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title: 'Solution Templates',
path: path + 'getting-started/landing-page.md',
- {
- title: 'Development Process',
- path: path + 'getting-started/development-concepts.md',
- },
title: 'Entando Architecture',
path: path + 'getting-started/concepts-overview.md',
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title: 'Solution Templates',
path: path + 'getting-started/landing-page.md',
- {
- title: 'Development Process',
- path: path + 'getting-started/development-concepts.md',
- },
title: 'Entando Architecture',
path: path + 'getting-started/concepts-overview.md',
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@@ -12,28 +12,56 @@ only be available by building from source.
Entando is the leading open source **Application Composition Platform** for Kubernetes. It enables parallel teams to accelerate development and innovation of business capabilities on a modern, cloud-native, and Kubernetes-native stack.
-With native support for Javascript app development, a micro frontend and microservices architecture, deployment of apps in containers that can be individually scaled up and down, and automated management of containers with Kubernetes, we simplify the move for enterprises looking to modernize across on-prem and cloud infrastructures.
+It is a distributed and composable environment in which components can be built, scaled and iterated independently, helping teams build agile applications that can adapt to change.
-## Entando Architecture
+On the Entando Platform, development of an application is organized into four stages: Create, Curate, Compose, and Consume. In the simplest terms, you create functional building blocks, curate them into a catalog, compose the blocks onto an app or website, which is then consumed by a user.
-The Entando platform includes the following major elements:
+## Create Components
+The first step in building a modern application on Entando is to design and create each independent component or functional block. Developers can use the [Entando Component Generator](./create/component-gen-overview.md) and [Blueprint](./create/blueprint-features.md) to automate the building and packaging of project files, with the flexibility to customize while using software they are accustomed to. The modular design of apps built on Entando means new business capabilities can be integrated into your application without reworking existing systems.
-- `Entando App Engine`: assemble micro frontends & microservices and compose them on a page.
-- `Entando App Builder`: the user interface to build and design applications.
-- `Entando Component Generator`: provide advanced data modeling capabilities and automatically generate the corresponding microservices and micro frontends.
-- `Entando Component Repository`: a shared, internal repository to encourage code reuse across the enterprise.
-- `Entando Identity Management`: token-based authentication across multiple domains and connect service providers with identity providers.
-- `Entando WCMS`: a web content management system that supports headless CMS.
-- (optional) `Entando Business Automation Bundle`: workflow and task automation including out of the box integration with Red Hat Process Automation Manager (PAM).
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :--------- |
+| [Entando Component Generator](./create/component-gen-overview.md) | [Micro Frontends](../tutorials/create/mfe/) |
+| [Entando Blueprint Feature](./create/blueprint-features.md) | [Microservices](../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md) |
+| [Component Generation Technologies](./create/component-gen-tech.md) | [Build and Publish Project Bundles](../tutorials/create/pb/publish-project-bundle.md) |
-## Why Kubernetes?
+## Curate and Share Components
+On the Entando Platform, Curate and Share means development teams can bundle and share components within a central catalog. Multiple teams can collaborate on a single component or packaged business capabilities (PBCs) and share them across organizations and applications. They can test and assess components for readiness, manage and publish versions, and share metadata for continuous upgrades.
-Instead of you doing the work to ensure your apps and services stay up and running, Kubernetes does the work for you. For each app or service, you can set resource limits, the number of pods you want backing each service, upgrade strategy, and auto-scaling. Kubernetes actively manages your cluster to match your defined resource utilization and ensures your site doesn't go down.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Bundle and Component Descriptors](./curate/ecr-bundle-details.md) | [Install Bundles from a Private Git Repository](../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-git-repo.md) |
+| [Filtering Bundles](./curate/ecr-bundle-filters.md) | [Install Bundle Plugins from a Private Image Repo](../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-images.md) |
+| [Customize Bundle Info in App Builder](./curate/ecr-bundle-presentation-config.md) | |
+| [Bundle Version and Updates FAQ](./curate/ecr-bundle-versions-faq.md) | |
+| [Bundle Uninstall](./curate/ecr-uninstall-flow.md) | |
-::: tip How Google Runs Containers in Production
-Each week, Google deploys over 2 billion containers in production to run all of its services like Gmail, YouTube, and Search. Kubernetes is Google's open source solution to automate the management of containers at scale.
-Over 50% of Fortune 500 companies use Kubernetes with product offerings from Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Cloud Platform (GKE), IBM (Red Hat) OpenShift, Microsoft Azure (AKS), and VMWare Pivotal (PKS).
+## Compose an Application
+The Compose stage is centered around the [Entando App Builder](./compose/app-builder.md), a low-code composition user interface. In the App Builder, application owners can assemble new components or upgrade existing ones with templates, widgets and PBCs. The [Entando Component Manager](./compose/ecm-overview.md) and [Entando Component Repository](./compose/ecr-overview.md) are integrated into the App Builder to manage your components, making the process flexible and agile.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Welcome Wizard](./compose/welcome-wizard.md) | [Page Management](../tutorials/compose/page-management.md) |
+| [Entando Component Repository](./compose/ecr-overview.md) | [Widgets and Fragments](../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md) |
+| [Entando App Builder](./compose/app-builder.md) | [Content Creation](../tutorials/compose/content-tutorial.md) |
+| [Entando Component Manager](./compose/ecm-overview.md) | [Content Templates](../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial.md) |
+| | [Digital Assets](../tutorials/compose/digital-assets-tutorial.md) |
+## Consume Applications
+In the development lifecycle of an application, Consume is the execution stage where users interact with the app. On Entando, the modular design of components and services means they can be scaled individually, or as a whole, according to those interactions. Likewise, content can be updated, engine rules adapted, and upgrades carried out seamlessly. As a result, the development cycle is a continuous process with minimal disruptions and faster time to market.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Accessibility](./consume/accessibility.md) | [External Identity Management System](../tutorials/devops/external-id-management.md) |
+| [Entando Operator](./consume/operator-intro.md) | [Add REST API](../tutorials/devops/add-rest-api.md) |
+| [Entando APIs](./consume/entando-apis.md) | [Invoke Entando core APIs](../tutorials/devops/build-core-image.md) |
+| [Custom Resources](./consume/custom-resources.md) | [Change Default Datasource](../tutorials/devops/change-default-datasource.md) |
+| [Entando Identity Management System](./consume/identity-management.md) | |
+## Learn More
+* [Entando Architecture](./getting-started/concepts-overview.md)
+* [Solutions Templates](./getting-started/landing-page.md)
+* [Getting Started](./getting-started/README.md)
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@@ -10,22 +10,10 @@ sidebarDepth: 2
**Mac:** Entando 7 is not currently compatible with the Apple M1 ARM64 architecture found in some newer Macs.
-## Try Entando
You can set up Entando in two simple steps or install it manually to meet your specific needs.
* [Automatic Install](#automatic-install): The fastest way to locally install and start up Entando in Kubernetes.
* [Manual Install](#manual-install): Useful if you want a shared cluster or a custom local instance.
-Once you're set up, you can [build a simple bundle and create an app](../../tutorials/create/pb/publish-simple-bundle.md) to try out the platform or walk through the [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) in our [App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md). For a more in-depth experience, check out our [Standard Banking Demo](../../tutorials/solution/install-standard-demo.md).
-## Learn about Entando
-Learn about what Entando can do or explore the elements that make developing applications on Kubernetes faster and easier:
-* [Introduction to Entando](../)
-* [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/#learning-paths)
-* [Concepts Overview](../getting-started/concepts-overview.md)
## Automatic Install
Automatically install Entando via the Entando command-line interface (CLI) and prepare a local developer environment with default settings.
