I created fork from original, but a different dude created fork of original that has a commit I want. How do I copy commit from unrelated git history?
- Clone the source repo to a folder like /c/SrcRepo
- Clone the destination repo to a folder like /c/DstRepo and switch to the destination branch
- In the root folder of the destination repo run the command:
- git pull /c/SrcRepo srcBranch --allow-unrelated-histories
# show file lists changed been modified between 2 branches
git diff --name-status DEVELOPMENT...feature/2420_part2
# show commit difference between 2 branches
git log master..DEVELOPMENT
git log --decorate --graph
git reflog
mkdir foo
cd foo
git init
gitcrypt init
# Generate a random salt? [Y/n] n
# Shared salt as hex characters: mysecretsalt
# Generate a random password? [Y/n]n
# Enter your passphrase: mysecretpassword
# What encryption cipher do you want to use? [aes-256-ecb]
# Do you want to use .git/info/attributes? [Y/n] y
# What files do you want encrypted? [*]
# git-encrypt filter enabled
# ...or just copy configuration to .git/config
$ git clone https://github.com/shadowhand/git-encrypt
$ cd git-encrypt
$ chmod 0755 gitcrypt
$ sudo ln -s "$(pwd)/gitcrypt" /usr/local/bin/gitcrypt
$ gitcrypt -h
git reset --hard 03400a8da200607be2a7a85b33e9ab86de89fc3d
*.swp # ignore all files with .swp extension in all folders
tmp # ignore all "tmp" files/folders
/config.yml # ignore config.yml only in root of an application ( ./app/config.yml wont be ignored)
/foo/bar/car # this will ignore file "car" in folder ./foo/bar
# so file "car" in folder ./foo/ wont be ignored
if your file is allready cached (you done git add somefolder/myfile
) you can remove it with:
git rm --cached somefolder/myfile
# or git rm -r --cached somefolder # to remove whole folder from cache
this will remove it from cache, now git will read your .gitignore
file and if that file is ignored when you do:
git add .
git commit -m "without myfile "
...you wont commit that file
If you want to ignore file that was already commited you must remove that file first
git rm somefolder/my_file
# or git rm -r somefolder #deletes whole folder
git rebase -i HEAD~3 # HEAD-number_of_how_many_last_commits
then in text editor pick and squash your commits (don't change order)
pick f392171 Added new feature X
squash ba9dd9a Added new elements to page design
squash df71a27 Updated something
then another edittor will trigger wher you will be prompted to define one commit message the whole squash
If you want to push on branch that already contains your commits, you have to force it by doinf
git push origin +name_of_the_branch
- http://ariejan.net/2011/07/05/git-squash-your-latests-commits-into-one/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5667884/how-to-squash-commits-in-git-after-they-have-been-pushed
e.g.: you forked repo on github and now you want to update it with latest changes from original
git remote add upstream https://github.com/whoever/whatever.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/maste
git push -f origin master
...or how to copy commit from one branch to another
git log # pick you SHA
git co my_other_branch
git cherry-pick 62ecb3
git reset --soft HEAD^ #discard last commit
at this point you still have changes in cache
git reste HEAD # discard cache
now you can either delete/edit stuff or git co app/my_file
reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/927358/how-to-undo-the-last-git-commit
published: 2013-09-12
git push -f origin HEAD^:master # last commit
git push -f origin HEAD^^:master # last two commit
git push -f origin HEAD^^^:master # last three commit
That should "undo" the push.
published: 2013-09-12
mkdir /path/to/usb/stick/repository.git
git clone --local --bare . /path/to/usb/stick/repository.git
git remote add usb file:///path/to/usb/stick/repository.git
git push usb master
git clone file:///path/to/usb/stick/repository.git
if you get error via cloning:
Invalid cross-device link
...include an option:
"You can use the git clone --no-hardlinks option to tell git to take a copy of the files rather than attempt to symlink over to the mounted USB drive." by WiredBob
sources: http://blog.costan.us/2009/02/synchronizing-git-repositories-without.html
published: Winter 2012