L4D1/2 Mix
Video | 影片展示
None -
Image | 圖示
None -
How does it work?
- In Versus -> Type
-> all players start to choose captains via menu - Both Captains start to choose team members via menu -> Distribute team automatically
- Start game -> enjoy
- Mix before game starts
- In Versus -> Type
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_mix.cfg
// 0 = ABABAB | 1 = ABBAAB | 2 = ABBABA l4d_mix_select_order "1"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_mix.cfg
Command | 命令
Initiate a player mix.
Initiate a player mix. Admins only. (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_BAN)
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 Versus L4D2 Versus
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- readyup: Ready Plugin
- 所有玩家準備才能開始遊戲的插件
- l4d_teamshuffle: Allows teamshuffles by voting or admin-forced before round starts.
- 輸入!shuffle,打散玩家並隨機分配隊伍
- readyup: Ready Plugin
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.1h (2024-3-17)
- Readyup support
v1.0h (2023-11-15)
- Initial release.
- Cleared old code, converted to new syntax and methodmaps.
- fix error, optimize codes, and handle exception
- Compiled .smx plugin is now compiled with SourceMod version 1.10
- Add A-BB-A-B-A
- Hide ReadyUp Hud if Ready Up plugin is available
- fix client not in game error
- Compiled .smx plugin is now compiled with SourceMod version 1.11
v1.0 Credits
- KaiN - for request and the original idea
- ZenServer -[ Mix ]- - for the original plugin
- JOSHE GATITO SPARTANSKII >>> (Ex Aya Supay) - for writing plugin again and add new commands.
- 雙方隊伍輸入
-> 雙方隊伍開始投票選擇隊長 - 兩個隊長決定之後 -> 隊長開始各自選擇隊員 -> 選擇完隊員之後 -> 自動分配隊伍
- 支援Readyup插件
- 只限回合開始前使用
- 雙方隊伍輸入
- 對抗模式不知道怎麼分配玩家時可以使用這個插件
- 避免每次都是那幾個人同一個隊伍,增加隊伍多樣性
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_mix.cfg
// 0 = ABABAB | 1 = ABBAAB | 2 = ABBABA l4d_mix_select_order "1"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_mix.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
開啟Mix選擇隊長 (需要雙方隊伍同意)
強制Mix啟動,投票選擇隊長 (權限: ADMFLAG_BAN)