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Deployments and Health Checks

Module Objectives

  • Convert a pod to a deployment
  • Scale/update/rollout/rollback the deployment
  • Define custom health checks and liveness probes
  • Use horizontal pod autoscaler
  • Use jobs and cronJobs to schedule task execution

Convert a Pod to a Deployment

There are a couple of problems with our current setup.

  • If the application inside a Pod crashes, nobody will restart the Pod.

  • We already use Services to connect our Pods to each other, but we don't have an efficient way to scale the Pods behind a Service and load balance traffic between Pod instances.

  • We don't have an efficient way to update our Pods without a downtime. We also can't easily rollback to the previous version if we need to do so.

    Deployments can help to eliminate all these issues. Let's convert all our 3 Pods to Deployments.

  1. Delete all running Pods.

    kubectl delete pod --all
  2. Open the manifests/db.yaml file.

  3. Delete the top 2 lines.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
  4. Indent/add 4 more spaces in the beginning of each line. If you use vim for editing you can check this link to learn how to easily shift blocks of text in vim.

  5. Add the following block to the top of the file:

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
      name: db
      replicas: 1
          app: gceme
          role: db

    Your Pod definition becomes a template for the newly created Deployment.

  6. Repeat this steps for the frontend and backend Pods. Don't forget to change the name of the Deployment and the machLabels element.

  7. List Deployments.

    kubectl get deployments
    backend    1         1         1            0           1m
    db         1         1         1            1           1m
    frontend   1         1         1            1           6s
  8. List ReplicaSets.

    kubectl get rs
    NAME                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
    backend-5c46cc4bb9    1         1         1         12m
    db-77df47c5dd         1         1         1         12m
    frontend-654b5ff445   1         1         1         11m
  9. List Pods.

    kubectl get pod
    NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    backend-5c46cc4bb9-wf7qj    1/1       Running   0          12m
    db-77df47c5dd-ssgs6         1/1       Running   0          12m
    frontend-654b5ff445-b6fgs   1/1       Running   0          11m
  10. List Services and connect to the frontend LoadBalancer service's IP in a web browser. Verify that the app is working fine.

    kubectl get services

Scale/Update/Rollout/Rollback the Deployment

kubectl get services

Scale the Deployment

  1. Edit manifests/backend.yaml. Update the number of replicas to 3 and apply changes.

  2. In your browser refresh the application several times. Notice that Container IP field sometimes changes. This indicates that the request comes to a different backend Pod.

Update and Rollout the Deployment

  1. Edit main.go file. Change version to 1.0.1 and save the file. (Around line 60)

  2. Rebuild the container image with a new tag.

    docker build . -t $IMAGE
    docker push $IMAGE
  3. Update manifests/backend.yaml to use the new version of the container image and apply the changes.

    Replace the image version in both the initContainers and containers sections.


    Note: replace <PROJECT-ID> with your project id.

  4. Watch how the Pods are rolled out in real time.

    watch kubectl get pod
  5. Open the application in the browser and make sure the backend version is updated.

  6. View the Deployment rollout history.

    kubectl rollout history deployment/backend
    deployments "backend"
    1         <none>
    2         <none>

Rollback the Deployment

  1. Rollback to the previous revision

    kubectl rollout undo deployment/backend
  2. Make sure the application now shows version 1.0.0 instead of 1.0.1.

Define Custom Health Checks and Liveness Probes

By default, Kubernetes assumes that a Pod is ready to accept requests as soon as its container is ready and the main process starts running. Once this condition is met, Kubernetes Services will redirect traffic to the Pod. This can cause problems if the application needs some time to initialize. Let's reproduce this behavior.

  1. Add -delay=60 parameter to the backend startup command and apply changes. This will cause our app to sleep for a minute on startup.

  2. Open the app in the web browser. You should see the following error for about a minute:

    Error: Get http://backend:8080: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Now let's fix this problem by introducing a readinessProbe and a livenessProbe.

