HUD with cs kill info list.
Image | 圖示
Apply to | 適用於
Require | 必要安裝
None -
How to customize weapon icon?
- l4d2_cs_kill_hud.sp line 92 ~ 137
- Recompile, done.
How to switch HUD position?
Known Conflicts
If you don't use any of these at all, no need to worry about conflicts.
- Mod - Admin System
- Please Remove
- Mod - Admin System
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_cs_kill_hud.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_enable "1" // Numbers of kill list on hud (Default: 5, MAX: 6) l4d2_cs_kill_hud_number "5" // Time in seconds to erase kill list on hud. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_notice_time "7" // If 1, disable offical player death message (the red font of kill info) l4d2_cs_kill_hud_disable_standard_message "1" // X (horizontal) position of the kill list. // Note: setting it to less than 0.0 may cut/hide the text at screen. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_x "0.5" // Y (vertical) position of the kill list. // Note: setting it to less than 0.0 may cut/hide the text at screen. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_y "0.1" // Text area Width. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_width "0.49" // Text area Height. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_height "0.04" // Aligns the text horizontally. // 1 = LEFT, 2 = CENTER, 3 = RIGHT. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_text_align "3" // Which team should see the text. // 0 = ALL, 1 = SURVIVOR, 2 = INFECTED. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_team "0" // If 1, Makes the text blink from white to red. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_blink "1" // If 1, Shows the text inside a black transparent background. // Note: the background may not draw properly when initialized as "0", start the map with "1" to render properly. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_background "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_cs_kill_hud.cfg
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d2_scripted_hud: Display text for up to 5 scripted HUD slots on the screen.
- 在玩家畫面上方五個Hud位置顯示不同的特殊文字
- l4d2_kills_manager: Sets the real killer of a special infected, based on who inflicted the most damage, instead of last shot.
- 強制將特感擊殺者改成造成傷害最多的玩家
- l4d2_scripted_hud: Display text for up to 5 scripted HUD slots on the screen.
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.9h (2024-5-1)
- Add "unknown weapons"
- Add "Infected kill Infected"
v1.8h (2024-3-28)
- Add system attacker
v1.7h (2024-3-20)
- Add falling from roof
v1.6h (2024-3-8)
- Update cvars
v1.5h (2023-9-12)
- Add chainsaw
v1.4h (2023-6-11)
- Shows the text inside a black transparent background.
- Remove headshot or behind wall text if weapon is "pipe bomb", "fire", "melee punch"
v1.2h (2023-6-2)
- Fixed common infected null string
v1.1h (2023-6-2)
- Support Versus mode and witch killed
v1.0h (2023-5-28)
- Merge inc with main sp file
- Delete all functions, only cs kill info
- Optimize code and improve performance
- Add more convars
- Makes the text blink from white to red.
- Numbers of kill list on hud
- Hud will vanish after period time
- 人類或特感死亡時,依據兇手與武器,顯示出不同的提示在右上角
- 自殺、Witch抓死人、被小殭屍圍毆致死,也會有提示
- 穿牆、爆頭,新增額外提示
- 經過一段時間提示會消失
- l4d2_cs_kill_hud.sp 92 ~ 137 行
- 重新編譯,完成
如何改變 HUD 位置?
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_cs_kill_hud.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_enable "1" // 一次最多顯示的擊殺行數 (預設: 5, 最大: 6) l4d2_cs_kill_hud_number "5" // 擊殺列表顯示停留的時間. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_notice_time "7" // 為1時,關閉L4D2官方的擊殺提示 (左方紅字黑框的HUD) l4d2_cs_kill_hud_disable_standard_message "1" // 擊殺列表的X軸位置 // 注意: 數值低於0可能會導致文字被切掉 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_x "0.5" // 擊殺列表的Y軸位置 // 注意: 數值低於0可能會導致文字被切掉 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_y "0.1" // 文字框的寬度 // 非文字變大 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_width "0.49" // 文字框的高度 // 非文字變大 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_height "0.04" // 文字水平排版 // 1 = 置左, 2 = 置中, 3 = 置右. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_text_align "3" // 哪些隊伍能看到擊殺列表 // 0 = 全部, 1 = 倖存者, 2 = 特感. l4d2_cs_kill_hud_team "0" // 為1時,擊殺列表文字紅白閃爍 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_blink "1" // 為1時,擊殺列表顯示黑底背景 // 注意: 修改這項指令可能要重啟地圖才會生效 l4d2_cs_kill_hud_background "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_cs_kill_hud.cfg