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How to Use

Table of Contents

ESP-IDF Framework

Dependencies and Versions

Dependency Version
esp-idf >= 5.1
esp32_io_expander ^0.1.0

Adding to Project

ESP32_Display_Panel has been uploaded to the Espressif Component Registry, and users can add it to their project using the add-dependency command, for example: add-dependency "espressif/esp32_display_panel"

Alternatively, users can create or modify the idf_component.yml file in the project directory. For more details, please refer to the Espressif Documentation - IDF Component Manager.

Configuration Instructions

When developing with esp-idf, users can configure ESP32_Display_Panel through the menuconfig:

  1. Run the command menuconfig.
  2. Navigate to Component config > ESP Display Panel Configurations.

Arduino IDE

Dependencies and Versions

Dependency Version
arduino-esp32 >= v3.0.0-alpha3
ESP32_IO_Expander >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2.0

Installing the Library

For installation of the ESP32_Display_Panel library, refer to How to Install ESP32_Display_Panel in Arduino IDE.

Configuration Instructions

Below are detailed instructions on how to configure ESP32_Display_Panel, mainly including Configuring Drivers, Using Supported Development Boards, and Using Custom Development Boards. These are all optional operations and are configured through specified header files. Users can choose to use them according to their needs, with the following characteristics:

  1. The path sequence for ESP32_Display_Panel to search for configuration files is: Current Project Directory > Arduino Library Directory > ESP32_Display_Panel Directory.
  2. All examples in ESP32_Display_Panel include their required configuration files by default, which users can directly modify macro definitions.
  3. For projects without configuration files, users can copy them from the root directory or examples of ESP32_Display_Panel to their own projects.
  4. If multiple projects need to use the same configuration, users can place the configuration files in the Arduino Library Directory, so that all projects can share the same configuration.


  • The same directory can simultaneously contain both ESP_Panel_Board_Supported.h and ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h configuration files, but they cannot be enabled at the same time, meaning ESP_PANEL_USE_SUPPORTED_BOARD and ESP_PANEL_USE_CUSTOM_BOARD can only have one set to 1.
  • If neither of the above two configuration files is enabled, users cannot use the ESP_Panel driver and can only use other standalone device drivers, such as ESP_PanelBus, ESP_PanelLcd, etc.
  • Since the configurations within these files might change, such as adding, deleting, or renaming, to ensure the compatibility of the program, the library manages the versions of these files independently and checks whether the configuration files currently used by the user are compatible with the library during compilation. Detailed version information and checking rules can be found at the end of the file.

Configuring Drivers

ESP32_Display_Panel configures driver functionality and parameters based on the ESP_Panel_Conf.h file. Users can update the behavior or default parameters of the driver by modifying macro definitions in this file. For example, to enable debug log output, here is a snippet of the modified ESP_Panel_Conf.h file:

/* Set to 1 if print log message for debug */
#define ESP_PANEL_ENABLE_LOG                (1)         // 0/1

Using Supported Development Boards

ESP32_Display_Panel configures ESP_Panel as the driver for the target development board based on the ESP_Panel_Board_Supported.h file. Users can select supported development boards by modifying macro definitions in this file. For example, to use the ESP32-S3-BOX-3 development board, follow these steps:

  1. Set the ESP_PANEL_USE_SUPPORTED_BOARD macro definition in the ESP_Panel_Board_Supported.h file to 1.
  2. Uncomment the corresponding macro definition for the target development board model.

