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#The connect language in a nutshell

This file contains an overview of the connect language. It contains short snippets and is mainly intended to get you up to speed quickly.

  1. Commenting
  2. Variable names
  3. Assigning scalar values
  4. Connecting variables
  5. String Interpolation
  6. Arrays
  7. Hashes
  8. include statement
  9. with statement
  10. Objects
  11. Selectors
  12. importing data
  13. Ordering


Just like in Ruby and Puppet, you can comment your code using #. The # can start at the beginning of a line, to make the whole line a comment. You can also append the # to some statements to comment this line of code.

# This is a full line of comments
a = 10  # This is some comment at the end of a statement

##Variable names

The variable naming system is based on the puppet namespace syntax. A variable has can have an unqualified name:

unqualified_name = 10

Variable names can also contain a scope. Scopes are specified by using double colon's (::)

scope1::scope2::name = 10

A qualified name including two scopes, namely scope1:: and scope2::

Puppet automatic parameter binding, maps directly to this use of scope. If you are using hiera(...) calls to lookup values, you have to make sure, you use the same double colon system.

If you use something else, you might run into trouble. This, for example, will cause problems:

scope:faulty_variable_name = 10 # Using a single colon

##Assigning scalar values

To assign a scalar value to a variable, use the =

my_string = 'a string'
my_string = "a string"
my_int    = 10
my_float  = 10.5

Like regular programming languages, you can assign a variable multiple times. The last assigned value, is the value that will be passed back on a lookup.

my_value = 10   # Now my_value is 10
my_value = 20   # And now it is 20. Any connections to my_value, will also be 20

##Connecting variables

The concept of connecting variables is easy. In fact so easy, in any programming language we just talk about assigning. In Connect it is the same. To connect two variables, we just use assignments.

my_variable   = 10
my_connection = my_variable  # This means my_connection will be 10

If the original value, is reassigned, the connected value will also change.

my_variable   = 10
my_connection = my_variable
my_variable   = 20          # This means my_connection will also be 20

##String interpolation

Strings in double quotes are interpolated. Strings using single quotes are not interpellated.The Connect interpolator knows about its own variables, and it knows about Puppet variables. Let's first interpolate some Connect variables.

my_name   = 'Bert'
greetings = "Hello ${my_name}"   # Will be "Hello Bert"
strange   = 'Hello ${my_name}'   # Will be "Hello ${my_name}"

Connect also knows how to interpolate Puppet variables:

welcome_text = "Welcome on host %{::hostname}"
                              # Will be: "Welcome on host host1"

To allow Connect, to interpolate a Puppet variable, it must be defined in Puppet first. Because most of the times the Connect configuration is parsed before running the big parts of Puppet, you can safely reference fact's. If you want to reference other Puppet variables, you must ensure, they are defined early in the Puppet parsing process (e.g. at the beginning of the site.pp for example).


To construct an array in Connect, use the [ and ].

my_integer_array = [1,2,3,4,5]
my_string_array  = ['a','b','c']

Because underlying type system is based on Ruby, you can mix data types in an array.

my_mixed_array = [1, 'a', 2, 'b']

You can use a trailing , in arrays. You can also write the assignment over multiple lines.

array_with_trailing_comma = [

Arrays can use connections (e.g. references to other variables).

value = 10
array_with_connections = [
] # will result in [10,20]


To construct a Hash in Connect, you can use either { and }, or do and end. Hash entries must be separated with a ,.

# A Hash using { and }
my_hash = {
  a: 10,
  b: 'a string'
} # This translates in to Ruby {'a' => 10, 'b' => 'a string'}

# A Hash using do and end
my_hash = do
  a: 10,
  b: 20
end # This translates in to Ruby {'a' => 10, 'b' => 'a string'}

Within a hash pair, you can use colon's (e.g. :) or the traditional ruby hash rocket (e.g. =>). Whatever suits you best.

# A Hash using hash rockets
my_hash = {
  a => 10,
  b => 'a string'
} # This translates in to Ruby {'a' => 10, 'b' => 'a string'}

You can use trailing , if you like.

my_hash_with_trailing_comma = {
  a => 10,
  b => 'a string',

Just like in array's, hashes can reference other variables.

my_value = 10
my_hash_with_reference = {
  a => my_value,
  b => 'a string',

##include statement

Sometimes you would like to split your configuration files into multiple files and include them.

include 'settings'            # Includes a single file in the default
                              # directory, with extension .config

include 'my_domain/settings'  # include a single file in the subdirectory of
                              # of the default directory, using the extension
                              # .config

include '/an/absolute/path'   # include a single file at the specified directory
                              # using the default extension .config

include 'my_settings/*'       # include all config files in the settings
                              # directory

If you would like to include all values into a specified scope, you can use the include into statement.

include `settings` into settings::

This statement means the file settings.config is included, and all non-scoped variables are put into the scope settings::. Check (with) for more information.

