#Usage Examples
Here are some examples of Lua code that will run on the browser using the starlight
virtual machine.
These are also compatible with the moonshine
##Hello World
-- Log it to the console
print('hello' .. ' ' .. 'world!')
##Manipulation of the DOM
<div id="app"></div>
local app = window.document:getElementById('app')
app.textContent = 'lets go'
window:alert('This code was written in Lua')
##Setting onclick event
<button id="btn">Click Me</button>
function demo_func()
window:alert('Hello from Lua!')
local btn = window.document:getElementById('btn')
btn.onclick = demo_func
##Accessing Javascript functions and passing callbacks
function myJSFunction(msg){
function myJSFunctionReceivesCallback(callback){
window:myJSFunction('Calling a Javascript function from Lua')
local function lua_callback()
print('This is being printed from a Lua function being called in JS')
##Exporting Lua modules to the browser
Remember that this code will run on the browser and some Lua modules won't make sense being used in this context! Attention: this feature is still under tests.
local valua = require "valua"
-- If you installed Sailor, valua, its valuation module, was installed as a dependency
local v = valua:new().len(3,10)
-- true
##Accessing Javascript modules such as JQuery
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
function JQObj(s){
return $(s);
// This is necessary because the $() syntax will error on Lua
<div id="app"></div>
local app = window:JQObj('#app')
app:html('This will be the new content of the div')
-- .html() is a JQuery function. Please observe that in Lua we will use the ':' notation
##Script Tag Support
<?lua@client?><!-- Serve the VM first-->
<script type="text/lua">
window:alert('Hello World from Lua!')
If you use this method, the Lua scripts will run after the page has loaded. For immediate execution, use the <?lua@client
tag as explained above.