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React workshop - Unit Novice-3


This unit covers practical use-cases with components. Let's start playing with React :)

Unit Tickets

NOTICE: before you start working, please checkout branch novice-3 and use it to develop this unit tasks

Ticket Novice-3 (conditional rendering)

  • create file .env based on content of .env.template, ask the keys from the trainer..
    • NOTICE everytime you change a value in .env file you must run again npm run serve.
  • in app.tsx - upon mounting
    • show Loading... message when mounting
    • connect to ChatKit using ./src/chatkit-service.ts class ChatkitService method connect
  • if connection failed, replace loading with message Failed to connect...
  • if connected, replace loading message with Hello {your name}!

Troubleshooting: If your IDE complains about unknown import of .css files, add declare module '*.css'; in file react-app-env.d.ts

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Ticket Novice-3.1 (create component)

You can continue your work or checkout and continue with branch novice-3.1

  • add new component named message-create according coding convention:
  |- components
     |- message-create
        |- message-create.tsx
        |- message-create.css
        |- index.ts
  • in MessageCreate component render the following:
	<div className={'caption'}>Type your message here</div>
	<input />
  • in index.ts add export * from './message-create.tsx'.
  • show MessageCreate component in app.tsx only if user is connected
  • use the caption class name in MessageCreate to change the div style to font-size: 12px; background: purple;

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Ticket Novice-3.2 (css modules & controlled components)

You can continue your work or checkout and continue with branch novice-3.2

  • refactor two existing components to use css modules and make sure the conflict of captions is resolved. Use the article found in 'references' section.
  • feel free to remove those not that sofisticated class names, they did their part and not needed anymore.
  • add state value: string to MessageCreate.
  • add onChange react event to the input component.
  • add a method to handle that event, when called it should update the value of the state. Use the article as a reference.
    • tip: any method used to handle events should be created as arrow functions otherwise you might have issues with this. instead of handleChange() {} do handleChange = () => {}.
  • add second event onKeyUp and a matching method to handle it. use event args e.which === 13 to detect pressing enter and write the value to console.

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Ticket Novice-3.3 (lifting state up)

You can continue your work or checkout and continue with branch novice-3.3

  • move value from MessageCreate state into App state
  • extend MessageCreate props, add onChange and onSend events.
    • onChange is a 'proxy event' and should have the same signature of the originator. In our case (e: any) => void.
    • onSend abstract the logic of onKeyUp and can expose a more relevant signature () => void
  • adjust code so a user can type value and print it to console when pressing enter. It should behave the same while the value should be managed in App component.
  • instead of writing to console use ChatkitService method sendMessage to send the message to the server. Ask for the roomId from the trainer and add that value to .env file with key REACT_APP_CHATKIT_TEST_ROOM_ID
    • NOTICE everytime you change a value in .env file you must run again npm run serve.
  • expose optional disabled prop in MessageCreate that if set disable user typing. default to not disabled.
  • add 'swear filter' that replaces any of the following words ('badass', 'sexy', 'motherfucker') with 'nice guy'
  • add 'antisocial filter' that disable the input if the user types the phrase 'coffee break' useful link

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Ticket Novice-3.4 (component life cycle events) - Bonus!

You can continue your work or checkout and continue with branch novice-3.4

This ticket provides less guidance to level up the challange. Ping me if you need assistance

  • continuing from previous task, once the input field is disabled, add event to MessageCreate that will be triggered after 5 seconds and will cause App to re-enable the component.
  • when user types 'i need your help', make MessageCreate to write to console 'Sorry, I'm very busy...' every 1 second eternally. useful link
  • when user types 'lo tzarich tovot', make App to disconnect (which will cause MessageCreate to be unmounted).
  • make sure the writes to console log stops as MessageCreate is not there anymore.

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Ticket Novice-3.5 (state manipulations)

You can continue your work or checkout and continue with branch novice-3.5

  • extends App state with
bookmarks: {
            list: {id: string, value: string}[],
            ownerIdType: string
  • upon mounting - set value of ownerIdType to string User
  • when user types show bookmarks - print all bookmarks to console with title showing bookmarks for '${this.state.ownerIdType}'.
  • when user types add bookmark {something somthing}! - add new bookmark. generate id using npm librari short library. don't forget to add types as well by consuming @types/shortid (into devDependencies)
  • make sure adding to array doesn't delete value of ownerId without re-setting is manually. Search for the functional programming technique without adding 3rd party libraries
  • when user types remove bookmark XXX! - remove bookmark with id XXX if exists and print to console new bookmarks
  • when use types modify bookmark {id} {new value}! - modify value if id exists

Once completed, you can review the suggested solution here

Unit Highlights

  • component state
  • component typescript support for props & state
  • workaround for state issue with typescript
  • using .env local file
  • workaround libraries without typescript declarations
  • css resets
  • fragments
  • css modules
  • controlled components
  • react synthetic events
  • default props
  • component life cycle events (componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount, componentDidUpdate)

Unit References