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5c76525 · Mar 22, 2019





A cross-language type library

const { color } = require('enotype');

color('#fff'); // returns "#fff"
color('#xyz'); // throws "A color is required, for instance '#B6D918', '#fff' or '#01b'."
const { color } = require('enotype/es'); // with localized error messages

color('#xyz'); // throws "Se requiere un color, por ejemplo '#B6D918', '#fff' o '#01b'."


npm install enotype


  • Validation and conversion of string representations into language-native types.
  • Implemented as a collection of minimalist functions, so called loaders.
  • Zero-cost localization (currently de, en, es) through statically generated code.
  • Generically usable in a multitude of contexts through a plain and simple design.
  • Standard type library for the eno notation language.



const { boolean } = require('enotype');

boolean('true'); // returns true

'true' returns true.
'false' returns false.
'yes' returns true.
'no' returns false.
'nope' throws an error.


const { color } = require('enotype');

color('#abcdef'); // returns '#abcdef'

'#abcdef' returns '#abcdef'.
'#ABCDEF' returns '#ABCDEF'.
'#012345' returns '#012345'.
'#678' returns '#678'.
'#89a' returns '#89a'.
'#ab' throws an error.
'#abcd' throws an error.
'#abcde' throws an error.
'#bcdefg' throws an error.
'blue' throws an error.


const { commaSeparated } = require('enotype');

commaSeparated('one,two,three'); // returns ['one', 'two', 'three']

'one,two,three' returns ['one', 'two', 'three'].
' one,two,three ' returns ['one', 'two', 'three'].
'one , two , three' returns ['one', 'two', 'three'].
' one , two , three ' returns ['one', 'two', 'three'].
',,' returns ['', '', ''].
'one two three' returns ['one two three'].
'one;two;three' returns ['one;two;three'].
' ' returns [''].


const { date } = require('enotype');

date('1992-02-02'); // returns new Date(Date.UTC(1992, 1, 2))

'1992-02-02' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1992, 1, 2)).
'1990' throws an error.
'1991-01' throws an error.
'1993-03-03T1920+01:00' throws an error.
'1994-04-04T1920:30+01:00' throws an error.
'1995-05-05T1920:30.45+01:00' throws an error.
'1996-06-06T0815:30-05:00' throws an error.
'1997-07-07T1315:30Z' throws an error.
'2002 12 14' throws an error.
'2002-12-14 20:15' throws an error.
'January' throws an error.
'13:00' throws an error.


const { datetime } = require('enotype');

datetime('1990'); // returns new Date(Date.UTC(1990, 0, 1))

'1990' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1990, 0, 1)).
'1991-01' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1991, 0, 1)).
'1992-02-02' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1992, 1, 2)).
'1993-03-03T19:20+01:00' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1993, 2, 3, 18, 20)).
'1994-04-04T19:20:30+01:00' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1994, 3, 4, 18, 20, 30)).
'1995-05-05T19:20:30.45+01:00' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1995, 4, 5, 18, 20, 30, 450)).
'1996-06-06T08:15:30-05:00' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1996, 5, 6, 13, 15, 30)).
'1997-07-07T13:15:30Z' returns new Date(Date.UTC(1997, 6, 7, 13, 15, 30)).
'2002 12 14' throws an error.
'2002-12-14 20:15' throws an error.
'January' throws an error.
'13:00' throws an error.


const { email } = require('enotype');

email('[email protected]'); // returns '[email protected]'

'[email protected]' returns '[email protected]'.
'john.doe@eno-lang' throws an error.
'' throws an error.
'[email protected]' throws an error.


const { float } = require('enotype');

float('42'); // returns 42.0

'42' returns 42.0.
'-42' returns -42.0.
'42.0' returns 42.0.
'42,0' throws an error.
'4 2.0' throws an error.
'fortytwo' throws an error.


const { integer } = require('enotype');

integer('42'); // returns 42

'42' returns 42.
'-42' returns -42.
'42.0' throws an error.
'42,0' throws an error.
'4 2' throws an error.
'fortytwo' throws an error.


const { ipv4 } = require('enotype');

ipv4(''); // returns ''

'' returns ''.
'' returns ''.
'' returns ''.
'' returns ''.
'' throws an error.
'localhost' throws an error.
'4.staging.production.lan' throws an error.


const { json } = require('enotype');

json('{ "valid": true }'); // returns { valid: true }

'{ "valid": true }' returns { valid: true }.
'42' returns 42.
'["valid", true]' returns ['valid', true].
'invalid' throws an error.
'{ invalid: true }' throws an error.
'{ "invalid": true, }' throws an error.


const { latLng } = require('enotype');

latLng('48.205870, 16.413690'); // returns { lat: 48.205870, lng: 16.413690 }

'48.205870, 16.413690' returns { lat: 48.205870, lng: 16.413690 }.
'41.25, -120.9762' returns { lat: 41.25, lng: -120.9762 }.
'-31.96, 115.84' returns { lat: -31.96, lng: 115.84 }.
'90, 0' returns { lat: 90, lng: 0 }.
' 0 , 0 ' returns { lat: 0, lng: 0 }.
'-0,-0' returns { lat: -0, lng: -0 }.
'1000,10' throws an error.
'10,1000' throws an error.
'48.205870,' throws an error.
', 16.413690' throws an error.
'48,205870, 16,413690' throws an error.


const { slug } = require('enotype');

slug('eno-lang-article'); // returns 'eno-lang-article'

'eno-lang-article' returns 'eno-lang-article'.
'eno_lang_article' returns 'eno_lang_article'.
'eno-lang-article!' throws an error.
'%eno-lang-article' throws an error.
'eno lang article' throws an error.
'enö-läng-ärticle' throws an error.
'énó-láng-ártíclé' throws an error.


const { url } = require('enotype');

url(''); // returns ''

'' returns ''.
'' returns ''.
'' returns ''.
'invalid' throws an error.
'www.invalid' throws an error.
'' throws an error.
'htp://' throws an error.
'http:/' throws an error.
'https//' throws an error.
'https://invalid' throws an error.