See the package file
run npm run build
to build the library and npm run watch
to also watch for changes.
run npm run cli --
and add arguments. For example npm run cli -- --help
node ../dist/packages/cli/src/cli create family2022-06-07.pdf --vault '/Volumes/LocalData/synology/main/archive-synced/obsidian/vaults/eran-sakal' \
--subFolder 'life-journey' --filterBy '(life journey)' --filterFrom '2022-06-01' --filterTo '2022-07-31' \
--title 'אלבום משפחתי' --coverImage 'Pasted image 20230430001644.png' --backCover --extraEmptyPage
Note that --extraEmptyPage
is needed if the numbe of pages are odd. This is not supported in picabook.