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The original version of this list was collated by Alex Denisov on his blog.

Preceding research used

Fabiano C. Botelho, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, and Nivio Ziviani

Abstract. We propose a novel algorithm based on random graphs to construct minimal perfect hash functions h. For a set of n keys, our algorithm outputs h in expected time O(n). The evaluation of h(x) requires two memory accesses for any key x and the description of h takes up 1.15n words. This improves the space requirement to 55% of a previous minimal perfect hashing scheme due to Czech, Havas and Majewski. A simple heuristic further reduces the space requirement to 0.93n words, at the expense of a slightly worse constant in the time complexity. Large scale experimental results are presented.

Abstract. Chase and Lev’s concurrent deque is a key data structure in shared-memory parallel programming and plays an essential role in work-stealing schedulers. We provide the first correctness proof of an optimized implementation of Chase and Lev’s deque on top of the POWER and ARM architectures: these provide very relaxed memory models, which we exploit to improve performance but considerably complicate the reasoning. We also study an optimized x86 and a portable C11 implementation, conducting systematic experiments to evaluate the impact of memory barrier optimizations. Our results demonstrate the benefits of hand tuning the deque code when running on top of relaxed memory models.

Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Abstract. This Standard specifies a suite of algorithms that can be used to generate a digital signature. Digital signatures are used to detect unauthorized modifications to data and to authenticate the identity of the signatory. In addition, the recipient of signed data can use a digital signature as evidence in demonstrating to a third party that the signature was, in fact, generated by the claimed signatory. This is known as non-repudiation, since the signatory cannot easily repudiate the signature at a later time.

Christoph Lameter

Abstract. Effective locking is necessary for satisfactory performance on large Itanium based NUMA systems. Synchronization of parallel executing streams on NUMA machines is currently realized in the Linux kernel through a variety of mechanisms which include atomic operations, locking and ordering of memory accesses. Various synchronization methods may also be combined in order to increase performance. The talk presents the realization of basic synchronization in Linux on Itanium and then investigates more complex locking schemes. The current Linux locking mechanisms rely heavily on a simple spinlock implementation that may be fitting for systems of up to 8 processors. However, spinlocks cause excessive cache line bouncing if more processors are contending for a lock. Some approaches that have so far been made to solve the contention issue are presented and it is then suggested to use an implementation for Linux of the approach first proposed by Zoran Radovic which he called “Hierarchical Backoff Locks”.

Gilad Bracha and David Ungar

Abstract. We identify three design principles for reflection and metaprogramming facilities in object oriented programming languages. Encapsulation: meta-level facilities must encapsulate their implementation. Stratification: meta-level facilities must be separated from base-level functionality. Ontological correspondence: the ontology of meta-level facilities should correspond to the ontology of the language they manipulate. Traditional/mainstream reflective architectures do not follow these precepts. In contrast, reflective APIs built around the concept of mirrors are characterized by adherence to these three principles. Consequently, mirror-based architectures have significant advantages with respect to distribution, deployment and general purpose metaprogramming.

William N. Scherer III and Michael L. Scott

Abstract. We apply the classic theory of linearizability to operations that must wait for some other thread to establish a precondition. We model such an operation as a request and a follow-up, each with its own linearization point. Linearization of the request marks the point at which a thread’s wishes become visible to its peers; linearization of the follow-up marks the point at which the request is fulfilled and the operation takes effect. By placing both linearization points within the purview of object semantics, we can specify not only the effects of operations, but also the order in which pending requests should be fulfilled. We use the term dual data structure to describe a concurrent object implementation that may hold both data and reservations (registered requests). By reasoning separately about a request, its successful follow-up, and the period in-between, we obtain meaningful definitions of nonblocking dual data structures. As concrete examples, we present lock-free dualstacks and dualqueues, and experimentally compare their performance with that of lock-based and nonblocking alternatives.

Morris Dworkin

Abstract. This Recommendation specifies the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), an algorithm for authenticated encryption with associated data, and its specialization, GMAC, for generating a message authentication code (MAC) on data that is not encrypted. GCM and GMAC are modes of operation for an underlying approved symmetric key block cipher.

Elaine Barker and John Kelsey

Abstract. This Recommendation specifies mechanisms for the generation of random bits using deterministic methods. The methods provided are based on either hash functions or block cipher algorithms.

Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Abstract. The selective application of technological and related procedural safeguards is an important responsibility of every Federal organization in providing adequate security in its computer and telecommunication systems. This publication provides a standard that will be used by Federal organizations when these organizations specify that cryptographic-based security systems are to be used to provide protection for sensitive or valuable data. Protection of a cryptographic module within a security system is necessary to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the information protected by the module. This standard specifies the security requirements that will be satisfied by a cryptographic module. The standard provides four increasing, qualitative levels of security intended to cover a wide range of potential applications and environments. The security requirements cover areas related to the secure design and implementation of a cryptographic module. These areas include cryptographic module specification; cryptographic module ports and interfaces; roles, services, and authentication; finite state model; physical security; operational environment; cryptographic key management; electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC); self-tests; design assurance; and mitigation of other attacks.

Maged M. Michael and Michael L. Scott

Abstract. Drawing ideas from previous authors, we present a new non-blocking concurrent queue algorithm and a new two-lock queue algorithm in which one enqueue and one dequeue can proceed concurrently. Both algorithms are simple, fast, and practical; we were surprised not to find them in the literature. Experiments on a 12-node SGI Challenge multiprocessor indicate that the new non-blocking queue consistently outperforms the best known alternatives; it is the clear algorithm of choice for machines that provide a universal atomic primitive (e.g. compare_and_swap or load_linked/store_conditional). The two-lock concurrent queue outperforms a single lock when several processes are competing simultaneously for access; it appears to be the algorithm of choice for busy queues on machines with non-universal atomic primitives (e.g. test_and_set). Since much of the motivation for non-blocking algorithms is rooted in their immunity to large, unpredictable delays in process execution, we report experimental results both for systems with dedicated processors and for systems with several processes multiprogrammed on each processor.

David A. McGrew and John Viega

Abstract. Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) is a block cipher mode of operation that uses universal hashing over a binary Galois field to provide authenticated encryption. It can be implemented in hardware to achieve high speeds with low cost and low latency. Software implementations can achieve excellent performance by using table-driven field operations. It uses mechanisms that are supported by a well-understood theoretical foundation, and its security follows from a single reasonable assumption about the security of the block cipher.

Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Cédric Fournet, Alfredo Pironti, and Pierre-Yves Strub

Abstract. TLS was designed as a transparent channel abstraction to allow developers with no cryptographic expertise to protect their application against attackers that may control some clients, some servers, and may have the capability to tamper with network connections. However, the security guarantees of TLS fall short of those of a secure channel, leading to a variety of attacks. We show how some widespread false beliefs about these guarantees can be exploited to attack popular applications and defeat several standard authentication methods that rely too naively on TLS. We present new client impersonation attacks against TLS renegotiations, wireless networks, challenge-response protocols, and channel-bound cookies. Our attacks exploit combinations of RSA and Diffie-Hellman key exchange, session resumption, and renegotiation to bypass many recent countermeasures. We also demonstrate new ways to exploit known weaknesses of HTTP over TLS. We investigate the root causes for these attacks and propose new countermeasures. At the protocol level, we design and implement two new TLS extensions that strengthen the authentication guarantees of the handshake. At the application level, we develop an exemplary HTTPS client library that implements several mitigations, on top of a previously verified TLS implementation, and verify that their composition provides strong, simple application security.

Vincent Lefèvre and Jean-Michel Muller

Abstract. We give the results of our search for the worst cases for correct rounding of the major elementary functions in double precision floating-point arithmetic. These results allow the design of reasonably fast routines that will compute these functions with correct rounding, at least in some interval, for any of the four rounding modes specified by the IEEE-754 standard. They will also allow one to easily test libraries that are claimed to provide correctly rounded functions.

Urs Hölzle, Craig Chambers, and David Ungar

Abstract. Polymorphic inline caches (PICs) provide a new way to reduce the overhead of polymorphic message sends by extending inline caches to include more than one cached lookup result per call site. For a set of typical object-oriented SELF programs, PICs achieve a median speedup of 11%. As an important side effect, PICs collect type information by recording all of the receiver types actually used at a given call site. The compiler can exploit this type information to generate better code when recompiling a method. An experimental version of such a system achieves a median speedup of 27% for our set of SELF programs, reducing the number of non-inlined message sends by a factor of two. Implementations of dynamically-typed object-oriented languages have been limited by the paucity of type information available to the compiler. The abundance of the type information provided by PICs suggests a new compilation approach for these languages, adaptive compilation. Such compilers may succeed in generating very efficient code for the time-critical parts of a program without incurring distracting compilation pauses.

