All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
- 🐞 Fixed
- error when default keybinding was not set
- ✨ Added
- a
keybind to use 'skim' as a finder
- a
- 🐞 Fixed
- keybind sequences causing an error due to the parser trying to despace a list improperly
- Changed
- drop trying to find a binary in a nonexistent cache, which is now very costly, especially with larger
- drop trying to find a binary in a nonexistent cache, which is now very costly, especially with larger
- Fixed
- 🐞 work with changed paths in xonsh v18
- Added
- ✨ feed navi a single command at the cursor location instead of the whole multi-command line
- Fixed
- 🪲 compare navi's best match to a space-stripped user command