diff --git a/vuepress/docs/next/tutorials/create/mfe/communication.md b/vuepress/docs/next/tutorials/create/mfe/communication.md
index 1106777648..af4ef8dc8d 100644
--- a/vuepress/docs/next/tutorials/create/mfe/communication.md
+++ b/vuepress/docs/next/tutorials/create/mfe/communication.md
@@ -6,38 +6,21 @@ sidebarDepth: 2
::: tip Recommended Learning
- Tutorial: [Create a React Micro Frontend](react.md)
-- Tutorial: [Create an Angular Micro Frontend](angular.md)
-Entando supports communication between micro frontends using [Custom Events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent), an established web standard. In this tutorial, we build:
+Entando supports communication between micro frontends (MFEs) using [Custom Events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent), an established web standard. The MFEs can use either the same or different JavaScript frameworks. In this tutorial, we build:
-- A React micro frontend that publishes an event
-- A React micro frontend that listens to an event
-- An Angular micro frontend that publishes an event to a React micro frontend
+- A React MFE that publishes an event
+- A React MFE that listens to an event
+## Prerequisites
-## Publisher
+- 2 [simple React apps](react.md#create-a-react-app-in-an-entando-bundle): One will be modified to publish an event while the other will be modified to subscribe to an event
-Create a simple app to publish an event.
+## Modify the Publisher MFE
-``` bash
-npx create-react-app publisher-widget --use-npm
-Start the app.
-``` bash
-cd publisher-widget
-``` bash
-npm start
+### Create the Custom Event
-### Create Custom Event
-Next, add event firing logic.
-Add a new file `publisher-widget/src/PublisherWidgetElement.js`.
+1. To add a custom event, create the file `publisher-widget/src/PublisherWidgetElement.js`:
``` js
import React from 'react';
@@ -76,22 +59,18 @@ customElements.define('publisher-widget', PublisherWidgetElement);
export default PublisherWidgetElement;
-- In the `CustomEvent` constructor, `detail` is the specific name to use in the event payload, as per the [DOM specification](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-customevent).
-#### Import Custom Element
+ In the `CustomEvent` constructor, `detail` denotes the specific name to use in the event payload per the [DOM specification](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-customevent).
-Update `publisher-widget/src/index.js`.
+2. To import the custom element, replace the contents of `publisher-widget/src/index.js`:
``` js
import './index.css';
import './PublisherWidgetElement';
-#### Test Custom Element
+3. To test the MFE, update the `body` section of `publisher-widget/public/index.html`:
-Update `publisher-widget/public/index.html`, and view it in the browser.
-``` html
+``` js
@@ -99,14 +78,16 @@ Update `publisher-widget/public/index.html`, and view it in the browser.
-### Update React App to Dispatch Event
+4. Confirm the app renders in the browser
-Update `publisher-widget/src/App.js`.
+### Dispatch the Custom Event
+1. Replace the contents of `publisher-widget/src/App.js`:
``` js
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
@@ -137,41 +118,25 @@ class App extends React.Component {
export default App;
-### Test Event Dispatcher
-In the JavaScript console of your browser, enter:
+2. In the JavaScript console of your browser, enter the following:
``` js
window.addEventListener('greeting', (evt) => console.log('Hello', evt.detail.name))
-Write something in the text field. Click the "Say hello!" button and take a look at the JS console. It will show the event message.
+3. To test the event dispatcher, write something in the text field and click the "Say hello!" button
+4. Confirm the event message appears in the JS console
::: tip Congratulations!
-You’ve now published a custom event.
+You’ve now published a custom event
-## Subscriber
-Next, let’s create the subscriber.
+## Modify the Subscriber MFE
-``` bash
-npx create-react-app subscriber-widget --use-npm
-Start the app.
-``` bash
-cd subscriber-widget
-``` bash
-npm start
+### Create the Event Listener
-### Add Event Listener
-Add a new file `subscriber-widget/src/SubscriberWidgetElement.js`.
+1. To add an event listener, create the file `subscriber-widget/src/SubscriberWidgetElement.js`:
``` js
import React from 'react';
@@ -215,30 +180,29 @@ customElements.define('subscriber-widget', SubscriberWidgetElement);
export default SubscriberWidgetElement;
-#### Import Custom Element
-Update `subscriber-widget/src/index.js`.
+2. To import the custom element, replace the contents of `subscriber-widget/src/index.js`:
``` js
import './index.css';
import './SubscriberWidgetElement';
-#### Test Micro Frontend
-Update `subscriber-widget/public/index.html`, and view it in the browser.
+3. To test the MFE, update the `body` section of `subscriber-widget/public/index.html`:
-``` html
+``` js
-### Display Custom Event
+4. Confirm the app renders in the browser
-Update `subscriber-widget/src/App.js`.
+### Display the Custom Event
+1. Replace the contents of `subscriber-widget/src/App.js`:
``` js
import React from 'react';
@@ -252,9 +216,7 @@ function App({ name }) {
export default App;
-### Test Event Listener
-In the JavaScript console of your browser, enter:
+2. To test the event listener, enter the following in the JavaScript console of your browser:
``` js
const widgetEvent = new CustomEvent('greeting', {
@@ -265,392 +227,51 @@ const widgetEvent = new CustomEvent('greeting', {
-The custom event should now display in the `subscriber-widget`.