Urs Hölzle and David Ungar

Abstract. Object-oriented programs are difficult to optimize because they execute many dynamically-dispatched calls. These calls cannot easily be eliminated because the compiler does not know which callee will be invoked at runtime. We have developed a simple technique that feeds back type information from the runtime system to the compiler. With this type feedback, the compiler can inline any dynamically-dispatched call. Our compiler drastically reduces the call frequency of a suite of large SELF applications (by a factor of 3.6) and improves performance by a factor of 1.7. We believe that type feedback could significantly reduce call frequencies and improve performance for most other object-oriented languages (statically-typed or not) as well as for languages with type-dependent operations such as generic arithmetic.

Research produced

Edya Ladan-Mozes and Nir Shavit

Abstract. First-in-first-out (FIFO) queues are among the most fundamental and highly studied concurrent data structures. The most effective and practical dynamic-memory concurrent queue implementation in the literature is the lock-free FIFO queue algorithm of Michael and Scott, included in the standard Java™ Concurrency Package. This work presents a new dynamic-memory concurrent lock-free FIFO queue algorithm that in a variety of circumstances performs better than the Michael and Scott queue. The key idea behind our new algorithm is a novel way of replacing the singly-linked list of Michael and Scott, whose pointers are inserted using a costly compare-and-swap (CAS) operation, by an “optimistic” doubly-linked list whose pointers are updated using a simple store, yet can be “fixed” if a bad ordering of events causes them to be inconsistent. We believe it is the first example of such an “optimistic” approach being applied to a real world data structure.

David Dice

Abstract. The Java™ Programming Language permits synchronization operations (lock, unlock, wait, notify) on any object. Synchronization is very common in applications and is endemic in the library code upon which applications depend. It is therefore critical that a monitor implementation be both space-efficient and time-efficient. We present a locking protocol, the Relaxed-Lock, that satisfies those requirements. The Relaxed-Lock is reasonably compact, using only one machine word in the object header. It is fast, requiring in the uncontested case only one atomic compare-and-swap to lock a monitor and no atomic instructions to release a monitor. The Relaxed-Lock protocol is unique in that it admits a benign data race in the monitor unlock path (hence its name) but detects and recovers from the race and thus maintains correct mutual exclusion. We also introduce speculative deflation, a mechanism for releasing a monitor when it is no longer needed

Stijn de Gouw, Jurriaan Rot, Frank S. de Boer, Richard Bubel, and Reiner Hähnle

Abstract. We investigate the correctness of TimSort, which is the main sorting algorithm provided by the Java standard library. The goal is functional verification with mechanical proofs. During our verification attempt we discovered a bug which causes the implementation to crash. We characterize the conditions under which the bug occurs, and from this we derive a bug-free version that does not compromise the performance. We formally specify the new version and mechanically verify the absence of this bug with KeY, a state-of-the-art verification tool for Java.

William N. Scherer III, Doug Lea, and Michael L. Scott

Abstract. In a thread-safe concurrent queue, consumers typically wait for producers to make data available. In a synchronous queue, producers similarly wait for consumers to take the data. We present two new nonblocking, contention-free synchronous queues that achieve high performance through a form of dualism: The underlying data structure may hold both data and, symmetrically, requests. We present performance results on 16-processor SPARC and 4-processor Opteron machines. We compare our algorithms to commonly used alternatives from the literature and from the Java SE 5.0 class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue both directly in synthetic microbenchmarks and indirectly as the core of Java’s ThreadPoolExecutor mechanism. Our new algorithms consistently outperform the Java SE 5.0 SynchronousQueue by factors of three in unfair mode and 14 in fair mode; this translates to factors of two and ten for the ThreadPoolExecutor. Our synchronous queues have been adopted for inclusion in Java 6.

Cliff Click and Michael Paleczny

Abstract. We present a graph-based intermediate representation (IR) with simple semantics and a low-memory-cost C++ implementation. The IR uses a directed graph with la- beled vertices and ordered inputs but unordered outputs. Vertices are labeled with opcodes, edges are unlabeled. We represent the CFG and basic blocks with the same vertex and edge structures. Each opcode is defined by a C++ class that encapsulates opcode-specific data and be- havior. We use inheritance to abstract common opcode behavior, allowing new opcodes to be easily defined from old ones. The resulting IR is simple, fast and easy to use.

