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307 lines (241 loc) · 8.22 KB

TheBossBaby for cross-platform v1.0.0

Logo TheBossBaby is a extendable Search app with plugins and fetchers

ٍScreenshot for TheBossBaby



  • Steps to install TheBossBaby app

git clone

## Unzip TheBossBaby Archive 
## after then do this command


## or in linux

sudo python3

Main Widgets for style

ID/ObjectName Widget
UIB_list_widget QListWidget
input QLineEdit
UIB_web QWebEngineView
UIB_progress_bar QProgressBar
btn_ext QToolButton
btn_setting QToolButton
UIB_splitter QSplitter

example how to style TheBossBaby Widgets

/* List Widget */
#UIB_list_widget {
    background: gray;

/* Items style */
#UIB_list_widget:item {
    color: white;!
    background: gray;

/* UIB_line */
#input {
    color: white;
    background: gray;

/* Web View */
#UIB_web {
    background: black;
    color: white;

Writing Plugins

You can program any type of plugins like QWidget or Items and this simple example for WebView plugin:

This is a basic walkthrough for creating a plugin. We'll create a simple say plugin, which print user text input to page

What makes a plugin

A plugin needs a couple of things, which we'll explain below:

  • a .zip
  • an info.json
  • a
  • an Icon.png (optional)

Create the .zip

to install your plugin wirte in search line @install {path/to/} or drag the file in Center Widget


The first thing we need is an info.json file. Here's what to put in it:

	"name": "Python Functions",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"description": "simple description",        // (optional)
	"icon": "icon.png",                         // (optional)
	"help": "",                        // (optional)
	"script": "",
	"creator_name": "Author name",              // (optional)
	"creator_email": "[email protected]",      // (optional)
	"creator_url": "",    // (optional)
	"home_page" : "https://www.github/<user name>/<repo name>", // (optional)
	"system": "all", // [windows, macos, linux, all]
	"examples": [
	    "print value",

    // Types: [keyword, kw, input, text, dialog, int, num, float, double, check, select]
    "settings": {
    	"kw": {
		"type": "keyword",
		"title": "Plugin Keyword",
		"subtitle": "do somthing",
		"value": "key"
    	"id_input": {
    		"type": "input",
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"value": "input type"

    	"id_text": {
    		"type": "text",
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"value": "text type"

    	"id_dialog": {
    		"type": "dialog",
    		"dialog": "",  // [file, dir, color]
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"value": "text type"

    	"id_int": {
    		"type": "int",
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"suffix": "",
    		"prefix": "",
    		"value": 12

    	"id_float": {
    		"type": "float",
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"suffix": "",
    		"prefix": "",
    		"value": 12.0

    	"id_check": {
    		"type": "check",
    		"name": "check name",
    		"value": 12.0

    	"id_select": {
    		"type": "select",
    		"title": "Text Title",
    		"subtitle": "Text Subtitle",
    		"value": "yes",
    		"options": [

(Remember to remove the inline comments, or else the JSON won't validate and the plugin will show up blank.)

Once that's there, you should be able to open up the TheBossBaby Installed list and see your plugin. It doesn't do anything yet.

def Results(parent):
    """ param: parent for main window methods """
    return {
        "items": [
            {"title": "Your text is '%s'" % parent.text, "subtitle": "you can see print right screen", "key": ""}

Now, if we type "print Hello world" into TheBossBaby, we'll see the title our plugin returned.

Detour: debugging

Sometimes, your Python script might crash you'll see error messages in the "errors" panel. If you want to debug your Javascript or HTML, right-click your web content and Inspect Element.

Running the plugin

Of course, the plugin doesn't actually do anything yet — ideally, we want it to search in google when we hit Enter. That's easy. Just add a function run to

Now, we need some way of passing the message that we're supposed to speak to run. That's why we returned an parent parameter for window methods

def Run(parent, item):
    import os
    os.system('firefox --search '{}''.format(item.key)) # TODO: proper escaping via pipes.quote

There. Now our plugin should work. Type "what is python" into TheBossBaby, hit enter, watch it go.

Showing HTML inline in Spotlight

Many plugins, like Emoji and Call, return HTML and JavaScript to show content inline in the TheBossBaby window. You can do this by returning an HTML string from your results function:

def Results(parent):
    html = "<h1>{0}</h1>".format(parent.text)
    return {
        "html": html
        "items": [
            {"title": "Your text is '%s'" % parent.text, "subtitle": "you can see print right screen", "key": ""}

If you'd like to load a web URL, you should return a delayed Javascript redirect, which looks like this:

    setTimeout(function() {
      window.location = ''
    }, 500); // delay so we don't get rate-limited by doing a request after every keystroke

There are two more fields you can return in your results dictionary that may be relevant if you're using webviews:

  • open_links_in_browser: optional when the user clicks links in the webview, they'll close TheBossBaby and open in a browser

Writing Themes

What makes a theme

A theme needs a couple of things, which we'll explain below:

  • a .thm directory, containing:
  • an info.json
  • a style.qss
  • an Icon.png (optional)


    "name": "Style name",
    "type": "dark",        // [dark, light]
    "version": "1.0.0", // (optional)
    "creator_name": "Example", // (optional)
    "creator_url": "", // (optional)
    "creator_email": "[email protected]", // (optional)
    "creator_home_page": "", // (optional)
    "style": "style.qss",
    "icon": "Icon.png" // (optional)


Click in this url to see how Qt Style Sheet Work


Online plugin pages like this one have screenshots of plugins. Take a screenshot of TheBossBaby showing your plugin by pressing Meta + Shift + Return, then saving that screenshot inside your plugin

TheBossBaby Default Keywords

for start using default keywords write in prefix like this @keyword

Return Press

ID/ObjectName Widget
(install, download, downloader, installer) + Return Open Downloader Window outside Search Box
hide Hide Window
(exit, quit) Kill window
settings Open Settings Window
dark Toggle to Dark mode
light Toggle to Light mode
style {style name} Applay Theme by name
small Toggle to Samll window mode
extend Toggle to Extend window mode
clear-history Clear History File
reload Reload all Plugins and settings
var add new variables
var-del {var-name} delete variables
post-msg {query} send System Notification
larg-txt {query} show Larg Text in Screen

Text Change

ID/ObjectName Widget
(install, download, downloader, installer) show downloader page in Search Box

Platform Support

  • Linux
  • Windows 10
  • MacOS

Test Platfrom

  • Linux


Licensed under the GPL and MIT licenses (see LICENSE)