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BlueSCSI 1.1 DB25 Assembly

Eric Helgeson edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 22 revisions

1.1 DB25 Assembly - Work In Progress

Before you start

Read through all instructions before starting.

Verify you have all the components

  • Preprogrammed STM32 BluePill with 2x 20 pin headers
  • BlueSCSI 1.1 DB25 PCB
  • Diode
  • PCB Mount DB25 connector
  • 2x 220ohm Resistor Networks
  • 2x 330ohm Resistor Networks
  • MicroSD Socket
  • (Optional) - 3d printed Case

Assembly videos

Branchus Creations - Building and setting up an external DB25 BlueSCSI (22:59)


  1. Solder the surface mount SD Card holder onto the bottom of the board. Use the Drag Solder technique
    • Once on, check continuity of all connections. Fixing this after the BluePill is on will be difficult.
    • Ensure the SD card fits and you dont have too much solder on the sides or contacts - if you do, you can use solder wick to clean some off


  1. Solder the diode to the bottom of the board, ensure it is as flush with the PCB as possible. Trim the excess legs


  1. Solder on the resistor nets, take note of the orientation, and the location of the 220's and 330's

(marked photo)

  1. Solder on the BluePill
    • If you are putting this in a case and don't want to trim the extra length of the 2 20 pin headers, you can put the long side of the headers up. But it's recommended you put the long side down and trim the extra legs
    • Ensure the orientation of the BluePill. The USB port will be above the SD slot.
    • Once you solder on the headers on the bottom of the board, ensure they're not shorting out with the SD slot.
    • (Recommended)Cut the header legs sticking out of the bottom of the BlueSCSI so it will fit in a case


  1. Solder on the DB25 connection


  1. Inspect your work
    • Double check for shorted/bridged pins, spots missing solder, etc.
  2. Put it in the 3d printed case


  1. Configure it
  2. Test it!
    • Plug it into your favorite Mac, run a benchmark with SCSI Director Pro, play some Lemmings, write a document in ClarisWorks, enjoy!
