- Beginner's Delight
- Style Guide and Idioms
- Dictionary
- Decorators
- Generators
- Iterators
- Yield
- Context Managers
- Unicode
- Networking
- Metaclasses
- Documentation
- Debugging
- Testing
- Environment and Environment Management
- Profiling
- Packaging
- Deployment
- Warts and Gotchas
- Web
- Mobile Development
- Google Glass
- GUI Programming
- Databases
- Data Mining
- Data Analysis
- Design Patterns
- Distributed Systems
- Python 2 vs Python 3
- Books
- Discussions
- Conferences and Events
- Videos
- Editors and IDE's for Python programming
- Big Data
- Curated Python resources from other websites
- Miscellaneous
##Beginner's Delight
- Beginner's guide to Python
- The Hitchhiker's guide to Python
- Learn Python the hard way
- Google's Python class
- Python tracks at Codecademy
- Python Monk
- Python for Beginners
- Best way to learn python
- Python Tips, tools and resources
- Python Koans: Learn Python through TDD
- LearnStreet Python course
- Beginner projects for a python newbie
- Learn X in Y minutes - Python
- Python Practice book
- Facts and myths about Python names and values
- *args and **kwargs in python explained
- Common newbie mistakes in Python- Part 1
- Common newbie mistakes in Python- Part 2
- PySchools
- Some cool Python Tricks
- http://blog.amir.rachum.com/post/30176371115/you-cant-handle-the-truth
- Better Python APIs
- Declaring dependencies in Python
- Storing and Loading Data with JSON - Serialization/deserialization
- A Guide to Python's Magic Methods
- Efficient String Concatenation in Python
- Be Pythonic: init.py
- Building an open-source Python application the right way
- Python progression path - From apprentice to guru
##Style Guide and Idioms
- Python hash, id and dictionary order
- Notes on dictionary implementation
- Python: The Dictionary Playbook
- Understanding Python Decorators in 12 easy steps
- Common uses of Python decorators - Quora
- Common uses of Python decorators - Stack Overflow
- Python Decorators
- Decorators I: Introduction to Python Decorators
- Decorators and annotations
- The dark side of decorators
- Thinking out aloud: Python decorators
- Using Python decorators for registering callbacks
- Meta-matters: Using decorators for better Python programming
- How can I make a chain of function decorators in Python?
##Context Managers
- Explain Unicode like I'm five years old
- Unicode Pain
- Python encodings and Unicode
- The Updated Guide to Unicode on Python
- A primer on python metaclasses
- What is a metaclass in Python ?
- Yet Another Python Metaclass tutorial
- Nose Introduction
- Unittest Introduction
- How To Use Coverage.py With Unittest
- An Extended Introduction to the nose Unit Testing Framework
- Test strategies for your Python projects
##Environment and Enivronment Management
- Virtualenv - The official documentation
- Getting started with virtual env
- Extension to Virtualenv
- VirtualEnv Burrito = virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging
- Sharing Your Labor of Love: PyPI Quick And Dirty
- Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way
- 5 tips for packaging your Python projects
- AOSA: Python Packaging
- The Package Dependency Blues
- 5 Simple Rules For Building Great Python Packages
- Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages
- Py2app: Standalone Mac OS X applications
- PyInstaller: Stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX
##Warts and Gotchas
###Frameworks ####Flask
- Flask Mega Tutorial Series
- Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask
- Building websites in Python with Flask
- How I structure my Flask apps
- Designing a RESTful API using Flask-RESTful
- Rapid Web Prototyping with Lightweight Tools
- Build a Simple, Static, Markdown-Powered Blog with Flask
- The official Django documentation
- Getting started with Django
- Building a hacker news clone in Django
- Django Architecture: The good, bad and ugly
- Djen of Django
- Deploying Django
- http://www.lightbird.net/dbe/
- http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/series?name=PPN7NA155
###API and Web Services
- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
- Web Scraping 101 with Python
- Web Scraping with Scrapy Framework
- How to automatically search and download torrents with Python and Scrapy
##Mobile Development ###Kivy
##Google Glass ###Resources
###Libraries ####glass.py
##Image Processing
##GUI Programming
##Data Mining
##Data Analysis ###Pandas
- A 10 min intro to Pandas
- http://manishamde.github.io/blog/2013/03/07/pandas-and-python-top-10/
- Learn Pandas
##Design Patterns
###Concurrency Patterns
##Distributed Systems
- Gevent and ZeroMQ
- [Celery: Distributed Task Queue](Celery: Distributed Task Queue)
##Python 2 vs 3
##Books ###Free
- Some free books on Python
- Invent with Python
- Think Python
- Byte of Python
- Snake Wrangling for Kids
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
- Python programming on wikibooks
- Dive Into Python 3
- Programming Computer Vision with Python
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3746692
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5944863
- StackOverflow - Python beyond the basics
- StackOverflow - Python progression path from apprentice to guru
- StackOverflow - Zen of Python
- StackOverflow - Hidden Features of Python
##Conferences and events
- Guido Van Rossum on the history of Python
- PyVideo
- Khan Academy - Introduction to programming and computer science using Python
- Lanyrd - Python Videos
- Python Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts at ShowMeDo
- Talks by Brandon Rhodes
- New Boston Python Videos
##Editors and IDE's for Python programming
- Setting up Sublime Text for Python Development
- Sublime Text 2 Love by Kenneth Reitz
- Sublime Text 2 tips for Python and web developers
- PyCharm
##Curated Python resources from other websites
- Good to great Python reads
- How to Create Barcodes in Your PDFs with Python
- What are some good Python interview questions ?
- Python innards introduction
- Projects - A list of practical projects
- More Python Tutorials
- Simple Sudoku solver in python
- Looking Inside Dropbox – Security whitepaper
- Why sorting an array makes a Python loop faster
- Python Integer object implementation
- The history of Python - Blog
- The ever useful and neat subprocess module
- Hidden Features in Python