Here is a snippet of the modified ESP_Panel_Board_Supported.h file:

/* Set to 1 if using a supported board */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_SUPPORTED_BOARD       (1)         // 0/1

// #define BOARD_ESP32_C3_LCDKIT
// #define BOARD_ESP32_S3_BOX
#define BOARD_ESP32_S3_BOX_3
// #define BOARD_ESP32_S3_BOX_3_BETA

Using Custom Development Boards

ESP32_Display_Panel configures ESP_Panel as the driver for custom development boards based on the ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h file. Users need to modify this file according to the actual parameters of the custom development board. For example, to use a custom development board with a 480x480 RGB ST7701 LCD + I2C GT911 Touch, follow these steps:

  1. Set the ESP_PANEL_USE_CUSTOM_BOARD macro definition in the ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h file to 1.
  2. Set the LCD-related macro definitions: a. Set ESP_PANEL_USE_LCD to 1. b. Set ESP_PANEL_LCD_WIDTH and ESP_PANEL_LCD_HEIGHT to 480. c. Set ESP_PANEL_LCD_BUS_TYPE to ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_RGB. d. Set LCD signal pins and other parameters below ESP_PANEL_LCD_BUS_TYPE == ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_RGB. e. Uncomment and modify the ESP_PANEL_LCD_VENDOR_INIT_CMD macro definition according to the initialization command parameters provided by the screen vendor. f. Modify other LCD configurations as needed.
  3. Set the Touch-related macro definitions: a. Set ESP_PANEL_USE_TOUCH to 1. b. Set Touch signal pins and other parameters below ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_BUS_TYPE == ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_I2C. c. Modify other Touch configurations as needed.
  4. Enable other driver macro definitions as needed, such as ESP_PANEL_USE_BACKLIGHT, ESP_PANEL_USE_EXPANDER, etc.

Here is a snippet of the modified ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h file:

/* Set to 1 if using a custom board */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_CUSTOM_BOARD  (1)         // 0/1

/* Set to 1 when using an LCD panel */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_LCD           (1)     // 0/1

 * LCD Controller Name
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_NAME          ST7701

/* LCD resolution in pixels */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_WIDTH         (480)
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_HEIGHT        (480)
 * LCD Bus Type.
 * LCD Bus Parameters.
 * Please refer to and
 * for more details.
 * LCD Vendor Initialization Commands.
 * Vendor specific initialization can be different between manufacturers, should consult the LCD supplier for
 * initialization sequence code. Please uncomment and change the following macro definitions. Otherwise, the LCD driver
 * will use the default initialization sequence code.
 * There are two formats for the sequence code:
 *   1. Raw data: {command, (uint8_t []){ data0, data1, ... }, data_size, delay_ms}
 *   2. Formatter: ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(delay_ms, command, { data0, data1, ... }) and
 *                ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_NONE_PARAM(delay_ms, command)
    { \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xFF, {0x77, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10}), \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xC0, {0x3B, 0x00}), \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xC1, {0x0D, 0x02}), \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xC2, {0x31, 0x05}), \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xCD, {0x00}), \
        ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_NONE_PARAM(120, 0x11), \
#endif /* ESP_PANEL_USE_LCD */

/* Set to 1 when using a touch panel */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_TOUCH         (1)         // 0/1
 * Touch controller name
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_NAME        GT911
 * Touch panel bus type
/* Touch panel bus parameters */
#endif /* ESP_PANEL_USE_TOUCH */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_BACKLIGHT     (1)         // 0/1

Usage Examples

You can access them in the Arduino IDE by navigating to File > Examples > ESP32_Display_Panel. If you cannot find the ESP32_Display_Panel option, please check if the library has been installed correctly and ensure that an ESP development board is selected.


The following examples demonstrate how to develop different interface and model LCDs using standalone drivers and test them by displaying color bars:


The following example demonstrates how to develop touch screens of different interfaces and models using standalone drivers and test them by printing touch point coordinates:


The following example demonstrates how to develop built-in or custom development boards using the ESP_Panel driver:

  • Panel Test: This example tests by displaying color bars and printing touch point coordinates.


For configuring LVGL (v8.3.x), please refer to here for more detailed information.

  • Porting: This example demonstrates how to port LVGL (v8.3.x). And for RGB LCD, it can enable the avoid tearing function.
  • Rotation: This example demonstrates how to use LVGL to rotate the display.


