A small - and hopefully - fun exercise
We want to simulate a hardware device (client
) that provisions itself and sends weather data to an IoT platform
In order to hide the internals of this platform and provide a friendlier API we introduce an intermediate HTTP server
) with the following basic capabilities:
- Create/delete a device
- Upload/download telemetry data
flowchart LR
P(Platform) <-->|HTTPS| B(Backend) <--> |HTTP| C(Client)
Fork this Github repository, proceed with the development and ping us when you're ready! Happy coding :)
- Repository with detailed explanation of the test and a dataset in CSV format
- Thingsboard server url
- Tenant admin credentials
- Backend application
A node express app with REST endpoints that will interact with a Thinsgboard server and respond appropriately to client
- Endpoint for device creation
- Endpoint for device deletion
- Endpoint for uploading telemetry
- Endpoint for downloading telemetry: returns the aggregated (SUM per hour) telemetry data from a specific device
- Client application
A node app that makes use of the backend
API that you created by:
- creating a new device
- uploading data from the CSV file (data.csv) as telemetry to that device (use as many requests as you deem fit)
- All interactions between
and theplatform
should be done via the HTTP API - Both apps should be containerized and wrapped in docker-compose script for easy deployment
- All code should be available in the repository