@@ -41,21 +29,20 @@ https://multipass.run/#install
curl -sfL https://get.entando.org | bash
-3. The progress of the install will be displayed on the console. Installation can take 10+ minutes depending on how long the Docker images take to download. The sequence of steps performed by the CLI is identical to the manual steps below. To understand what the CLI does, review the manual steps.
+3. The progress of the install is displayed on the console. Installation can take up to 10 minutes, depending on how long the Docker images take to download. The sequence of steps performed by the CLI is identical to the manual steps below. To understand what the CLI does, review the manual steps.
4. The URL to access the Entando App Builder will print to the console once the install completes.
5. Login with username:`admin` and password: `adminadmin`. Refer to [Login to Entando](#login-to-entando) for more information and next steps.
## Manual Install
-Manual installation allows you to configure a shared cluster or customize a local developer environment. The following learn-as-you-go approach gives you a working knowledge of Kubernetes as you get Entando up and running in a local environment. This is a three stage process:
+Manual installation allows you to configure a shared cluster or customize a local developer environment. The following learn-as-you-go approach provides a working knowledge of Kubernetes as you install Entando in a local environment. After downloading the necessary files, your instance of Kubernetes will be up and running in <60 seconds.
+This is a three stage process:
1. [Install Kubernetes](#install-kubernetes)
2. [Prepare the Kubernetes Environment](#prepare-kubernetes)
3. [Deploy Entando](#deploy-entando)
-We've tested a variety of Kubernetes implementations, including Minikube, Minishift, CodeReady Containers, K3s, and Microk8s, to find the optimal combination of low CPU/memory usage, fast startup times, and minimal configuration. After downloading the necessary files, we'll have our own instance of Kubernetes up and running in <60 seconds.
::: tip What's Needed to Run Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is a container orchestrator designed to manage a server cluster. It requires at least one master node running a Linux OS. A lightweight Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) can be created in seconds with Multipass. Choosing a Type 1 hypervisor eliminates a guest OS, maximizing speed and performance.
@@ -113,7 +100,7 @@ multipass launch --name quickstart --cpus 4 --mem 8G --disk 20G
multipass shell quickstart
-#### Run Kubernetes
+### Run Kubernetes
::: tip Why K3s?
K3s is a certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in resource-constrained environments.
@@ -364,9 +351,7 @@ You now have Entando up and running on Kubernetes in your local environment.
## Next Steps
Check out these resources to continue your journey with Entando!
-* **Build Your First Application:** Use the [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) to build your first application via guided prompts.
-* **Try a Tutorial:** Take advantage of the [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/#learning-paths), which organize a few of the most popular tutorials by user type.
+* **Try a Tutorial:** Take advantage of the [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/), which organize a few of the most popular tutorials by user type.
* **Dig Deeper into Entando Concepts:** Review the [Docs](../) sections to more deeply understand the Entando building blocks.
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# Entando Architecture Concepts
-A portal, website, web app, or mobile app built with Entando is called an Entando application.
-An Entando application is an assembly of out of the box and/or custom built components running on the
-Entando Platform. Components can be widgets, micro frontends, microservices, page templates, WCMS content or WCMS content types.
+Entando simplifies the process for enterprises looking to modernize across on-prem and cloud infrastructures with native support for Javascript app development, micro frontend and microservices architecture, deployment of apps in scalable containers, and automated management of containers with Kubernetes.
+This document explores the architecture of the platform and some notable runtime characteristics.
+- [Entando App Engine](#entando-app-engine)
+- [Entando App Builder](#entando-app-builder)
+- [Entando Component Generator](#entando-component-generator)
+- [Entando Component Repository (ECR)](#entando-component-repository)
+- [Entando Identity Management](#entando-identity-management)
+- [Entando WCMS](#entando-wcms)
+- [Entando Cluster Citizens](#entando-cluster-citizens)
+- [Entando Ingresses](#entando-ingresses)
+> Note: A portal, website, web app, or mobile app built with Entando is called an Entando Application.
+An Entando Application is an assembly of out-of-the-box and/or custom built components running on the
+Platform. Components can be widgets, micro frontends, microservices, page templates, WCMS content or WCMS content types.
## Entando App Engine
-The Entando App Engine is the heart of the Entando Platform by providing the primary out-of-the-box services for
+The Entando App Engine is the heart of the Platform, providing the primary out-of-the-box services for
developing applications. Key features:
-* Expose the APIs the Entando App Builder uses to provide the page and content management interface for your application.
-* Handle the work of assembling micro frontends and microservices and combining them on specific pages as defined by the Entando App Builder.
+* Expose the APIs that the Entando App Builder uses to deliver the page and content management interface for your application.
+* Assemble and coordinate micro frontends and microservices to make them available in the App Builder for use on specific pages.
* Provide the data access layer to persist the page and application design.
* Manage the cluster infrastructure.
See also: [APIs tutorial](../consume/entando-apis.md)
## Entando App Builder
-The [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) is the feature-rich management interface used to design and build pages for Entando applications.
+The [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) is the feature-rich user interface to design and build pages, manage content, and utilize the component hub for building applications.
See also: [Widget Tutorial](../../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md)
## Entando Component Generator
The Entando Component Generator is Entando's implementation of [JHipster](https://www.jhipster.tech/) that allows users to
-quickly and efficiently generate the skeleton of an Entando Component. The Entando Component Generator provides advanced
-data modeling capabilities including object relational mapping and automatic generation of micro frontends and microservices.
+quickly and efficiently generate the skeleton of an Entando Component. The generator provides advanced
+data modeling capabilities, including object relational mapping and automatic generation of micro frontends and microservices.
The generated skeleton serves as a starting point to help a development team swiftly meet the needs of the business.
See also: [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md)
-## Entando Component Repository
-The [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) (ECR) is used to store and retrieve shareable components so they can be used in multiple
-Entando applications across the enterprise.
+## Entando Component Repository
+The [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) is used to store and retrieve shareable components so they can be used in multiple
+Entando applications across an enterprise.
## Entando Identity Management
-[Entando Identity Management](../consume/identity-management.md) is the [Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/)-based token-based authentication mechanism used by the
-Entando platform. It provides the ability to add Single Sign On capabilities across multiple domains and to connect service
+[Entando Identity Management](../consume/identity-management.md) is the [Keycloak-](https://www.keycloak.org/) and token-based authentication mechanism used by the
+Platform. With the ability to add Single Sign On capabilities across multiple domains, it connects service
providers with identity providers.
See also: [Entando Authentication](../../tutorials/create/mfe/authentication.md)
## Entando WCMS
The Entando Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a lightweight content and digital asset management system with support
-for headless operation. It allows management of widgets and html fragments so they can be placed within an Entando application.
+for headless operations. It manages widgets, html fragments, and other content types to be used in an application.
See also: [Content Types](../../tutorials/compose/content-types-tutorial) or [Content Templates](../../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial)
## Entando Cluster Citizens
-The purpose of this guide is to give an overview of the members of an Entando cluster and their role.
-### Architecture Diagram
+The following is an overview of the members of an Entando cluster and their roles.
-Let’s start with a picture of an Entando cluster and how the various
-members interact with each other.
