curl has more than one hundred command-line options and the number of options keep increasing over time. Chances are the number of options will surpass 200 within a year or two.
In order to find out which options you need to perform as certain action, you
can, of course, list all options, scan through the list and pick the one you're
looking for. curl --help
or simply curl -h
will get you a list of all
existing options with a brief explanation. If you don't really know what
you're looking for, you probably won't be entirely satisfied.
Then you can instead opt to use curl --manual
which will output the
entire man page for curl plus an appended tutorial for the most common use
cases. That is a very thorough and complete document on how each option
works amassing several thousand lines of documentation. To wade through that is also a
tedious work and we encourage use of a search function through those text
masses. Some people will appreciate the man page in its web