##with statement

One of the mechanisms to ensure variables are not overwritten by accident is scoping. In Connect, scopes are specified using double colons (::). When you are providing a set of variables in a specified scope, you can use the scope features of Connect. The include and with keywords manage scope.

Using these keywords, you can make sure any unscoped variables are put into the specified scope. When a scope is specified, it will be preferred over the specified default scope.

with my_scope:: do
  variable_1             = 10   # my_scope::variable_1 = 10
  with_scope::variable_2 = 20   # with_scope::variable_2 = 20

You can stack defaults scopes:

with my_first_scope:: do
  variable_1 = 10           # my_first_scope::variable_1 = 10
  with my_second_scope do
    variable_2 = 20         # my_first_scope::my_second_scope::variable_2 = 20


Using create_resource and ensure_resource , Puppet has the means to create resources based on a hash. These hashes need to be structured in a certain way. Connect makes it easy to build those hashes.

###Defining objects

an_object('') {
  property_1: 10,
  property_2: 20,

You can also use a reference to an other variable as an object name:

object_name = ''
an_object(object_name) {
  property_1: 10,
  property_2: 20,

The object type can be anything you want, as long as it only includes characters, numbers, and underscores. You cannot use references as object types.

a_rediculous_type_of_object('') {
  property_1: 10,
  property_2: 20,

The object properties can contain references to other variables:

a_value = 10
an_object('') {
  property_1: a_value,
  property_2: 20,

You cannot use references as object keys:

a_property = 'property_1'
an_object('') {
  a_property: 10,
# {'' => {'a_property' => 10}}

You can overwrite object properties.

object = my_object('foo') {
  property_1: 10,
  property_2: 20,

# Object foo.property_1 is 10

object = my_object('foo') {
  property_1: 20,

# Object foo.property_2 is now 20

This behavior can be useful when you want to override standard settings included in a default file.

###Multiple Objects with iterator

Sometimes you want to define a set of objects. Like, for example, a set of dns servers. Besides some specific attributes, these object definitions are the same. It would be a waste if we had to define them all. Connect has a solution for this. It's called iterators.

With an iterator, you can define similar objects and replace specific values. That 's a little bit abstract. Let show an example:

dnsserver('') iterate ip from 1 to 10 do
  ip: '10.0.0.%{ip}',
  aliases: ['dnsserver%{ip}'],

This little snippet of connect code, defines 10 dns servers: with ip address and alias dnsserver1 up to with ip address and alias dnsserver10. This concept is extremely convenient when defining a set of resources.

You can use integers like in the example above, but you can also strings:

users('user%{postfix}') iterate postfix from 'aa' to 'bb' do
  username: 'user%{postfix}',
  home: '/users/user%{postfix}'

You can use references in the definition of the iterator.

start  = 'aa'
finish = 'bb'
users('user%{postfix}') iterate postfix from start to finish do
  username: 'user%{postfix}',
  home: '/users/user%{postfix}'

And last but not least, you can use multiple iterators:

  iterate ipaddress from '' to ''
  iterate adapter from 'eth0' to 'eth2'
    ip:     %{ipaddress}',
    device: '%{adapter}'

This will create the follwing objects:

route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth0'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth1'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth2'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth0'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth1'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth2'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth0'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth1'}
route('') {ip: '', device:'/eth2'}

You can stack as many iterators as you want. The largest iterator is leading for the number of objects that are generated. All other iterators will cycle their values.

###Using objects

You can use these objects in regular assignments:

value = an_object('my_object_name')
# value will be:
# {'my_object_name' =>
#    {
#    'property_1' => 10,
#    'property_2' => 20
#     }
#  }

And in arrays or hashes:

values = [

hashes = [
  my_key: an_object('my_object_name'),

If you want to merge a set of object hashes, use:

big_hash = {

###Combining objects

The use case of merging a set of objects into a big hash for use in create_resources Is so common, that connect has support for collecting a set of objects. To do this, you can use a regular expression in the title of an object reference.

big_hash = an_object(/object_\d/)

This will create a big hash with all objects of type an_object whose title matches the specified regular expression.


All these big data structures are easy to define, but sometimes you want just 1 entry in the Array or one piece of the Hash. Selectors help you do this.