+### Architecture -Members of the Cluster

-### Members of the Cluster
-An Entando cluster is composed of various citizens which interact with
-each other. Most of these citizens have a Custom Resource Definition
-file associated with them and are deployable on Kubernetes using the
+This picture of an Entando cluster shows how the various citizens interact with each other. Most of the citizens have a Custom Resource Definition
+file associated with them. They are deployed on Kubernetes, through the
Entando operator and controllers.
#### EntandoApp
-An Entando application is composed of three parts:
+The EntandoApp is composed of three parts:
-1. **Entando App Builder**: the user interface to customize and build an Entando application, as well as interact with the Entando Component Repository.
+1. **Entando App Builder**: the user interface to build and customize an application.
-2. **Entando App Engine**: the backend APIs providing access to Entando
+2. **Entando App Engine**: the backend APIs providing access to
-3. **Entando Component Manager**: the service providing the Entando
- Component Repository functionality, e.g. listing the available
- bundles, install/uninstall a bundle, etc.
+3. **Entando Component Manager (ECM)**: the service integrating the ECR into the App Builder providing bundle management for deploying and versioning components.
-The interaction between these three components (and the rest of the
-Entando cluster) use the authorization/authentication features provided
-by Keycloak.
+The interaction between these three components, and the rest of the cluster, use the authorization/authentication features provided by Keycloak.
#### Entando Component Manager
-As briefly introduced before, the [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) is able to
-list the EntandoDeBundles accessible from the EntandoApp and provide the
-install/uninstall services to install a bundle on an Entando App. All of
-these services are made possible by the communication with the Entando
-Kubernetes service, the only service of the Entando ecosystem (other
-than the operator itself) able to interact with the cluster and some of
-the Entando Custom Resources.
+The [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) lists the EntandoDeBundles accessible from the EntandoApp and provides the install/uninstall/upgrade/downgrade services to manage a bundle. The K8s service communicates with the cluster to provide these services. It is the only service, other than the operator, that can interact with the cluster and the required custom resources.
#### Entando Kubernetes Service
-The Entando Kubernetes Service is part of the Entando cluster
-infrastructure custom resource, and provides an access point to some of
+The Entando Kubernetes integration service is part of the cluster
+infrastructure custom resource. It provides an access point to some of
the custom resources defined by Entando, in particular:
-- Entando applications
+- Entando Applications
- Entando plugins
- Entando links
- Entando Component Repository bundles
-Some of the main services provided by the Entando Kubernetes Service
+Some of the main services provided by the Entando Kubernetes service
- Provide a list of the available EntandoDeBundles to the
- component-manager
-- Deploy a plugin during the installation of a bundle or discovery of
- an already available plugin and expose that to an app
+- Deploy a plugin during the installation of a bundle or expose
+ an already available plugin
- Create a link between an EntandoApp and an EntandoPlugin to expose
- the plugin’s APIs to the EntandoApp and the micro frontends (MFEs)
+ the plugin’s APIs to the EntandoApp and the MFEs
-#### Entando Component Repository Bundles
+#### EntandoDeBundle
An EntandoDeBundle - or Component Repository bundle - is a package with
-a set of Entando components and resources. The Entando Component Manager
-is able to read these kinds of packages and install the components to
-extend the functionalities of an EntandoApp. For more details on the
+a set of Entando components and resources. The ECM
+can identify the packages and install the components to
+extend the functionality of an EntandoApp. For more details on the
EntandoDeBundle and the Entando Component Repository, check the
-[Component Repository Overview](../compose/ecr-overview.md)
+[Component Repository Overview](../compose/ecr-overview.md).
#### Entando Plugin
An Entando plugin is a microservice that exposes APIs reusable by one or
-more Entando apps. Usually the plugin services are exposed to the
-Entando developer and the end users via micro frontends. Check the
-[micro frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/react) tutorials for more details. You can
-quickly generate an Entando plugin using the [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md). The generated project will be ready to work in an Entando environment providing the
-integration with Keycloak, generating a set of default micro frontends
-and exposing the plugin’s logic via an EntandoDeBundle (check the
-references for details).
+more Entando apps. Usually the plugin services are exposed to the developer and end users via micro frontends. Check the
+[micro frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/react) tutorial for more details. You can
+quickly generate an Entando plugin using the [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md). The generated project will be ready to work in an Entando environment, providing Keycloak integration, a set of default micro frontends,
+and exposing the plugin via an EntandoDeBundle.
#### Keycloak
Keycloak is responsible for authorization and
authentication on Entando. All members of an Entando cluster interact with
-Keycloak to verify user/service authorization to perform any specific
-task. Check out the references below for more details on Keycloak.
+Keycloak to verify user/service authorization in performing any
+task. More details on Keycloak are below.
## Entando Ingresses
### What is an Ingress?
-An Ingress is a Kubernetes resource which purpose is to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.
+An ingress is a Kubernetes resource that exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within it. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the ingress resource.
### How Ingresses are used in an Entando Cluster
-When deploying an Entando Cluster, ingresses are generated for the resources that requires to be exposed to the outside world. The process of creating an ingress, setup the correct routes and the certificates is done by the via the Entando Operator and the entando custom resource controllers.
+When deploying a cluster, ingresses are generated for the resources that require exposure to the outside world. The Entando Operator and custom resource controllers create the ingresses and set the correct routes and certificates.
#### Keycloak Ingress
-A dedicated ingress is created for Keycloak to expose the authentication and authorization functionalities. A dedicated ingress is required to guarantee that both token issuing and token validation work correctly, even when the services using the Keycloak instance are on different namespaces.
+A dedicated ingress is created for Keycloak to expose the authentication and authorization functionalities. This is required to guarantee that both token issuing and validation work correctly, even when the services using the Keycloak instance are in different namespaces.
#### EntandoApp Ingress
-Another ingress is automatically created to expose App Builder, App Engine and the Entando Component Manager, a service part of the ECR.
+An ingress is automatically created to expose the App Builder, App Engine and ECM.
The three containers are served under the same domain. This is beneficial since they are able to interact without cross-origin issues.
-The Entando App ingress is also used when linking an Entando Plugin with and Entando App, operation that usually happens when a bundle containing an Entando Plugin is installed via the ECR in an Entando App. Check out the dedicated section for details.
+The EntandoApp ingress is also used when linking a plugin with an EntandoApp, which occurs when a bundle containing the plugin is installed via the ECR.
#### Entando Plugin Ingress
-Entando Plugins are automatically exposed via an ingress when deployed in an Entando Cluster.
+Plugins are automatically exposed via an ingress when deployed in an Entando cluster.
### Default Ingress HTTP Routes
-In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each ingress
+This table lists the default routes exposed for each ingress.
@@ -187,7 +178,7 @@ In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each
Keycloak |
-Entando App ingress |
+EntandoApp ingresses |
App engine |
@@ -211,36 +202,36 @@ In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each
-**Note**: The Entando plugin variable `ingressPath` is defined in the Entando Plugin custom resource under the `spec` element. The plugin ingress path is also used to expose the plugin within the EntandoApp domain.
+>Note: The Entando plugin variable `ingressPath` is defined in the plugin custom resource under the `spec` element. The plugin ingress path is also used to expose the plugin within the EntandoApp domain.
### Exposing Plugins in the EntandoApp Domain
-The process of exposing an Entando Plugin under the same domain (ingress) of the Entando App is made possible from the creation of an `EntandoAppPluginLink` custom resource and the corresponding controller.
+Exposing a plugin under the same domain (ingress) of the EntandoApp is done through the `EntandoAppPluginLink` custom resource and the corresponding controller.
