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Painting Eye Lashes in 2d

enimaroah edited this page Oct 1, 2019 · 5 revisions

Before doing this tutorial prepare your Gimp with the DDS plugin.

[1]: Open file bo_head_00.unity3d.
[2]: Open Animator p_cf_head_00.
[3]: Switch to the Mesh list, and select cf_O_face and cf_O_eyeline in that order. Select the first submesh of cf_O_eyeline.
[4]: Either switch to the Material list or click directly on cf_m_eyeline_00_up in "Materials used".
[5]: The file bo_head_00.unity3d includes references to other files. But it uses CABinet names and not file names. There is a hint for such file names in the AssetBundle asset. Sb3UGS can dump this information into the Log window.
AssetBundle information and references may or may not have the same order. We need to try.
[6]: Open the correct file. Then refresh the Material editor with a click on the Material again.
[7]: Select the texture from "Textures used" or Texture list.
Select a colour for the UV map. Select uv map "0". Then click "Export".
[8]: Drag an existing eyelashes texture into Gimp or create it in Gimp with the correct dimension.
[9]: Then drag "UVs of cf_O_eyeline[0].png" into Gimp and check that it has its own layer.
[10]: Select your destination texture layer for paiting! Keep within the area marked by the uv map.
[11]: Now we want to delete something from the destination texture. The colours can be painted over, but not the alpha channel. Have the destination texture selected in the Layer tab. Layer menu / Mask / Add Layer Mask... choose "White (full opacity)" then "Add". Paint it pitch black to remove!
[12]: Switch off visibilty of the UV map. Then from the Image menu / "Merge visibile Layers...". You can choose to "Discard invisible layers" to get rid of the UV map.
[13]: From the File menu "Export As...". Change the extension to "dds". From the options of DDS produce the same format that original eyelashes have.
[14]: Drop the texture into Sb3UGS. Select it as source in the Images file list AND in the Texture list (or "Textures used"), then click "Replace". Attention here!!!
[15]: Remember which texture it was and where it came from! Yes, it was an external texture - external to the Animator in the head file. So the replacement took place NOT in the head file but in the external instead! For this reason the change indicator of external texture file is set now. And the head file is still unchanged.
[16]: Switch to the external texture file and save it.