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562 lines (370 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

562 lines (370 loc) · 15.7 KB

Terrarossa notes


npm run dev




brew install planetscale/tap/pscale
pscale connect terrarossa main --port 3309
How can

altrimenti connettersi direttamente con DATABASE_URL in .env



npx prisma db seed

Prisma studio

npx prisma studio


to reset the database (delete all data!!):

npx prisma db push --force-reset


For local development and testing. In DATABASE_URL cambiare username: root e password: secret

docker run --name mysql-terrarossa -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -p 3306:3306 -d mysql

DB changes

in .env cambiare il DATABASE_URL a quello del branch riavviare npm run dev

npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate

(reminder: cambiamenti ai prisma tag non richiedono deployment, si riflettono solo su prisma studio e prisma generate). Mergiare da

Incorporating databases into your ci cd pipeline

From webinar:
Schema before code (almost always).
Two github actions:

Run db migration:

  • if pull request opened and changes to schema file:
    • create a new db branch (check if already exists, since this workflow is triggered on subsequent pushes on same PR)
    • proxy the db connection to the new created branch on planetscale
    • run the migration (prisma db push)
    • comment on the PR the diff in schema changes (very optional)
    • check if the DR already exists and close it, in that case
    • open DR on planetscale (branch name of DB = branch name on GH)

Deploy schema then code:

  • if the PR has been merged and there's a DR with same branch name:

    • merge the DR on Planetscale (and wait for it)
    • deploy to vercel

Prisma cloud platform [BLOCKED by NextAuth]

  • in db.ts add .$extends(withAccelerate()) after new PrismaClient({...})
// src/server/db.ts

import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { withAccelerate } from "@prisma/extension-accelerate";

new PrismaClient({
  datasources: { db: { url: env.ACCELERATE_URL } },
  • Define ACCELERATE_URL used above
  • In prisma/schema.prisma in the section datasource db define
directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL")
url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

see repo example accelerate-speed-test

Cypress and seed scripts

They instantiate their PrismaClient() internally, so they do not rely on the main one

Next Auth

currently (November 2023), it is a blocker, since

// scr/server/auth.ts

adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma)

does not recognize the type of prisma object created with $extends(...)

Privacy policy

generated using account: [email protected]


npm run cypress

to avoid missing env variables, in package.json use:

"scripts": {
  "cypress": "NODE_ENV='test' cypress open"

flaky VSCode type error in .tsx file, how to solve:

in cypress/tsconfig.json add:

"module": "NodeNext",
"jsx": "preserve",
"include": [..., "**/*.tsx"]
"baseUrl": "..",
    "paths": {
      "~/*": ["./src/*"]

then, for solving import type from @FullCalendar/core, add:

"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,

Missing linting in cypress files

I got several build failures because VSCode or eslint does not checking for "possible undefined" related errros. To have those checking, I added this option to cypress/tsconfig.json

    "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,

MUI pickers and Cypress on Github Actions

Since chrome in Github actions run in headless mode, it has pointer: none. This make MUI pickers render in mobile mode, and do not accept text input (readonly, it render instead a visual clock for touch commands).

Working solution

To configure chrome to always use pointer: fine, let's add a configuration string to chrome's launch command. Put this in cypress.config.js, in the section setupNodeEvents(on, config) {...}

on("before:browser:launch", (browser, launchOptions) => {
  if ( === "chromium" && !== "electron") {
    return launchOptions;

Not working solution

Another approach would be to use the Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP). Something like this:

Cypress.automation("remote:debugger:protocol", {
  command: 'Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled',
  params: {
    enabled: true


Cypress.automation("remote:debugger:protocol", {
  command: "Emulation.setEmulatedMedia",
  params: {
    media: "all",
    features: [{ name: "pointer", value: "fine" }],

However, I didn't find how to emulate the pointer type media query correctly.

Re-enable parallelization on Cloud

at job level (before steps):

  fail-fast: false
    containers: [1, 2, 3]

under option of cypress-io/github-action@v5:

record: true
parallel: true
group: "UI - Chrome [ - mobile]"

Environment variables

cypress guide

  1. cypress.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  env: {
    login_url: '/login',

became accessible in test file as

Cypress.env('login_url') // '/login'
  1. cypress.env.json
 login_url: '/login_local',
  1. CYPRESS_*

Any exported environment variables set on the command line or in your CI provider that start with either CYPRESS* or cypress* will automatically be parsed by Cypress.

Environment variables that do not match configuration options will be set as environment variables for use in tests with Cypress.env(), and will override any existing values in the Cypress configuration env object and cypress.env.json files.

example, from command line:

export CYPRESS_api_server=http://localhost:8888/api/v1/

in test:

Cypress.env('api_server') // 'http://localhost:8888/api/v1/'
  1. --env

from command line:

cypress run --env api_server=http://localhost:8888/api/v1

Providing context to component in Cypress component testing

General concept:


React Query:

MSW (in case I want to mock the network for testing)

How to use with cypress (when to initialize service worker) mswjs/msw#1560

libraries or example on top of msw:

discussion on trpc repo on how to mock calls: trpc/trpc#1879

Github Actions

Skip pull request and push workflows

If any commit message in your push or the HEAD commit of your PR contains the strings [skip ci], [ci skip], [no ci], [skip actions], or [actions skip] workflows triggered on the push or pull_request events will be skipped.