-Once the link between the Entando App and the Entando Plugin is created, the controller reads the specification of the link and automatically creates the HTTP routes in the Entando App so that the plugin is exposed on the same domain as the App builder, App engine and Component Manager.
+Once the link between the EntandoApp and the plugin is created, the controller reads the specification of the link and automatically creates the HTTP routes in the EntandoApp so that the plugin is exposed in the same domain as the App Builder, App Engine and Component Manager.
-This allows the micro frontend developers, who need access to the plugin, to disregard CORS policy and the full path where the plugin is exposed. The plugin can be referenced using relative URLs.
+This allows micro frontend developers, who need access to the plugin, to disregard CORS policy and the full path where the plugin is exposed. The plugin can be referenced using relative URLs.
-### How to Check Ingresses in my Cluster
+### How to Check Ingresses in My Cluster
-#### Using the Openshift Dashboard
+#### Using the OpenShift Dashboard
-On the Openshift dashboard, ingresses are not exposed directly as pods and deployments. The dashboard provides direct access to the Ingress Routes (or simply routes) under the `Applications` → `Routes` menu.
+On the OpenShift dashboard, ingresses are not exposed directly as pods and deployments. The dashboard provides direct access to the ingress routes under the `Applications` → `Routes` menu.

-To see the ingress resources, you need to access them from the `Resources` → `Other resources` menu. From the dropdown, select the `Ingress` resource and you should be able to see the ingress available on that specific project/namespace.
+To see the ingress resources, access them from the `Resources` → `Other resources` menu. From the drop-down, select the `Ingress` resource and you should see the ingress available in that specific project/namespace.

#### Using kubectl from the Command Line
-Once you know the namespace(s) where your Entando Cluster is deployed, use the following command from the command line.
+Once you know the namespace(s) where your cluster is deployed, use the following command from the command line:
kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n YOUR-NAMESPACE
-Here an example of the result in a test namespace
+Here is an example of the result in a test namespace:
> kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n local
@@ -250,7 +241,7 @@ quickstart-ingress quickstart. 19
-To get more details about a specific ingress, you can use the `get` command specifying the ingress name you want to check and the `yaml` output format.
+For more details about a specific ingress, use the `get` command, specifying the ingress name you want to check and the `yaml` output format.
> kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n local qst-ingress -o yaml
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-# Development Process on Entando
-With the Entando Platform, the development of an application is organized into four distinct stages: Create, Curate, Compose, and Consume. In the simplest terms, you **create** functional building blocks, **curate** them into a catalog, **compose** the blocks onto a page or a website, which is then **consumed** in an application.
-Entando provides a distributed and composable environment in which components can be independently built, scaled and iterated. This process enables parallel teams to accelerate development and innovation on a cloud- and Kubernetes-native stack.
-## Create Components
-The first step in building a modern application on Entando is to design and create each independent component or functional block. Developers can use the [Entando Component Generator](../create/component-gen-overview.md) and [Blueprint](../create/blueprint-features.md) to automate the building and packaging of project files, with the flexibility to customize. The modular design of apps built on Entando means new business capabilities can be integrated into your application without reworking existing systems.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :--------- |
-| [Entando Component Generator](../create/component-gen-overview.md) | [Micro Frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/) |
-| [Entando Blueprint Feature](../create/blueprint-features.md) | [Microservices](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md) |
-| [Component Generation Technologies](../create/component-gen-tech.md) | [Build and Publish Project Bundles](../../tutorials/create/pb/publish-project-bundle.md) |
-## Curate and Share Components
-On the Entando Platform, Curate and Share means development teams can bundle and share components within a central catalog. Multiple teams or groups can collaborate on single components or a whole packaged business capability (PBC) across organizations and applications. They can test and assess components for readiness, manage and publish versions and share metadata for continuous upgrades.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Bundle and Component Descriptors](../curate/ecr-bundle-details.md) | [Install Bundles from a Private Git Repository](../../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-git-repo.md) |
-| [Filtering Bundles](../curate/ecr-bundle-filters.md) | [Install Bundle Plugins from a Private Image Repo](../../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-images.md) |
-| [Customize Bundle Info in App Builder](../curate/ecr-bundle-presentation-config.md) | |
-| [Bundle Version and Updates FAQ](../curate/ecr-bundle-versions-faq.md) | |
-| [Bundle Uninstall](../curate/ecr-uninstall-flow.md) | |
-## Compose an Application
-The Compose stage on Entando is centered around the [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md), a low-code composition user interface. In the App Builder, application owners can assemble new components or upgrade existing ones with templates, widgets and fully functional PBCs. The [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) and [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) are integrated into the App Builder, making the composing process flexible and agile by managing all your components there.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) | [Page Management](../../tutorials/compose/page-management.md) |
-| [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) | [Widgets and Fragments](../../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md) |
-| [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) | [Content Creation](../../tutorials/compose/content-tutorial.md) |
-| [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) | [Content Templates](../../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial.md) |
-| | [Digital Assets](../../tutorials/compose/digital-assets-tutorial.md) |
-## Consume Applications
-In the development lifecycle of an application, Consume is the execution stage where end users interact with the app to complete certain tasks. On Entando, the modular design of the components and services means each can be scaled individually or as a whole, according to those interactions. Likewise, content can be added or changed, engine rules adapted and upgrades made seamlessly. As a result, the development cycle is a continuous process with minimal disruptions and faster time to market.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Accessibility](../consume/accessibility.md) | [External Identity Management System](../../tutorials/devops/external-id-management.md) |
-| [Entando Operator](../consume/operator-intro.md) | [Add REST API](../../tutorials/devops/add-rest-api.md) |
-| [Entando APIs](../consume/entando-apis.md) | [Invoke Entando core APIs](../../tutorials/devops/build-core-image.md) |
-| [Custom Resources](../consume/custom-resources.md) | [Change Default Datasource](../../tutorials/devops/change-default-datasource.md) |
-| [Entando Identity Management System](../consume/identity-management.md) | |
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@@ -8,17 +8,10 @@ only be available by building from source.
# Learning Paths
+Entando simplifies the development of composable applications deployed on Kubernetes. Entando supports end-to-end modularity, with frontend and microservice architectures for codebases that are easier to understand, maintain, and debug across large, distributed teams.
-::: tip Entando simplifies the development of modern apps:
+Check out the learning paths below to find step-by-step tutorials for the most common tasks, organized by architecture and level of complexity.
-1. Built using modern JavaScript frameworks
-2. Backed by microservices deployed in containers, and
-3. Orchestrated by Kubernetes for fully automated DevOps lifecycles
-Entando supports full stack micro frontend and microservice architectures for codebases that are easier to understand, maintain, and debug across large, distributed teams, and comes with a private component repository that makes it easy for teams to share and reuse components.
-Use the navigation on the left to find step-by-step tutorials for common tasks or check out our learning paths below for a more structured approach.
## Frontend Development
@@ -59,4 +52,5 @@ table th:nth-of-type(3) {
| [Set Up Entando on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)](./getting-started/azure-install.md) |[Connect Your Entando Application to an External Database](./devops/external-db.md) | [Manage NGINX](./devops/manage-nginx.md)
| [Set Up Entando on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)](./getting-started/gke-install.md) | [Install the Standard Demo Application](./solution/install-standard-demo.md)| [Setup Plugin Profiles](./devops/plugin-configuration.md)
| [Set Up Entando on Red Hat OpenShift](./getting-started/openshift-install.md) | [Configure the Entando Operator](./devops/entando-operator.md) |
+| [Entando CLI Reference](../docs/reference/entando-cli.md) | |
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Entando is the leading open source **Application Composition Platform** for Kubernetes. It enables parallel teams to accelerate development and innovation of business capabilities on a modern, cloud-native, and Kubernetes-native stack.
