- Solid works : pro
- sketch up + stl plug in : intermediate
- 123d (autodesk) : newbies
- Openscad : geeky (you can script !!! super cool )
- Check that the power supply is ON
- Export your object into STL file
- Open slicer
- home / bin/ slicer/bin / slic3r
- Drag and drop the STL object into slicer
- Don't touch the print setting (normaly setup by @Alex + @kevin)
- Check the layer thinkness print
- Print Setting/ infill / Fill Desnsity : 0.30 = 30%
- Print Setting/ layers > horizontal shell
- Plater > export GCODE file
- Open Pronterface : home/bin/printrun/pronterface.py (Lady gaga on youtube)
- click on "Run"
- Click on connect
- Check the "home" of all axes X,Y,Z
- if you have a calibration problem check with @kevin @Alex
- Click on "monitor printer"
- Position Z axes on +10
- Click on the button "set" in front of label "bed" (plateaux)
- Click on the button "set" in front of label "heater" (tete d'impression)
- It's ready when "bed" and "heater" are at "bed" and "heater" target
- Load the GCODE file
- Check estimed duration
- Check extrusion before print :
- Click on extrude button (bottom left)
- Check if the extrusion happening
- Clean the extrusion
- Print button
- Wait and see ...
###Others notes
Attention : epaisseur Slicer : convertie le stl en language machine (g code) transforme objet export STL