LED Strip Controller (2x RGB, 1 White) with ESP8266 Homie (MQTT). Display support (SSD1306 OLED) is work in progress.
If not already installed, install Platformio
- See http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/installation.html for instructions
Clone LEDCtrl + necessary libraries into a directory
git clone https://github.com/euphi/ESP-LEDCtrl.git
git clone https://github.com/marvinroger/homie-esp8266.git
git clone https://github.com/euphi/HomieNodeCollection.git
git clone https://github.com/euphi/esp8266-oled-ssd1306.git
Link libs into the ESP-LEDCtrl lib directory:
cd ESP-LEDCtrl/lib
ln -s ../../homie-esp8266 .
ln -s ../../HomieNodeCollection .
ln -s ../../esp8266-oled-ssd1306 .
cd ..
Run platformio
- Ensure working directory is ESP-LEDCtrl and run
pio run
- To upload, use
pio run --target upload
- Ensure working directory is ESP-LEDCtrl and run
- Display support
- touch controller support
- Support for "set temperature", so it can be used as thermostat.
There is a kicad project with a PCB for two RGB outputs and one white channel in the PCB subdirectory
This PCB does not use any SMD parts, so it can easily be built and soldered at home (I created and etched it with "toner transfer", then soldered the parts).
The RGB output uses an ULN2003A as amplifier. This is a Bipolar device with limited power, so don't drive LED strips with it without an RGB signal amplifier.
- Example signal amplifier on Amazon
The white channel uses a FET as driver, so you can drive white LED strips.
I2C is available on board. Till now, I used it to connect a HTU21 temperature+humidity sensor to it. I will add a touch controller to control the LEDs locally.
Serial Programming Interface available. Auto-Reset into flash mode possible with esptool / platformio using the "ck"-reset method (Connect DTR to GPIO0, RTS to Reset)
- ESP-12F (Ai-Thinker) (or ESP-12E)
- ULN 2003
- P16NF06L
- DCDC-Converter (Adjustable, set to 12V -> 3,3V) (DAOKAI® 10PCS Standard Stromversorgungsmodul Adjustable Step down 3A DC DC Converter 1pc New)
- 3x 1/4 W Resistor (Pull-Up/Down; I used 3,16kΩ)
- Molex 4 Pin Connectors
- Molex 3 Pin Connectors
- 2mm Pin-Header to solder the ESP-12E
- 2,54mm Pin-Header for Serial/Programming interface (use "ck"-Reset method for esptool).