-With native support for Javascript app development, a micro frontend and microservices architecture, deployment of apps in containers that can be individually scaled up and down, and automated management of containers with Kubernetes, we simplify the move for enterprises looking to modernize across on-prem and cloud infrastructures.
-## Entando Architecture
-The Entando platform includes the following major elements:
-- `Entando App Engine`: assemble micro frontends & microservices and compose them on a page.
-- `Entando App Builder`: the user interface to build and design applications.
-- `Entando Component Generator`: provide advanced data modeling capabilities and automatically generate the corresponding microservices and micro frontends.
-- `Entando Component Repository`: a shared, internal repository to encourage code reuse across the enterprise.
-- `Entando Identity Management`: token-based authentication across multiple domains and connect service providers with identity providers.
-- `Entando WCMS`: a web content management system that supports headless CMS.
-- (optional) `Entando Business Automation Bundle`: workflow and task automation including out of the box integration with Red Hat Process Automation Manager (PAM).
-## Why Kubernetes?
-Instead of you doing the work to ensure your apps and services stay up and running, Kubernetes does the work for you. For each app or service, you can set resource limits, the number of pods you want backing each service, upgrade strategy, and auto-scaling. Kubernetes actively manages your cluster to match your defined resource utilization and ensures your site doesn't go down.
-::: tip How Google Runs Containers in Production
-Each week, Google deploys over 2 billion containers in production to run all of its services like Gmail, YouTube, and Search. Kubernetes is Google's open source solution to automate the management of containers at scale.
-Over 50% of Fortune 500 companies use Kubernetes with product offerings from Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Cloud Platform (GKE), IBM (Red Hat) OpenShift, Microsoft Azure (AKS), and VMWare Pivotal (PKS).
+It is a distributed and composable environment in which components can be built, scaled and iterated independently, helping teams build agile applications that can adapt to change.
+On the Entando Platform, development of an application is organized into four stages: Create, Curate, Compose, and Consume. In the simplest terms, you create functional building blocks, curate them into a catalog, compose the blocks onto an app or website, which is then consumed by a user.
+## Create Components
+The first step in building a modern application on Entando is to design and create each independent component or functional block. Developers can use the [Entando Component Generator](./create/component-gen-overview.md) and [Blueprint](./create/blueprint-features.md) to automate the building and packaging of project files, with the flexibility to customize while using software they are accustomed to. The modular design of apps built on Entando means new business capabilities can be integrated into your application without reworking existing systems.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :--------- |
+| [Entando Component Generator](./create/component-gen-overview.md) | [Micro Frontends](../tutorials/create/mfe/) |
+| [Entando Blueprint Feature](./create/blueprint-features.md) | [Microservices](../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md) |
+| [Component Generation Technologies](./create/component-gen-tech.md) | [Build and Publish Project Bundles](../tutorials/create/pb/publish-project-bundle.md) |
+## Curate and Share Components
+On the Entando Platform, Curate and Share means development teams can bundle and share components within a central catalog. Multiple teams can collaborate on a single component or packaged business capabilities (PBCs) and share them across organizations and applications. They can test and assess components for readiness, manage and publish versions, and share metadata for continuous upgrades.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Bundle and Component Descriptors](./curate/ecr-bundle-details.md) | [Install Bundles from a Private Git Repository](../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-git-repo.md) |
+| [Filtering Bundles](./curate/ecr-bundle-filters.md) | [Install Bundle Plugins from a Private Image Repo](../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-images.md) |
+| [Customize Bundle Info in App Builder](./curate/ecr-bundle-presentation-config.md) | |
+| [Bundle Version and Updates FAQ](./curate/ecr-bundle-versions-faq.md) | |
+| [Bundle Uninstall](./curate/ecr-uninstall-flow.md) | |
+## Compose an Application
+The Compose stage is centered around the [Entando App Builder](./compose/app-builder.md), a low-code composition user interface. In the App Builder, application owners can assemble new components or upgrade existing ones with templates, widgets and PBCs. The [Entando Component Manager](./compose/ecm-overview.md) and [Entando Component Repository](./compose/ecr-overview.md) are integrated into the App Builder to manage your components, making the process flexible and agile.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Welcome Wizard](./compose/welcome-wizard.md) | [Page Management](../tutorials/compose/page-management.md) |
+| [Entando Component Repository](./compose/ecr-overview.md) | [Widgets and Fragments](../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md) |
+| [Entando App Builder](./compose/app-builder.md) | [Content Creation](../tutorials/compose/content-tutorial.md) |
+| [Entando Component Manager](./compose/ecm-overview.md) | [Content Templates](../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial.md) |
+| | [Digital Assets](../tutorials/compose/digital-assets-tutorial.md) |
+## Consume Applications
+In the development lifecycle of an application, Consume is the execution stage where users interact with the app. On Entando, the modular design of components and services means they can be scaled individually, or as a whole, according to those interactions. Likewise, content can be updated, engine rules adapted, and upgrades carried out seamlessly. As a result, the development cycle is a continuous process with minimal disruptions and faster time to market.
+| Documentation | Tutorials |
+| :------------ | :-------- |
+| [Accessibility](./consume/accessibility.md) | [External Identity Management System](../tutorials/devops/external-id-management.md) |
+| [Entando Operator](./consume/operator-intro.md) | [Add REST API](../tutorials/devops/add-rest-api.md) |
+| [Entando APIs](./consume/entando-apis.md) | [Invoke Entando core APIs](../tutorials/devops/build-core-image.md) |
+| [Custom Resources](./consume/custom-resources.md) | [Change Default Datasource](../tutorials/devops/change-default-datasource.md) |
+| [Entando Identity Management System](./consume/identity-management.md) | |
+## Learn More
+* [Entando Architecture](./getting-started/concepts-overview.md)
+* [Solutions Templates](./getting-started/landing-page.md)
+* [Getting Started](./getting-started/README.md)
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**Mac:** Entando 7 is not currently compatible with the Apple M1 ARM64 architecture found in some newer Macs.
-## Try Entando
You can set up Entando in two simple steps or install it manually to meet your specific needs.
* [Automatic Install](#automatic-install): The fastest way to locally install and start up Entando in Kubernetes.
* [Manual Install](#manual-install): Useful if you want a shared cluster or a custom local instance.
-Once you're set up, you can [build a simple bundle and create an app](../../tutorials/create/pb/publish-simple-bundle.md) to try out the platform or walk through the [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) in our [App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md). For a more in-depth experience, check out our [Standard Banking Demo](../../tutorials/solution/install-standard-demo.md).
-## Learn about Entando
-Learn about what Entando can do or explore the elements that make developing applications on Kubernetes faster and easier:
-* [Introduction to Entando](../)
-* [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/#learning-paths)
-* [Concepts Overview](../getting-started/concepts-overview.md)
## Automatic Install
Automatically install Entando via the Entando command-line interface (CLI) and prepare a local developer environment with default settings.
@@ -41,21 +29,20 @@ https://multipass.run/#install
curl -sfL https://get.entando.org | bash
-3. The progress of the install will be displayed on the console. Installation can take 10+ minutes depending on how long the Docker images take to download. The sequence of steps performed by the CLI is identical to the manual steps below. To understand what the CLI does, review the manual steps.
