- canopen ( filename ): Returns true if a file can be opened. If the file is locked, returns false.
- cleanname (filename): Returns a filename with invalid characters stripped out.
- copy ( source, dest ): Copies a file to a new file.
- delete ( filename ): Deletes a file.
- exec ( filename [,params, dir] ): Executes a file.
- exechide ( filename [,params, dir] ): Executes a file in hidden state.
- exists ( filename ): Returns true if a file exists, and false otherwise.
- getcontents ( filename ): Returns the contents of a local file.
- getfromtar ( tarfilename, infilename): Returns the contents of a file within a tar file.
- getdir ( filename ): Gets the directory part of a filename.
- getext ( filename ): Gets the extension part of a filename.
- getname ( filename ): Gets the name and extension part of a filename.
- getsize ( filename ): Gets the size in bytes of a filename.
- getver ( filename ): Gets the version of a binary file.
- create ( dirname ): Recursively creates a directory.
- delete ( dirname ): Deletes a directory and its subdirectories.
- exists ( dirname ): Returns true if a directory exists, and false otherwise.
- getdirlist ( dirname ): Returns the list of sub directories of a directory.
- getfilelist ( dirname ): Returns the list of files of a directory.
- packtotar ( dirname, outfilename [, filemask]): Packs a directory to a TAR file.
- unpackfromtar ( tarfilename, outdirname ): Unpacks a TAR file to a directory.
- after ( s, sub ): Returns the portion of the string after a specific sub-string.
- before ( s, sub ): Returns the portion of the string before a specific sub-string.
- between ( s, start, stop ): Returns a string between 2 strings.
- comparever ( version1, version2 ): Compare two version strings. If versions are equal, returns 0. If version1 is newer than version2, returns 1 and if version1 is older than version2, returns -1.
- decrease ( s [,step] ): Decreases the string characters.
- gettoken ( s, delim, int ): Returns what comes after a delimiter.
- increase ( s [,step] ): Increases the string characters.
- lastchar ( s ): Returns the last character of a string.
- maxlen ( s, max [,addellipsis] ): Cuts a string if it exceeds the max number of characters.
- occur ( s, sub ): Returns the count of the occurrence of a particular string or character.
- random ( int ): Returns a random string that is the length of your choosing.
- replace ( s, find, rep ): Replaces a string.
- replacefirst ( s, find, rep ): Replaces just the first occurrence of a sub string in a string.
- stripquotes ( s ): Returns a string with removed quotes.
- stripblanklines ( s ): Returns a multi-line string without any blank lines.
- swapcase (s): Returns a string with inverted character case (upper becomes lower and vice-versa).
- titlecase (s): Converts a string to title case.
- trim ( s ): Returns a string without redundant whitespace.
- beginswith ( s, prefix ): Checks if a string begins with a specific string.
- endswith ( s, termination ): Checks if a string ends with a string.
- ishex ( s ): Checks if a string is a hexadecimal representation.
- isint ( s ): Checks if a string is integer.
- match ( s, pattern ): Wildcard matching (* and ?).
- matchx ( s, pattern ): Extended Wildcard matching, Catalunya's way (*, ?, # for number and ¿ to match a letter).
- matchver ( version1, version2 ): Version string matching. Returns true if versions compared are equal.
- matchverpat ( version, pattern ): Version string matching using a pattern (see test.lua for examples).
These will return a boolean value.
- list: Returns a stringlist object (see
). - loop: Returns a stringloop object (see
- find ( s, regex): Regular expression finder. Returns a string.
- match ( s, regex): Returns true if it matches a regular expression, false otherwise.
- replace ( s, regex, rep ): Finds a string using a regular expression and replaces it. Returns a new string.
- beautifycss ( css ): Formats a CSS code.
- beautifyjs ( js ): Formats a JavaScript code.
- escape ( s ): Escapes HTML tag characters.
