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156 lines (103 loc) · 3.99 KB

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with mcollective
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. TODO
  8. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  9. Changelog/Contributors


A puppet module to manage the configuration of mcollective when installed as part of the puppet 4 AIO installation.

Module Description

This module configures the server component and optionally the client configuration.

Requirements for this module is puppet >= 4.0 with the AIO installer. The evenup/puppet is one module that can meet this need. Mcollective also requiers an working ActiveMQ (or RabbitMQ - not supported by this module at this time) setup


What puppet affects

  • /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg
  • mcollective service
  • /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg (optional)
  • client and agent packages (optional)

Beginning with mcollective

This module can be installed with

  puppet module install evenup-mcollective


Installing the server component:

  class { 'mcollective':
    stomp_host     => '',
    stomp_user     => 'mcollective',
    stomp_password => 'secretpass',

Adding the client to a node and accessible to users in the mco-users group:

  class { 'mcollective':
    stomp_host     => '',
    stomp_user     => 'mcollective',
    stomp_password => 'secretpass',
    client         => true,
    client_group   => 'mco-users',


Agent Configuration

#####stomp_host String. Hostname (or IP) of the ActiveMQ server

Default: localhost

#####stomp_user String. Username to connect to stomp server as

Default: mcollective

#####stomp_password String. Password for stomp_user

Default: password

#####stomp_port Integer. ActiveMQ port

Default: 61613

#####psk String. Pre-shared key for encryptoin

Default: undef

#####client Boolean. Whether or not the client should be configured

Default: false

#####server_packages Array[String]. List of packages to be installed with the server role

Default: []

#####client_packages Array[String]. List of packages to be installed with the client role

Default: []

#####client_group String. Group that owns the client configuration. This allows keeping the configuration secure from users who don't need it, but allows for non-root mco access



Public Classes

  • mcollective: Entry point for configuring the module

Private Classes

  • mcollective::install: Installs packages defined in server_packages and client_packages, create paths
  • mcollective::server: Configures the server role
  • mcollective::client: Configures the client role
  • mcollective::service: Manages the mcollective service



This module currently does not have acceptnace tests and is tested on CentOS 6 and 7. It should work on Ubuntu machines without issue.


[ ] Add acceptance tests [ ] Allow RabbitMQ config [ ] Allow SSL config


Improvements and bug fixes are greatly appreciated. See the contributing guide for information on adding and validating tests for PRs.

Changelog / Contributors