+3. The progress of the install is displayed on the console. Installation can take up to 10 minutes, depending on how long the Docker images take to download. The sequence of steps performed by the CLI is identical to the manual steps below. To understand what the CLI does, review the manual steps.
4. The URL to access the Entando App Builder will print to the console once the install completes.
5. Login with username:`admin` and password: `adminadmin`. Refer to [Login to Entando](#login-to-entando) for more information and next steps.
## Manual Install
-Manual installation allows you to configure a shared cluster or customize a local developer environment. The following learn-as-you-go approach gives you a working knowledge of Kubernetes as you get Entando up and running in a local environment. This is a three stage process:
+Manual installation allows you to configure a shared cluster or customize a local developer environment. The following learn-as-you-go approach provides a working knowledge of Kubernetes as you install Entando in a local environment. After downloading the necessary files, your instance of Kubernetes will be up and running in <60 seconds.
+This is a three stage process:
1. [Install Kubernetes](#install-kubernetes)
2. [Prepare the Kubernetes Environment](#prepare-kubernetes)
3. [Deploy Entando](#deploy-entando)
-We've tested a variety of Kubernetes implementations, including Minikube, Minishift, CodeReady Containers, K3s, and Microk8s, to find the optimal combination of low CPU/memory usage, fast startup times, and minimal configuration. After downloading the necessary files, we'll have our own instance of Kubernetes up and running in <60 seconds.
::: tip What's Needed to Run Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is a container orchestrator designed to manage a server cluster. It requires at least one master node running a Linux OS. A lightweight Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) can be created in seconds with Multipass. Choosing a Type 1 hypervisor eliminates a guest OS, maximizing speed and performance.
@@ -113,7 +100,7 @@ multipass launch --name quickstart --cpus 4 --mem 8G --disk 20G
multipass shell quickstart
-#### Run Kubernetes
+### Run Kubernetes
::: tip Why K3s?
K3s is a certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in resource-constrained environments.
@@ -364,9 +351,7 @@ You now have Entando up and running on Kubernetes in your local environment.
## Next Steps
Check out these resources to continue your journey with Entando!
-* **Build Your First Application:** Use the [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) to build your first application via guided prompts.
-* **Try a Tutorial:** Take advantage of the [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/#learning-paths), which organize a few of the most popular tutorials by user type.
+* **Try a Tutorial:** Take advantage of the [Learning Paths](../../tutorials/), which organize a few of the most popular tutorials by user type.
* **Dig Deeper into Entando Concepts:** Review the [Docs](../) sections to more deeply understand the Entando building blocks.
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# Entando Architecture Concepts
-A portal, website, web app, or mobile app built with Entando is called an Entando application.
-An Entando application is an assembly of out of the box and/or custom built components running on the
-Entando Platform. Components can be widgets, micro frontends, microservices, page templates, WCMS content or WCMS content types.
+Entando simplifies the process for enterprises looking to modernize across on-prem and cloud infrastructures with native support for Javascript app development, micro frontend and microservices architecture, deployment of apps in scalable containers, and automated management of containers with Kubernetes.
+This document explores the architecture of the platform and some notable runtime characteristics.
+- [Entando App Engine](#entando-app-engine)
+- [Entando App Builder](#entando-app-builder)
+- [Entando Component Generator](#entando-component-generator)
+- [Entando Component Repository (ECR)](#entando-component-repository)
+- [Entando Identity Management](#entando-identity-management)
+- [Entando WCMS](#entando-wcms)
+- [Entando Cluster Citizens](#entando-cluster-citizens)
+- [Entando Ingresses](#entando-ingresses)
+> Note: A portal, website, web app, or mobile app built with Entando is called an Entando Application.
+An Entando Application is an assembly of out-of-the-box and/or custom built components running on the
+Platform. Components can be widgets, micro frontends, microservices, page templates, WCMS content or WCMS content types.
## Entando App Engine
-The Entando App Engine is the heart of the Entando Platform by providing the primary out-of-the-box services for
+The Entando App Engine is the heart of the Platform, providing the primary out-of-the-box services for
developing applications. Key features:
-* Expose the APIs the Entando App Builder uses to provide the page and content management interface for your application.
-* Handle the work of assembling micro frontends and microservices and combining them on specific pages as defined by the Entando App Builder.
+* Expose the APIs that the Entando App Builder uses to deliver the page and content management interface for your application.
+* Assemble and coordinate micro frontends and microservices to make them available in the App Builder for use on specific pages.
* Provide the data access layer to persist the page and application design.
* Manage the cluster infrastructure.
See also: [APIs tutorial](../consume/entando-apis.md)
## Entando App Builder
-The [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) is the feature-rich management interface used to design and build pages for Entando applications.
+The [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) is the feature-rich user interface to design and build pages, manage content, and utilize the component hub for building applications.
See also: [Widget Tutorial](../../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md)
## Entando Component Generator
The Entando Component Generator is Entando's implementation of [JHipster](https://www.jhipster.tech/) that allows users to
-quickly and efficiently generate the skeleton of an Entando Component. The Entando Component Generator provides advanced
-data modeling capabilities including object relational mapping and automatic generation of micro frontends and microservices.
+quickly and efficiently generate the skeleton of an Entando Component. The generator provides advanced
+data modeling capabilities, including object relational mapping and automatic generation of micro frontends and microservices.
The generated skeleton serves as a starting point to help a development team swiftly meet the needs of the business.
See also: [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md)
-## Entando Component Repository
-The [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) (ECR) is used to store and retrieve shareable components so they can be used in multiple
-Entando applications across the enterprise.
+## Entando Component Repository
+The [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) is used to store and retrieve shareable components so they can be used in multiple
+Entando applications across an enterprise.
## Entando Identity Management
-[Entando Identity Management](../consume/identity-management.md) is the [Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/)-based token-based authentication mechanism used by the
-Entando platform. It provides the ability to add Single Sign On capabilities across multiple domains and to connect service
+[Entando Identity Management](../consume/identity-management.md) is the [Keycloak-](https://www.keycloak.org/) and token-based authentication mechanism used by the
+Platform. With the ability to add Single Sign On capabilities across multiple domains, it connects service
providers with identity providers.
See also: [Entando Authentication](../../tutorials/create/mfe/authentication.md)
## Entando WCMS
The Entando Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a lightweight content and digital asset management system with support
-for headless operation. It allows management of widgets and html fragments so they can be placed within an Entando application.
+for headless operations. It manages widgets, html fragments, and other content types to be used in an application.
See also: [Content Types](../../tutorials/compose/content-types-tutorial) or [Content Templates](../../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial)
## Entando Cluster Citizens
-The purpose of this guide is to give an overview of the members of an Entando cluster and their role.
-### Architecture Diagram
+The following is an overview of the members of an Entando cluster and their roles.
-Let’s start with a picture of an Entando cluster and how the various
-members interact with each other.
+### Architecture -Members of the Cluster

-### Members of the Cluster
-An Entando cluster is composed of various citizens which interact with
-each other. Most of these citizens have a Custom Resource Definition
-file associated with them and are deployable on Kubernetes using the
+This picture of an Entando cluster shows how the various citizens interact with each other. Most of the citizens have a Custom Resource Definition
+file associated with them. They are deployed on Kubernetes, through the
Entando operator and controllers.
#### EntandoApp
-An Entando application is composed of three parts:
+The EntandoApp is composed of three parts:
-1. **Entando App Builder**: the user interface to customize and build an Entando application, as well as interact with the Entando Component Repository.
+1. **Entando App Builder**: the user interface to build and customize an application.