Currently, the anti-tearing feature is only supported for RGB LCD and requires LVGL version >= v8.3.9. If you are using a different type of LCD or an LVGL version that does not meet the requirements, please do not enable this feature.


To port the SquareLine project (v1.3.x), please refer to here for more detailed information.

  • Porting: This example demonstrates how to port the SquareLine project.
  • WiFiClock: This example implements a simple Wi-Fi clock and can display weather information.


  • PlatformIO: This example demonstrates how to use ESP32_Display_Panel in PlatformIO. By default, it is suitable for the ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board and ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board-2 development boards. Users need to modify the boards/ESP-LCD.json file according to the actual situation.

Other Relevant Instructions

Configuring Supported Development Boards

For details on how to configure the supported development boards in the Arduino IDE, see Board_Instructions - Recommended Configurations in the Arduino IDE.

Configuring LVGL

The functionality and parameters of LVGL can be configured by editing the lv_conf.h file, where users can modify macro definitions to update the behavior or default parameters of the driver. Here are some features for configuring LVGL:

  1. When using arduino-esp32 v3.x.x version, LVGL will search for the configuration file in the following order: current project directory > Arduino library directory. If the configuration file is not found, a compilation error indicating the absence of the configuration file will be prompted. Therefore, users need to ensure that at least one directory contains the lv_conf.h file.

  2. If multiple projects need to use the same configuration, users can place the configuration file in the Arduino library directory, so that all projects can share the same configuration.

Below are detailed steps for sharing the same LVGL configuration:

  1. Navigate to the Arduino library directory.

  2. Enter the lvgl folder, copy the lv_conf_template.h file, and place the copy at the same level as the lvgl folder. Then, rename the copied file to lv_conf.h.

  3. Finally, the layout of the Arduino library folder should look like this:

  4. Open the lv_conf.h file, and change the first #if 0 to #if 1 to enable the contents of the file.

  5. Set other configurations according to requirements. Here are some examples of common configuration options for LVGL v8:

    #define LV_COLOR_DEPTH          16  // Typically use 16-bit color depth (RGB565),
                                        // but can also set it to `32` to support 24-bit color depth (RGB888)
    #define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP        0   // If using SPI/QSPI LCD (e.g., ESP32-C3-LCDkit), set this to `1`
    #define LV_MEM_CUSTOM           1
    #define LV_MEMCPY_MEMSET_STD    1
    #define LV_TICK_CUSTOM          1
                                       // Get higher performance but use more SRAM
    #define LV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_N    1  // Enable all internal fonts needed (`N` should be replaced with font size)
  6. For more information, please refer to the LVGL official documentation.

Porting SquareLine Project

SquareLine Studio (v1.3.x) allows for the rapid design of beautiful UIs through visual editing. If you want to use UI source files exported from SquareLine in the Arduino IDE, you can follow these steps for porting:

  1. First, create a new project in SquareLine Studio. Go to Create -> Arduino, select Arduino with TFT-eSPI as the project template, then configure the LCD properties for the target development board in the PROJECT SETTINGS section, such as Resolution and Color depth. Finally, click the Create button to create the project.

  2. For existing projects, you can also click on File -> Project Settings in the navigation bar to enter the project settings. Then, in the BOARD PROPERTIES section, configure Board Group as Arduino and Board as Arduino with TFT-eSPI. Additionally, configure the LCD properties for the target development board in the DISPLAY PROPERTIES section. Finally, click the Save button to save the project settings.

  3. Once the UI design is complete and the export path is configured, click on Export -> Create Template Project and Export UI Files buttons in the menu bar to export the project and UI source files. The layout of the project directory will be as follows:

  4. Copy the lv_conf.h, lvgl, and ui folders from the libraries folder in the project directory to the Arduino library directory. If you need to use a locally installed lvgl, skip copying lvgl and lv_conf.h, then refer to the steps in the LVGL Configuration section to configure LVGL. The layout of the Arduino library folder will be as follows:

            |-ESP_Panel_Conf.h (optional)
            |-lv_conf.h (optional)