Christian Wimmer and Michael Franz

Abstract. The linear scan algorithm for register allocation provides a good register assignment with a low compilation overhead and is thus frequently used for just-in-time compilers. Although most of these compilers use static single assignment (SSA) form, the algorithm has not yet been applied on SSA form, i.e., SSA form is usually deconstructed before register allocation. However, the structural properties of SSA form can be used to simplify the algorithm. With only one definition per variable, lifetime intervals (the main data structure) can be constructed without data flow analy- sis. During allocation, some tests of interval intersection can be skipped because SSA form guarantees non-intersection. Finally, deconstruction of SSA form after register allocation can be inte- grated into the resolution phase of the register allocator without much additional code. We modified the linear scan register allocator of the Java HotSpot TM client compiler so that it operates on SSA form. The evaluation shows that our simpler and faster version generates equally good or slightly better machine code.

Christine H. Flood, David Detlefs, Nir Shavit, and Xiolan Zhang

Abstract. We present a multiprocessor “stop-the-world” garbage collection framework that provides multiple forms of load balancing. Our parallel collectors use this framework to balance the work of root scanning, using static overpartitioning, and also to balance the work of tracing the object graph, using a form of dynamic load balancing called work stealing. We describe two collectors written using this framework: pSemispaces, a parallel semispace collector, and pMarkcompact, a parallel markcompact collector.

Tony Printezis and David Detlefs

Abstract. This paper reports our experiences with a mostly-concurrent incremental garbage collector, implemented in the context of a high performance virtual machine for the Java™ programming language. The garbage collector is based on the “mostly parallel” collection algorithm of Boehm et al., and can be used as the old generation of a generational memory system. It overloads effi- cient write-barrier code already generated to support generational garbage collection to also identify objects that were modified during concurrent marking. These objects must be rescanned to ensure that the concurrent marking phase marks all live objects. This algorithm minimises maximum garbage collection pause times, while having only a small impact on the average garbage collection pause time and overall execution time. We support our claims with experimental results, for both a synthetic benchmark and real programs.

David Detlefs, Christine Flood, Steve Heller, and Tony Printezis

Abstract. Garbage-First is a server-style garbage collector, targeted for multi-processors with large memories, that meets a soft real-time goal with high probability, while achieving high throughput. Whole-heap operations, such as global marking, are performed concurrently with mutation, to prevent interruptions proportional to heap or live-data size. Concurrent marking both provides collection ”completeness ” and identifies regions ripe for reclamation via compacting evacuation. This evacuation is performed in parallel on multiprocessors, to increase throughput.

Gil Tene, Balaji Iyengar, and Michael Wolf

Abstract. C4, the Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector, an up- dated generational form of the Pauseless GC Algorithm, is in- troduced and described, along with details of its implementation on modern X86 hardware. It uses a read barrier to support concur- rent compaction, concurrent remapping, and concurrent incremen- tal update tracing. C4 differentiates itself from other generational garbage collectors by supporting simultaneous-generational con- currency: the different generations are collected using concurrent (non stop-the-world) mechanisms that can be simultaneously and independently active. C4 is able to continuously perform concur- rent young generation collections, even during long periods of con- current full heap collection, allowing C4 to sustain high allocation rates and maintain the efficiency typical to generational collectors, without sacrificing response times or reverting to stop-the-world operation. Azul systems has been shipping a commercial imple- mentation of the Pauseless GC mechanism, since 2005. Three suc- cessive generations of Azul’s Vega series systems relied on custom multi-core processors and a custom OS kernel to deliver both the scale and features needed to support Pauseless GC. In 2010, Azul released its first software-only commercial implementation of C4 for modern commodity X86 hardware, using Linux kernel enhance- ments to support the required feature set. We discuss implementa- tion details of C4 on X86, including the Linux virtual and physi- cal memory management enhancements that were used to support the high rate of virtual memory operations required for sustained pauseless operation. We discuss updates to the collector’s manage- ment of the heap for efficient generational collection and provide throughput and pause time data while running sustained workloads.