- gettagcontents ( html, tag ): Extracts the content of HTML tags.
- parser: Returns a HTML parser object (see
). - striptags ( s ): Removes tags from a string.
- unescape ( s ): Unescapes HTML tag characters.
- changepath ( url, newpath ): Changes the path of an URL.
- combine ( url, path ): Combines a path to a URL.
- crack ( url ) : Returns the main components of an URL as a table.
- fileext - filename extension (eg: .lp)
- filename - filename (eg: index.lp)
- host - host name (eg: www.lua.org)
- path - location (eg: demo/index.lp)
- port - port number (eg: 80)
- proto - protocol (eg: https)
- decode ( s ): Decodes an URL.
- encode ( s, [,encodeplussign]): Encodes an URL.
- encodefull ( s ): Full URL Encode.
- fileurltofilename ( fileurl ): Converts a file URL to a proper filename.
- genfromhost ( hostname , port ): Generates an URL from a hostname and a port.
- getfileext ( url ): Returns the extension from an URL filename.
- getfilename ( url ): Returns the URL filename.
- gettiny ( url ): Returns a tiny version of an URL (uses tinyurl.com).
- escape ( s ): Escapes JSON special characters.
- object: Returns a JSON object (see
- crackrequest ( headers ): Returns the main components of the headers of a HTTP request as a table.
- data - Request/POST data (if any)
- method' - Request method (GET, POST, HEAD, etc...)
- path - URL path
- getheader ( headers, fieldname ): Returns the value of a header field.
- nametoip ( name ): Converts host name to IP address.
- iptoname ( ip ): Converts IP address to host name.
- encode ( s ): Returns a string converted to a base64 string.
- decode ( s ): Converts a base64 string to a string.
- commatostr ( s ): Converts a comma string to a string.
- strtoalphanum ( s ): Converts a string to alphanumeric string.
- strtocomma ( s ): Converts a string to a comma string.
- strtohex ( s ): Converts a string to a hexadecimal string.
- hextoint ( s ): Converts a hex string to integer.
- hextostr ( s ): Converts a hexadecimal string to string.
- md5 ( s ): Returns the MD5 hash of a given string.
- random ( b ): Generates crypto secure a random number. If called with no arguments, returns positive and negative numbers. If called with a true parameter, returns only positive numbers.
- randompwd ([len]): Generates and returns a random password. 8 is the minimal accepted length. 16 is the default length.
- randompwdadmin ([len]): Generates and returns a random administrator password. 16 is the minimal accepted length. 26 is the default length.
- sha1 ( s ): Returns the SHA-1 hash of a given string.
- sha256 ( s ): Returns the SHA-256 hash of a given string.
- sha384 ( s ): Returns the SHA-384 hash of a given string.
- sha512 ( s ): Returns the SHA-512 hash of a given string.
- isrunning ( exefilename [,fullname] ): Returns true if a process is running, false otherwise.
- kill ( exefilename [,fullname] ): Closes a running process by its executable name. If the second parameter is true, closes the process only if the full filename matches.
- delay ( ms ): Waits a specific number of milliseconds before proceeding.
- getarg ( s or int , defaultvalue): Returns an argument passed to the executable as a string. Example: getarg('-pid') for returning the value of the argument provided as
, getarg(1) for returning the first argument, getarg() for returning all arguments. If the argument value is empty, returns the default value. - hasarg ( s ): Returns true if the argument has been provided, false otherwise.
- clipboard_gettext ( ): Returns the current Clipboard text (if any).
- clipboard_settext ( s ): Copies a text to the Clipboard.
- settimeout (ms, code or ms, cfunction, [,arg1,arg2,arg3]): sets a timer which executes a function or specified piece of code once the timer expires. Examples: ctk.utils.settimeout(1000, 'print("Hello World!")') ctk.utils.settimeout(1000, mytable.myfunc) ctk.utils.settimeout(1000, app.showmessage, "Hello World!")