-2. **Entando App Engine**: the backend APIs providing access to Entando
+2. **Entando App Engine**: the backend APIs providing access to
-3. **Entando Component Manager**: the service providing the Entando
- Component Repository functionality, e.g. listing the available
- bundles, install/uninstall a bundle, etc.
+3. **Entando Component Manager (ECM)**: the service integrating the ECR into the App Builder providing bundle management for deploying and versioning components.
-The interaction between these three components (and the rest of the
-Entando cluster) use the authorization/authentication features provided
-by Keycloak.
+The interaction between these three components, and the rest of the cluster, use the authorization/authentication features provided by Keycloak.
#### Entando Component Manager
-As briefly introduced before, the [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) is able to
-list the EntandoDeBundles accessible from the EntandoApp and provide the
-install/uninstall services to install a bundle on an Entando App. All of
-these services are made possible by the communication with the Entando
-Kubernetes service, the only service of the Entando ecosystem (other
-than the operator itself) able to interact with the cluster and some of
-the Entando Custom Resources.
+The [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) lists the EntandoDeBundles accessible from the EntandoApp and provides the install/uninstall/upgrade/downgrade services to manage a bundle. The K8s service communicates with the cluster to provide these services. It is the only service, other than the operator, that can interact with the cluster and the required custom resources.
#### Entando Kubernetes Service
-The Entando Kubernetes Service is part of the Entando cluster
-infrastructure custom resource, and provides an access point to some of
+The Entando Kubernetes integration service is part of the cluster
+infrastructure custom resource. It provides an access point to some of
the custom resources defined by Entando, in particular:
-- Entando applications
+- Entando Applications
- Entando plugins
- Entando links
- Entando Component Repository bundles
-Some of the main services provided by the Entando Kubernetes Service
+Some of the main services provided by the Entando Kubernetes service
- Provide a list of the available EntandoDeBundles to the
- component-manager
-- Deploy a plugin during the installation of a bundle or discovery of
- an already available plugin and expose that to an app
+- Deploy a plugin during the installation of a bundle or expose
+ an already available plugin
- Create a link between an EntandoApp and an EntandoPlugin to expose
- the plugin’s APIs to the EntandoApp and the micro frontends (MFEs)
+ the plugin’s APIs to the EntandoApp and the MFEs
-#### Entando Component Repository Bundles
+#### EntandoDeBundle
An EntandoDeBundle - or Component Repository bundle - is a package with
-a set of Entando components and resources. The Entando Component Manager
-is able to read these kinds of packages and install the components to
-extend the functionalities of an EntandoApp. For more details on the
+a set of Entando components and resources. The ECM
+can identify the packages and install the components to
+extend the functionality of an EntandoApp. For more details on the
EntandoDeBundle and the Entando Component Repository, check the
-[Component Repository Overview](../compose/ecr-overview.md)
+[Component Repository Overview](../compose/ecr-overview.md).
#### Entando Plugin
An Entando plugin is a microservice that exposes APIs reusable by one or
-more Entando apps. Usually the plugin services are exposed to the
-Entando developer and the end users via micro frontends. Check the
-[micro frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/react) tutorials for more details. You can
-quickly generate an Entando plugin using the [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md). The generated project will be ready to work in an Entando environment providing the
-integration with Keycloak, generating a set of default micro frontends
-and exposing the plugin’s logic via an EntandoDeBundle (check the
-references for details).
+more Entando apps. Usually the plugin services are exposed to the developer and end users via micro frontends. Check the
+[micro frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/react) tutorial for more details. You can
+quickly generate an Entando plugin using the [Entando JHipster Blueprint](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md). The generated project will be ready to work in an Entando environment, providing Keycloak integration, a set of default micro frontends,
+and exposing the plugin via an EntandoDeBundle.
#### Keycloak
Keycloak is responsible for authorization and
authentication on Entando. All members of an Entando cluster interact with
-Keycloak to verify user/service authorization to perform any specific
-task. Check out the references below for more details on Keycloak.
+Keycloak to verify user/service authorization in performing any
+task. More details on Keycloak are below.
## Entando Ingresses
### What is an Ingress?
-An Ingress is a Kubernetes resource which purpose is to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.
+An ingress is a Kubernetes resource that exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within it. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the ingress resource.
### How Ingresses are used in an Entando Cluster
-When deploying an Entando Cluster, ingresses are generated for the resources that requires to be exposed to the outside world. The process of creating an ingress, setup the correct routes and the certificates is done by the via the Entando Operator and the entando custom resource controllers.
+When deploying a cluster, ingresses are generated for the resources that require exposure to the outside world. The Entando Operator and custom resource controllers create the ingresses and set the correct routes and certificates.
#### Keycloak Ingress
-A dedicated ingress is created for Keycloak to expose the authentication and authorization functionalities. A dedicated ingress is required to guarantee that both token issuing and token validation work correctly, even when the services using the Keycloak instance are on different namespaces.
+A dedicated ingress is created for Keycloak to expose the authentication and authorization functionalities. This is required to guarantee that both token issuing and validation work correctly, even when the services using the Keycloak instance are in different namespaces.
#### EntandoApp Ingress
-Another ingress is automatically created to expose App Builder, App Engine and the Entando Component Manager, a service part of the ECR.
+An ingress is automatically created to expose the App Builder, App Engine and ECM.
The three containers are served under the same domain. This is beneficial since they are able to interact without cross-origin issues.
-The Entando App ingress is also used when linking an Entando Plugin with and Entando App, operation that usually happens when a bundle containing an Entando Plugin is installed via the ECR in an Entando App. Check out the dedicated section for details.
+The EntandoApp ingress is also used when linking a plugin with an EntandoApp, which occurs when a bundle containing the plugin is installed via the ECR.
#### Entando Plugin Ingress
-Entando Plugins are automatically exposed via an ingress when deployed in an Entando Cluster.
+Plugins are automatically exposed via an ingress when deployed in an Entando cluster.
### Default Ingress HTTP Routes
-In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each ingress
+This table lists the default routes exposed for each ingress.
@@ -187,7 +178,7 @@ In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each
Keycloak |
-Entando App ingress |
+EntandoApp ingresses |
App engine |
@@ -211,36 +202,36 @@ In this table you can see what are the default routes that are exposed for each
-**Note**: The Entando plugin variable `ingressPath` is defined in the Entando Plugin custom resource under the `spec` element. The plugin ingress path is also used to expose the plugin within the EntandoApp domain.
+>Note: The Entando plugin variable `ingressPath` is defined in the plugin custom resource under the `spec` element. The plugin ingress path is also used to expose the plugin within the EntandoApp domain.
### Exposing Plugins in the EntandoApp Domain
-The process of exposing an Entando Plugin under the same domain (ingress) of the Entando App is made possible from the creation of an `EntandoAppPluginLink` custom resource and the corresponding controller.
+Exposing a plugin under the same domain (ingress) of the EntandoApp is done through the `EntandoAppPluginLink` custom resource and the corresponding controller.
-Once the link between the Entando App and the Entando Plugin is created, the controller reads the specification of the link and automatically creates the HTTP routes in the Entando App so that the plugin is exposed on the same domain as the App builder, App engine and Component Manager.
+Once the link between the EntandoApp and the plugin is created, the controller reads the specification of the link and automatically creates the HTTP routes in the EntandoApp so that the plugin is exposed in the same domain as the App Builder, App Engine and Component Manager.
-This allows the micro frontend developers, who need access to the plugin, to disregard CORS policy and the full path where the plugin is exposed. The plugin can be referenced using relative URLs.
