# Conway's Game of Life ## Long in short * Board where each cell can have two possible states: * Alive * Dead * The goal is to calculate the next generation of the board by taking into account 4 rules (see below). Important: not needed to implement a GUI. ## The 4 rules * Any alive cell with less than 2 alive neighbours, dies (underpopulation) * Any alive cell with more than 3 alive neighbours, dies (overpopulation) * Any alive cell with exactly 2 or 3 alive neighbours, keeps being alive in the next generation. * Any dead cell with exactly 3 alive neighbours, becomes alive in the next generation. ## Example  Note: we assume that the evolution affects all the cells simultaneously. ## Good to know * We’re aiming for production-ready code. * Feel free to use your language/technology of choice. * It's recommended to spend not more than 2 hours with the exercise. * You're encouraged to leverage a version control system, so we can understand the intermediate steps leading to your solution. * Problems? Let us know, we’re always happy to help ;) * Done? Share with us your work, ideally as link to a GitHub (or Bitbucket) repository ;) Happy hacking! :)