Before starting configuration make sure you have Heroku CLI installed on your machine and you are logged in to your Heroku account.
1). Create app on Heroku website or via CLI
heroku create -a <app_name>
2). Go to Resources tab and add mLab MongoDB add-on
3). Go to Deploy tab and connect github repository or via CLI
heroku git:remote -a <app_name>
4). Add Config Vars under Settings tab. See Config Vars section
5). Deploy app
git push heroku master
6). Check Resources and make sure both web and worker dynos are launched
Following config vars are required for Heroku app:
- NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION - set to false
- db.url - path to MongoDB (copy from existing MONGODB_URI config var)
- graph.access_token - access token generated for admin system user in Business Manager
- graph.application_id - application id from
- graph.application_secret - application secret
- graph.business_manager_id - your business manager id
- graph.schema.bundle - set to the path of a graph schema bundle: (eg:
) - graph.version.0 - major version of Graph API, check current version
- graph.version.1 - minor version of Graph API
- server.bindings.http.addr - set to
- server.bindings.http.is_enabled - set to true
- server.bindings.https.is_enabled - set to false
Please see server/config/default.json for full list of configuration options available.
Heroku app restarts automatically whenever you deploy code, change config vars or change add-ons. You can restart app via CLI as well by running:
heroku restart
You can check app logs on Heroku website or with:
heroku logs --tail
To add debug information to network calls, set config var debug to true.
Alternatively you can clone your TypeFast Heroku app if you had one before.
heroku fork -a <source_app> <new_app>
!Be cautious to change all client related vars.