The readinessProbe and livenessProbe are used by Kubernetes to check the health of the containers in a Pod. The probes can check either HTTP endpoints or run shell commands to determine the health of a container. The difference between readiness and liveness probes is subtle, but important.

If an app fails a livenessProbe, kubernetes will restart the container.

Caution: A misconfigured livenessProbe could cause deadlock for an application to start. If an application takes more time than the probe allows, then the livenessProbe will always fail and the app will never successfully start. See this document for how to adjust the timing on probes.

If an app fails a readinessProbe, Kubernetes will consider the container unhealthy and send traffic to other Pods.

Note: Unlike liveness, the Pod is not restarted.

For this exercise, we will use only a readinessProbe.

  1. Edit manifests/backend.yaml, add the following section into it and apply the changes.

                path: /healthz
                port: 8080

    This section should go under spec -> template -> spec -> containers[name=backend] and should be aligned with image, env and command properties.

  2. Run watch kubectl get pod to see how Kubernetes is rolling out your Pods. This time it will do it much slower, making sure that previous Pods are ready before starting a new set of Pods.

Use Horizontal Autoscaler

Now we will use the horizontal autoscaler to automatically set the number of backend instances based on the current load.

  1. Scale the number of backend instances to 1.

    Note: You can either modify manifests/backend.yaml file and apply changes or use kubectl scale command.

  2. Apply autoscaling to the backend Deployment.

    kubectl autoscale deployment backend --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=3
  3. Check the status of the autoscaler.

    kubectl get hpa
    backend   Deployment/backend   0%/50%    1         3         1          1m
  4. Exec inside the Pod.

    kubectl exec -it <backend-pod-name> bash
  5. Install stress and use the following command to generate some load.

    apt-get update & apt-get install stress
    stress --cpu 60 --timeout 200
  6. In a different terminal window watch the autoscaler status.

    watch kubectl get hpa
    backend   Deployment/backend   149%/50%   1         3         3          13m

    Wait until the autoscaler scales the number of backend Pods to 3.

  7. Save the autoscaler definition as a Kubernetes object and examine its content.

    kubectl get hpa -o yaml > manifests/autoscaler.yaml

Use Jobs and CronJobs to Schedule Task Execution

Sometimes there is a need to run one-off tasks. You can use Pods to do that, but if the task fails nobody will be able to track that and restart the Pod. Kubernetes Jobs provide a better alternative to run one-off tasks. Jobs can be configured to retry failed task several times. If you need to run a Job on a regular basis you can use CronJobs. Now let's create a CronJob that will do a database backup for us.

  1. Save the following file as manifests/backup.yaml and apply the changes.

    apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
    kind: CronJob
      name: backup
      schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
          backoffLimit: 2
              - name: backup
                image: mysql:5.6
                command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
                - mysqldump -h db -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD sample_app
                - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
                      name: mysql
                      key: password
              restartPolicy: OnFailure

    This creates a CronJob that runs each minute. backoffLimit is set to 2 so the job will be retried 2 times in case of failure. The job runs the mysqldump command that prints the contents of the sample_app database to stdout. This will be available in the Pod logs. (And yes, I know that Pod logs is the worst place to store a database backup 😄 )

  2. Get the cronjob status.

    kubectl get cronjob backup
    backup    */1 * * * *   False     0         2m              25m
  3. After 1 minute a backup Pod will be created, if you list the Pods you should see the backup completed.

    watch kubectl get pod
    NAME                        READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    backend-dc656c878-v5fh7     1/1       Running     0          3m
    backup-1543535520-ztrpf     0/1       Completed   0          1m
    db-77df47c5dd-d8zc2         1/1       Running     0          1h
    frontend-654b5ff445-bvf2j   1/1       Running     0          1h
  4. View the backup Pod logs and make sure that backup was completed successfully.

    kubectl logs <backup-pod-name>
  5. Delete the CronJob.

    kubectl delete cronjob backup

Next: Persistence