+This allows micro frontend developers, who need access to the plugin, to disregard CORS policy and the full path where the plugin is exposed. The plugin can be referenced using relative URLs.
-### How to Check Ingresses in my Cluster
+### How to Check Ingresses in My Cluster
-#### Using the Openshift Dashboard
+#### Using the OpenShift Dashboard
-On the Openshift dashboard, ingresses are not exposed directly as pods and deployments. The dashboard provides direct access to the Ingress Routes (or simply routes) under the `Applications` → `Routes` menu.
+On the OpenShift dashboard, ingresses are not exposed directly as pods and deployments. The dashboard provides direct access to the ingress routes under the `Applications` → `Routes` menu.

-To see the ingress resources, you need to access them from the `Resources` → `Other resources` menu. From the dropdown, select the `Ingress` resource and you should be able to see the ingress available on that specific project/namespace.
+To see the ingress resources, access them from the `Resources` → `Other resources` menu. From the drop-down, select the `Ingress` resource and you should see the ingress available in that specific project/namespace.

#### Using kubectl from the Command Line
-Once you know the namespace(s) where your Entando Cluster is deployed, use the following command from the command line.
+Once you know the namespace(s) where your cluster is deployed, use the following command from the command line:
kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n YOUR-NAMESPACE
-Here an example of the result in a test namespace
+Here is an example of the result in a test namespace:
> kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n local
@@ -250,7 +241,7 @@ quickstart-ingress quickstart. 19
-To get more details about a specific ingress, you can use the `get` command specifying the ingress name you want to check and the `yaml` output format.
+For more details about a specific ingress, use the `get` command, specifying the ingress name you want to check and the `yaml` output format.
> kubectl get ingresses.extensions -n local qst-ingress -o yaml
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-# Development Process on Entando
-With the Entando Platform, the development of an application is organized into four distinct stages: Create, Curate, Compose, and Consume. In the simplest terms, you **create** functional building blocks, **curate** them into a catalog, **compose** the blocks onto a page or a website, which is then **consumed** in an application.
-Entando provides a distributed and composable environment in which components can be independently built, scaled and iterated. This process enables parallel teams to accelerate development and innovation on a cloud- and Kubernetes-native stack.
-## Create Components
-The first step in building a modern application on Entando is to design and create each independent component or functional block. Developers can use the [Entando Component Generator](../create/component-gen-overview.md) and [Blueprint](../create/blueprint-features.md) to automate the building and packaging of project files, with the flexibility to customize. The modular design of apps built on Entando means new business capabilities can be integrated into your application without reworking existing systems.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :--------- |
-| [Entando Component Generator](../create/component-gen-overview.md) | [Micro Frontends](../../tutorials/create/mfe/) |
-| [Entando Blueprint Feature](../create/blueprint-features.md) | [Microservices](../../tutorials/create/ms/generate-microservices-and-micro-frontends.md) |
-| [Component Generation Technologies](../create/component-gen-tech.md) | [Build and Publish Project Bundles](../../tutorials/create/pb/publish-project-bundle.md) |
-## Curate and Share Components
-On the Entando Platform, Curate and Share means development teams can bundle and share components within a central catalog. Multiple teams or groups can collaborate on single components or a whole packaged business capability (PBC) across organizations and applications. They can test and assess components for readiness, manage and publish versions and share metadata for continuous upgrades.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Bundle and Component Descriptors](../curate/ecr-bundle-details.md) | [Install Bundles from a Private Git Repository](../../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-git-repo.md) |
-| [Filtering Bundles](../curate/ecr-bundle-filters.md) | [Install Bundle Plugins from a Private Image Repo](../../tutorials/curate/ecr-private-images.md) |
-| [Customize Bundle Info in App Builder](../curate/ecr-bundle-presentation-config.md) | |
-| [Bundle Version and Updates FAQ](../curate/ecr-bundle-versions-faq.md) | |
-| [Bundle Uninstall](../curate/ecr-uninstall-flow.md) | |
-## Compose an Application
-The Compose stage on Entando is centered around the [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md), a low-code composition user interface. In the App Builder, application owners can assemble new components or upgrade existing ones with templates, widgets and fully functional PBCs. The [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) and [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) are integrated into the App Builder, making the composing process flexible and agile by managing all your components there.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Welcome Wizard](../compose/welcome-wizard.md) | [Page Management](../../tutorials/compose/page-management.md) |
-| [Entando Component Repository](../compose/ecr-overview.md) | [Widgets and Fragments](../../tutorials/compose/widgets-fragments.md) |
-| [Entando App Builder](../compose/app-builder.md) | [Content Creation](../../tutorials/compose/content-tutorial.md) |
-| [Entando Component Manager](../compose/ecm-overview.md) | [Content Templates](../../tutorials/compose/content-templates-tutorial.md) |
-| | [Digital Assets](../../tutorials/compose/digital-assets-tutorial.md) |
-## Consume Applications
-In the development lifecycle of an application, Consume is the execution stage where end users interact with the app to complete certain tasks. On Entando, the modular design of the components and services means each can be scaled individually or as a whole, according to those interactions. Likewise, content can be added or changed, engine rules adapted and upgrades made seamlessly. As a result, the development cycle is a continuous process with minimal disruptions and faster time to market.
-| Documentation | Tutorials |
-| :------------ | :-------- |
-| [Accessibility](../consume/accessibility.md) | [External Identity Management System](../../tutorials/devops/external-id-management.md) |
-| [Entando Operator](../consume/operator-intro.md) | [Add REST API](../../tutorials/devops/add-rest-api.md) |
-| [Entando APIs](../consume/entando-apis.md) | [Invoke Entando core APIs](../../tutorials/devops/build-core-image.md) |
-| [Custom Resources](../consume/custom-resources.md) | [Change Default Datasource](../../tutorials/devops/change-default-datasource.md) |
-| [Entando Identity Management System](../consume/identity-management.md) | |
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# Learning Paths
+Entando simplifies the development of composable applications deployed on Kubernetes. Entando supports end-to-end modularity, with frontend and microservice architectures for codebases that are easier to understand, maintain, and debug across large, distributed teams.
-::: tip Entando simplifies the development of modern apps:
-1. Built using modern JavaScript frameworks
-2. Backed by microservices deployed in containers, and
-3. Orchestrated by Kubernetes for fully automated DevOps lifecycles
-Entando supports full stack micro frontend and microservice architectures for codebases that are easier to understand, maintain, and debug across large, distributed teams, and comes with a private component repository that makes it easy for teams to share and reuse components.
-Use the navigation on the left to find step-by-step tutorials for common tasks or check out our learning paths below for a more structured approach.
+Check out the learning paths below to find step-by-step tutorials for the most common tasks, organized by architecture and level of complexity.
## Frontend Development
@@ -53,4 +45,5 @@ table th:nth-of-type(3) {
| [Set Up Entando on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)](./getting-started/azure-install.md) |[Connect Your Entando Application to an External Database](./devops/external-db.md) | [Manage NGINX](./devops/manage-nginx.md)
| [Set Up Entando on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)](./getting-started/gke-install.md) | [Install the Standard Demo Application](./solution/install-standard-demo.md)| [Setup Plugin Profiles](./devops/plugin-configuration.md)
| [Set Up Entando on Red Hat OpenShift](./getting-started/openshift-install.md) | [Configure the Entando Operator](./devops/entando-operator.md) |
+| [Entando CLI Reference](../docs/reference/entando-cli.md) | |