Version française disponible :
#findmybikes collects and use non personal and non identifiable information for public open data publication.
By using #findmybikes v2.1 (code version :28) or later, you acknowledge that this feature is on by default and that there is no opt-out. The collection and use happens only if the following conditions are met
- #findmybikes is running in the foreground
- #findmybikes located a bike
- #findmybikes determined that the closest station from your current location CAN NOT provide you service
- #findmybikes last refresh is dated from less than 15 minutes
- an internet connection is available
This non personal and non identifiable information is limited to :
- The id and truncated name (as provided by API) of the closest station that COULD provide you service
- The walking time from your current location (which is never shared by #findmybikes) to the closest station that COULD provide you service
If relevant, #findmybikes also additionally collects : - A collection of station id (as provided by API) for each station that were closer than the selected one but COULD NOT provide you service either