Mission manager for L4D2, provide information about map orders for other plugins
🟥Dedicated Server Only
🟥只能安裝在Dedicated Server
Apply to | 適用於
L4D2 Dedicated Server
How does it work?
- For better description, read this
- Install only when other plugin requires this plugin
Require | 必要安裝
Command | 命令
List all installed maps on the server
sm_lmm_list [<coop|versus|scavenge|survival>]
Give you a list of maps that cannot be recognized in "mission.cache" folder
sm_lmm_list invalid
API | 串接
- l4d2_mission_manager.inc
library name: l4d2_mission_manager
- l4d2_mission_manager.inc
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- sm_l4d_mapchanger: Force change to next mission when current mission(final stage) end + Force change to next level when survivors wipe out + Vote to next map (Apply to Versus/Survival/Scavenge).
最後一關結束時自動換圖 + 滅團N次後自動切換到下一個關卡 + 玩家投票下一張地圖 (生存/對抗/清道夫模式也適用)
- sm_l4d_mapchanger: Force change to next mission when current mission(final stage) end + Force change to next level when survivors wipe out + Vote to next map (Apply to Versus/Survival/Scavenge).
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.0h (2023-11-15)
- Fix memory leak
v1.0.4 (2023-6-20)
- Require lef4dhooks v1.33 or above
v1.0.3 (2023-4-18)
- Optimize code
v1.0.2 (2023-4-17)
- Get correct gamemode
v1.0.1 (2023-4-16)
- Check if mission/map name translation phrase exists to prevent error
- Do not check some missions.cache files if there are no corresponding map.
- Separate error log, save error into logs\l4d2_mission_manager.log.
- Reduce some annoying error
- Replace Gamedata with left4dhooks
- 能自動抓取官方圖與三方圖所有的地圖名與關卡名,掃描資料夾missions與maps並複製其內容到mission.cache資料夾裡
- mission.cache 是插件創立的資料夾,伺服器本身並沒有這個資料夾
- 這插件只是一個輔助插件,等其他插件真需要的時候再安裝
- 🟥白話點說,你不是源碼開發者也沒有插件需要依賴這個插件就不要亂裝
- 能自動抓取官方圖與三方圖所有的地圖名與關卡名,掃描資料夾missions與maps並複製其內容到mission.cache資料夾裡
- 給開發者使用,提供許多API串接
- 所有關於地圖mission文件的錯誤報告都寫在logs\l4d2_mission_manager.log
- 每當安裝新的三方圖時,left4dead2\missions.cache\會有新的.txt檔案產生,是三方圖對應的mission文件備份