 100644
--- a/uvicorn/config.py
+++ b/uvicorn/config.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import asyncio
 import inspect
+import json
 import logging
 import logging.config
 import os
@@ -10,6 +11,14 @@
 import click
+    import yaml
+except ImportError:
+    # If the code below that depends on yaml is exercised, it will raise a NameError.
+    # Install the PyYAML package or the uvicorn[standard] optional dependencies to
+    # enable this functionality.
+    pass
 from uvicorn.importer import ImportFromStringError, import_from_string
 from uvicorn.middleware.asgi2 import ASGI2Middleware
 from uvicorn.middleware.debug import DebugMiddleware
@@ -221,7 +230,17 @@ def configure_logging(self):
                     ] = self.use_colors
+            elif self.log_config.endswith(".json"):
+                with open(self.log_config) as file:
+                    loaded_config = json.load(file)
+                    logging.config.dictConfig(loaded_config)
+            elif self.log_config.endswith(".yaml"):
+                with open(self.log_config) as file:
+                    loaded_config = yaml.safe_load(file)
+                    logging.config.dictConfig(loaded_config)
+                # See the note about fileConfig() here:
+                # https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format
                     self.log_config, disable_existing_loggers=False