Vercel manual deploy

How to get secrets for vercel, from this guide:

  • Retrieve your Vercel Access Token
  • Install the Vercel CLI and run vercel login
  • Inside your folder, run vercel link to create a new Vercel project
  • Inside the generated .vercel folder, save the projectId and orgId from the project.json
  • Inside GitHub, add VERCEL_TOKEN, VERCEL_ORG_ID, and VERCEL_PROJECT_ID as secrets

Get commit info (like committer)

on push event:

Update deployment section in github repo

Using these actions:

Currently applied only for preview environment. On new deploy, it mark the old ones as inactive. Check how to handle the case of having more than one active branches (also in case of renovate bot opening PR).

Linting before commit

install husky and lint-staged:

npx husky-init
npm install --save-dev lint-staged
npx husky set .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"

configure lint-staged in package.json:

"lint-staged": {
  "*": "prettier --ignore-unknown --write"

run once:

npm run prepare

On each commit, husky will run lint-staged, which will run prettier on all staged files.

Ignoring commit in git blame:

  • add the file .git-blame-ignore-revs
  • run: git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
  • write the 40 chars commit hash in it of the commit to ignore

Pino logger + Logflare

Pino logger + Logflare. Code example repo: next-pino-logflare-logging-example

It use the vercel log drain + logflare vercel integration for logging lambda (server side), and POST request to logdrain client side, everything using the same logger object.

Log child for logging the LOGKEY of each component using the logger.

Server side

On logflare, once installed the integration, create a source (terrarossa.vercel in this case) and a log drain that will collect logs from vercel project (so all kind of log: static request, build, lamdba, etc.) and send them to the created source. It is possible for a given source to create a rule which redirect filtered log to another source ( for instance).

Client side

Create another source (optional) and get SOURCE_ID and API_KEY for initialize the logger object in the code.

NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV (for enabling features client side)

Nextjs actually support only two values: development and production (see this discussion). To overcome this, best option is to use APP_ENV. Since it needs to be read client side, it became: NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV = production | development | test

Environment Variable Load Order

Environment variables are looked up in the following places, in order, stopping once the variable is found (source).

  1. process.env
  2. .env.$(NODE_ENV).local
  3. .env.local (Not checked when NODE_ENV is test.)
  4. .env.$(NODE_ENV)
  5. .env






    "dev": "next",

    "dev:test": "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test'",

    "cypress": "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' cypress open",

    "cypress-run": "npx cypress run",

    "cypress-run-component": "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' npx cypress run --component",

Local development

I set NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV="development" in .env file. Easy as that


I set an env variable to NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV="production". Easy


I need to set that variable to test both locally and on the CI, for both e2e testing and component testing


E2E: I need to run the local dev server with that variable set to test. Unfortunalty now I cannot use anymore the same instance of the server for both development and testing. Cypress depend on the NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV set when the server is launched.

  • start local server: npm run dev:test = "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' npm run dev" (since process.env take precedence of what is defined in .env file)
  • start cypress: npm run cypress

COMPONENT: I can set NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' from the command line before lunching npm run cypress and that value will be read correctly, since component testing does not depend from local server

  • start cypress: npm run cypress = "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' cypress open"

on CI

env variables are set in the env section of the .yml file, so it should be enough to set NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' in the workflow file, no other dependecies. NO! I need to set also "NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV='test' in the build command used for building the nextjs project

DEMO env


Extract projectId from .vercel folder and saved on Github secrets as VERCEL_PROJECT_ID_DEMO


  • db demo saved in vercel secrets as DATABASE_URL.

Create service token for accessing through CLI as described here



New app under terrarossa-demo.auth0. tenant.

Get this values to be saved as Vercel secrets:

Workflow on GH Action

It needs these secrets:

  • VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}
  • database name: ${{secrets.PLANETSCALE_DATABASE_NAME}}-demo
  1. install prisma and pscale cli
  2. connect to demo db through pscale cli and launch reset and seed command
  3. install vercel cli
  4. deploy in production on vercel


In order to use R2 with public access, I had to add a custom domain, so I transfer to cloudflare. What does it means?

  • Nameservers moved to Cloudflare (edited from Vercel domains dashboard).
Type Value
  • add DNS record in cloudflare dashboard (most of them are auto discovered).
Type Name Content
R2 terrarossa
  • Change SSL/TLS encryption mode to Full to avoid redirection error from cloudflare dashboard.

MUI Grid import

Reloading page that use Grid give this error:

Cannot use import statement outside a module

Solution, use this import instead of the suggested one from vscode:

import Grid from "@mui/material/Unstable_Grid2";

(see this link)