+3. Confirm the custom event is displayed in the `subscriber-widget`
::: tip Congratulations!
-You’ve now created a micro frontend that listens to custom events.
+You’ve now created a micro frontend that listens to custom events
## Add Widgets to App Builder
-Now let's add the publisher and subscriber micro frontends in Entando.
-### Create Environment File
-#### Publisher Widget
-1. Create an `.env` file in the project root for the `publisher-widget`.
-2. Open the `.env` file, and enter the `PUBLIC_URL` where the micro frontend will be hosted.
-::: tip Notes
-- Replace `quickstart.` with the ingress you use to access Entando from your local browser.
-- `/entando-de-app/cmsresources/` is your Resource URL.
-- `publisher-widget` is the public folder we'll create to host the publisher micro frontend.
-#### Subscriber Widget
-1. Create an `.env` file in the project root for the `subscriber-widget`.
-2. Open the `.env` file, and enter the `PUBLIC_URL` where the micro frontend will be hosted.
-- Use `subscriber-widget` for the name of the public folder we'll create to host the subscriber micro frontend.
-### Run npm build
-#### Publisher Widget
-1. Open a command line, and navigate to the project root of the `publisher-widget`.
-2. Run build.
+To add the publisher and subscriber MFEs to Entando, run the following commands from the root folder of each:
-``` bash
-npm run build
-3. Rename the following generated files in the `build` directory.
-| Example of Generated Build File | Rename to | Function
-| :--- | :--- | :---
-| build/static/js/2.f14073bd.chunk.js | `static/js/vendor.js` | Third-party libraries
-| build/static/js/runtime-main.8a835b7b.js | `static/js/runtime.js` | Bootstrapping logic
-| build/static/js/main.4a514a6d.chunk.js | `static/js/main.js` | App
-| build/static/css/main.5f361e03.chunk.css | `static/css/main.css` | Stylesheet
-#### Subscriber Widget
-- Repeat steps 1-3 for the `subscriber-widget`.
-### Create Public Folder
-#### Publisher Widget
-1. Navigate to `Entando App Builder` in your browser.
-2. Go to `Configuration` → `File Browser` → `public`
-3. Click `Create Folder`.
-4. Enter `publisher-widget`.
-5. Click `Save`.
-6. Click `public` → `publisher-widget`.
-7. Create the same folder structure as your generated build directory
-- `publisher-widget/static/css`
-- `publisher-widget/static/js`
-8. Upload the files we renamed in the corresponding `js` and `css` folders.
-- `publisher-widget/static/css/main.css`
-- `publisher-widget/static/js/main.js`
-- `publisher-widget/static/js/runtime.js`
-- `publisher-widget/static/js/vendor.js`
-#### Subscriber Widget
-- Repeat steps 1-8 for the `subscriber-widget`.
-### Add Widgets
-#### Publisher Widget
-1. Go to `Entando App Builder` in your browser.
-2. Go to `Components` → `Micro Frontends & Widgets` at the top nav.
-3. Click `Add`.
-4. Enter the following:
-- `Code: publisher_widget` → note: dashes are not allowed
-- `Title: Publisher Widget` → for both English and Italian languages
-- `Group: Free Access`
-- `Custom UI:`
-``` ftl
-<#assign wp=JspTaglibs[ "/aps-core"]>
+ent bundle pack
+ent bundle publish
+ent bundle deploy
+ent bundle install
-5. Click `Save`.
-#### Subscriber Widget
-Repeat steps 1-5 for the subscriber widget.
-- `Code: subscriber_widget` → note: dashes are not allowed
-- `Title: Subscriber Widget` → for both English and Italian languages
-- `Group: Free Access`
-- `Custom UI:`
-``` ftl
-<#assign wp=JspTaglibs[ "/aps-core"]>
+Refer to the tutorial on how to [publish a bundle project](../pb/publish-project-bundle.md#create-and-deploy-a-bundle-project) for more detailed instructions.
### View on a Page
-You can setup the widgets on an existing page (such as the Home page) or [create your own page](../../compose/page-management.md). The following steps assume you'll use the Home page.
-1. Go to `Pages` → `Management`
+Place the widgets on an existing page or [create your own page](../../compose/page-management.md). The following steps assume you'll edit the `Home` page.
-2. For the `Home` page `(folder icon)`, in the `Actions` column, click the `⋮` icon
+1. Go to `Pages` → `Management`
-3. Click `Edit`.
+2. On the line item for the `Home` page, in the `Actions` column, click the `⋮` icon
-4. In the `Settings` section, select a Page Template with more than one frame, e.g. `1-column`:
+3. Click `Edit`
-- `Page Template: 1 Column`
+4. In the `Settings` section, select a Page Template with more than one frame
-5. Click `Save and Configure`.
+5. Click `Save and Design`
-6. In the `WIDGETS` sidebar on the right:
+6. From the `Widgets` tab in the right sidebar, drag your publisher and subscriber widgets into `Frame 1` and `Frame 2`
-- Drag `Publisher Widget` and `Subscriber Widget` into `Frame 1` and `Frame 2`.