Selectors can be specified using array syntax

an_array       = [1,2,3,4,5]
just_one_entry = an_array[2] # = 3

You can also use the method syntax:

an_array    = [1,2,3,4,5]
first_entry = an_array.first # = 1
last_entry  = an_array.last # = 1

Selectors are passed to the underlying ruby system. So you can use any method the host language supports on the specified type. The connect syntax allows you to write selectors like this:

array  = [1,2,3,4,5]
string = array.join(',')   # "1,2,3,4,5"
hostname = 'DMACHINE1'     # Development machine 1
type     = hostname[0,1]   # type is 'O'
host     = hostname[1..-1] # host is MACHINE1

You can also use selectors when interpolating strings.

presidents = ['Clinton', 'Bush', 'Obama']
last_president = "The last President of the USA was #{presidents.last}"

Because interpolation only works on Connect variables, using selectors is limited to interpolating Connect variables. Thus,

last_president = "The last President of the USA was %{presidents.last}"

Doesn't work. Even if the array presidents is defined in Puppet.

Special selectors

The standard Array, Hash and String functions in ruby are already quite powerful. But sometimes you need some extra help. Connect defines the following special helper selectors.


The extract helper allows you to extract an array of values from an array of objects. An example clarifies this:

all_nodes = [
    ip : ''
    ip : ''
    ip : ''
ip_addresses = all_nodes.extract('ip')  # will be ['','','']


Sometimes your object contains values, the original puppet type doesn't support. To filter out all nonsupported attributes, you can use the to_resource selector on an object. The selector must called with the type as a parameter.

my_raw_host = host('') {
  ip: '',
  just_a_random_attribute: 10,
}  # my_raw_host cannot be use for create_resource call's because if the invalid attribute

my_host = my_raw_host.to_resource('host') # can be used as a parameter for create_resource


Sometimes your object contains values, the original puppet type doesn't support. To filter out all nonsupported attributes, you can use the slice selector on an object. The slice selector must called with the attributes as values.

my_raw_host = host('') {
  ip: '',
  just_a_random_attribute: 10,
}  # Contains more then an ip. I need just a hash with the name and an ip.
my_host = my_raw_host.slice('ip') # can be used just get the ip into the hash.
# It returns
# {'' => { 'ip' => ''}}

slice can be used on objects and hashes.


Sometimes your object contains values, your puppet code doesn't support. To filter out all nonsupported attributes, you can use the slice_content selector on an object. The slice_content selector must called with the attributes as values. The difference between the slice selector and the slice_content selector when called on an object, is that slice returns the name of the object as key, while slice_content only returns the content of the object.

my_raw_host = host('') {
  ip: '',
  just_a_random_attribute: 10,
}  # Contains more then an ip. I need just a hash with the name and an ip.
my_host = my_raw_host.slice_content('ip') # can be used just get the ip into the hash.
# It returns
# { 'ip' => ''}

slice_content can be only be used on objects.

###importing data

There ara a lot more possible sources of data for Puppet runs. For example:

Connect allows you to import data from any other data source. The generic syntax is:

import from datasource(param1, param2) into scope:: {
  value1 = 'lookup 1'
  value2 = 'lookup 2'

Check the list of available datasources to see if the datasource you need, exists. Check how to make your own datasource if you need to access other data.

import from puppetdb into datacenter:: {
  ntp_servers = 'Class[Ntp::Server]'  # Fetches all NTP nodes from puppetdb
                                      # into the array datacenter::ntp_servers

  dns_servers = 'Class[Dns::Server]'  # Fetches all DNS nodes from puppetdb
                                      # into the array datacenter::dns_servers

Check the puppetdb api for a specification of the supported query language.

Like other blocks, you can also use begin and end. If you do not specify a scope, the variables will go ito the default scope:

import from puppetdb begin
  ntp_servers = 'Class[Ntp::Server]'
  dns_servers = 'Class[Dns::Server]'

Alternatively, using the yaml importer:

import from yaml('/aaa/a.yaml') do
  variable1 = 'key1'
  variable2 = 'yaml::key2'

WARNING Not all datasources are available yet. This is only to show the syntax.


All values and connections will be calculated when all parsing is done. So for defining values, it doesn't make a difference if you reference a variable before it is defined. For example:

first_value       = second_value
second_value = 10

is the same as:

second_value = 10
first_value       = second_value

for both values.

For interpolation, there is a difference in order. The interpolation takes the current value. For example:

a_value  = 10
a_string = "The value is ${a_value}  # The value is 10
a_value = 20 # When you use the value a_valie in Puppet, it is 20

You can be caught of guard when using interpolation in the include statement. Included files are parsed once and only the first time when they are found. So:

include 'an_include_file                      # defining value to 10
first_string = "the value is ${value}"   # results in "the value is 10
value = 20
second_string = "the value is ${value}"   # results in "the value is 20
include 'an_include_file                      # defining value to 10
third_string = "the value is ${value}"   # results in "the value is still 20