var UI = require('{%= name %}');
var ui = new UI();
The following example shows how to create a basic input prompt. This example is a greatly simplified version of [prompt-base][].
(This code is also in example.js if you want to run it yourself.)
var cyan = require('ansi-cyan');
var UI = require('{%= name %}');
var ui = new UI();
// first, we need to render the "question"
// to display in the terminal
var prompt = '? foo ';
// on keypress events, re-render the prompt
// along with user input
ui.on('keypress', function() {
ui.render(prompt + ui.rl.line);
// when the "line" event is emitted (from the "enter" keypress)
// we `.end()` to unmute the output stream then pause the readline.
ui.on('line', function(answer) {
ui.render(prompt + cyan(answer));
console.log({color: answer});
{%= apidocs("index.js") %}
Inspired by the "screen manager" code in Inquirer.