+7. Click `Publish`
-7. Click `Publish`.
+8. To view the `Home` page, scroll up and click `View Published Page`
-8. To view the home page, scroll to the top of the page, and click `Go to Homepage`.
+9. Enter a name in the input field and click the "Say hello!" button
-9. Enter a greeting in the input field. Press the submit button. The subscriber widget will update with the greeting. Done!
+10. Confirm that the subscriber widget updates to display the name
::: tip Congratulations!
-You can now communicate between micro frontends with `Custom Events`.
+You can now communicate between micro frontends using custom events!
-## Angular to React
-We can also communicate between micro frontends using different JavaScript frameworks.
-In this next example, we’ll create an Angular micro frontend to publish an event, and we'll use the React micro frontend we created in the previous section to receive the event.
-### Create Angular Publisher
-``` bash
-ng new angular-publisher-widget
-Choose the following options:
-``` bash
-? Would you like to add Angular routing? No
-? Which stylesheet format would you like to use? CSS
-Serve the application.
-``` bash
-cd angular-publisher-widget
-``` bash
-ng serve
-#### Convert to Custom Element
-Next, let's convert our Angular app into a custom element. We'll use [Angular elements](https://angular.io/guide/elements) to transform components into custom elements.
-``` bash
-ng add @angular/elements
-Replace the contents of `angular-publisher-widget/src/app/app.module.ts`.
-- In this file, we bootstrap the custom element using the `ngDoBootstrap` method.
-``` js
-import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
-import { NgModule, Injector } from '@angular/core';
-import { createCustomElement } from '@angular/elements';
-import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
-import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
- declarations: [
- AppComponent
- ],
- imports: [
- BrowserModule,
- ReactiveFormsModule
- ],
- providers: [],
- entryComponents: [AppComponent]
-export class AppModule {
- constructor(private injector: Injector) {}
- ngDoBootstrap() {
- const el = createCustomElement(AppComponent, { injector: this.injector });
- customElements.define('angular-publisher-widget', el);
- }
-#### Create Custom Event
-Replace the contents of `angular-publisher-widget/src/app/app.component.ts`.
-- Here, we're adding code to dispatch the custom event.
-``` js
-import { Component } from '@angular/core';
-import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
-const EVENTS = {
- greeting: 'greeting',
- selector: 'app-root',
- templateUrl: './app.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
-export class AppComponent {
- greetingForm = new FormGroup({
- name: new FormControl(''),
- });
- publishWidgetEvent(eventId, detail) {
- const widgetEvent = new CustomEvent(eventId, { detail });
- window.dispatchEvent(widgetEvent);
- }
- onSubmit() {
- const name = this.greetingForm.get('name').value;
- this.publishWidgetEvent(EVENTS.greeting, { name });
- }
-#### Add HTML Form
-Replace the contents of `angular-publisher-widget/src/app/app.component.html`.
-- In the app component html, we're adding a simple form to call our component class `app.component.ts`.
-``` html
Send a greeting
-#### View Micro Frontend
-Open `angular-publisher-widget/src/index.html`.
-In the ``, replace `` with your custom element ``.
-``` html
-You can check to see if your micro frontend is working in your browser (e.g., localhost:4200)
-### Add to App Builder
-Now we're ready to host our micro frontend in Entando.
-#### Build It
-From the project root, type:
-``` bash
-ng build --prod --outputHashing=none
-This will generate a `dist` directory.
-#### Create Public Folder
-1. Navigate to `Entando App Builder` in your browser.
-2. Click `Configuration` → `File Browser` → `public`.
-3. Create a folder named `angular-publisher-widget`.
-3. Click `Upload Files`.
-4. From your generated `dist` folder, upload:
-- `main-es2015.js`
-- `polyfills-es2015.js`
-- `runtime-es2015.js`
-#### Add Widget
-1. Go to `Components > Micro frontends & Widgets` in the Entando App Builder.
-2. Click `Add` at the lower right.
-3. Enter the following:
-- `Code: angular_publisher_widget` → note: dashes are not allowed
-- `Title: Angular Publisher Widget` → for both English and Italian languages
-- `Group: Free Access`
-- `Custom UI:`
-``` ftl
-<#assign wp=JspTaglibs[ "/aps-core"]>
-4. Click `Save`.
-#### View on Homepage
-1. Go to `Pages` → `Management`
-2. Next to the `Home` page `(folder icon)`, in the `Actions` column, click the `⋮` icon
-3. In the Search field in right-hand sidebar, enter `Angular Publisher Widget`.
-4. Drag and drop `Angular Publisher Widget` into the `Sample Frame` in the main body of the page.
-> Replace `Publisher Widget`.
-5. Click `Publish`.
-6. In the top navigation, on the right, click `Go to Homepage`.
-7. Enter a greeting in the input field. Press the submit button. The subscriber widget will update with the greeting. Done!
-- Note: If you don't see an input field, refresh the page.
-::: tip Congratulations!
-You've now created an Angular micro frontend that can communicate with a React micro frontend.