Full auto mode for SCAR
Apply to | 適用於
How does it work?
- Use mouse3 to change mode when using scar
- Triple Tap
- Full Auto
- 🟥 This plugin changed a lot of weapon settings when using Full Auto Scar
- Don't expect this plugin is compatible with other plugins that modify scar weapon too
- Use mouse3 to change mode when using scar
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/miuwiki_autoscar.cfg
// Scar full Auto cycle time. [min 0.03] miuwiki_autoscar_cycletime "0.11" // Scar full Auto reload time. [min 0.5, 0=Same as Triple Tap default reload time] miuwiki_autoscar_reloadtime "0" // 1=Enable chat notify, 0=Disable chat notify miuwiki_autoscar_notify "1" // Which mode by default when client joins server? 0=Triple Tap, 1=Full Auto miuwiki_autoscar_default "0" // Press which button to trigger full auto mode, 131072=Shift, 32=Use, 8192=Reload, 524288=Middle Mouse // You can add numbers together, ex: 655360=Shift + Middle Mouse miuwiki_autoscar_buttons "524288"
- cfg/sourcemod/miuwiki_autoscar.cfg
API | 串接
library name: miuwiki_autoscar
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d_drop: Allows players to drop the weapon they are holding
- 玩家可自行丟棄手中的武器
- l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload: Quickswitch Reloading like CS:GO in L4D2
- 將武器改成現代遊戲的裝子彈機制 (仿CS:GO切槍裝彈設定)
- l4d_drop: Allows players to drop the weapon they are holding
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.0h (2025-2-15)
- Optimize code to detect frame of scar rifle
- Update cvars
- Fixed unable to shoot or reload on windows server
- Add sound when switch to Full Auto
- Remove IsGettingUp singature
- Can't switch mode when reloading
- Add cfg and API
- Replace StoreToAddress with SetEntData to prevent crash: tier0.dll + 0x1991d
- Compatible with "l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload", "l4d_drop" by harry
Original & Credit
- 拿著SCAR步槍,按一下"滾輪鍵"可以切換模式
- 三連發
- 全自動
- 🟥 此插件使用大量武器簽名以運作全自動SCAR步槍,所以別指望使用這插件時會與其他影響武器的插件兼容
- 拿著SCAR步槍,按一下"滾輪鍵"可以切換模式
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/miuwiki_autoscar.cfg
// 全自動SCAR步槍的射速. [最小: 0.03] miuwiki_autoscar_cycletime "0.11" // 全自動SCAR步槍的裝彈時間. [最小: 0.5, 0=與三連發模式裝彈時間一樣] miuwiki_autoscar_reloadtime "0" // 1=啟用提示, 0=不啟用提示 miuwiki_autoscar_notify "1" // 玩家進來伺服器時預設使用何種模式, 0=三連發, 1=全自動 miuwiki_autoscar_default "0" // 使用哪個按鍵切換模式? 131072=Shift鍵, 32=E鍵, 8192=R鍵, 524288=滾輪鍵 // 可以數字相加, 譬如: 655360=必須同時按 "Shift鍵+滾輪鍵" miuwiki_autoscar_buttons "524288"
- cfg/sourcemod/miuwiki_autoscar.cfg