Kind: global class
Is the returned instance of a CanvasElement, which makes up all CanvasShapes and CanvasImages. Never called directly by a user.
Import from ad-canvas
import { CanvasElement } from 'ad-canvas'
Properties available to every CanvasElement, except where noted::
id | STRING representing the name of the element |
x | NUMBER representing the horizontal position of the element |
y | NUMBER representing the vertical position of the element |
rotation | NUMBER representing the rotation, in degrees, of the element |
alpha | NUMBER representing the opacity of the element |
scale | NUMBER representing the scale of the element. Will compound with but not change values of scaleX or scaleY |
scaleX | NUMBER representing the horizontal scale of the element |
scaleY | NUMBER representing the vertical scale of the element |
blendMode | NUMBER representing the blend or masking style applied to the element |
visible | BOOLEAN representing whether or not the element should be drawn |
shadowColor | STRING representing the color of the drop shadow in RGBA format |
shadowBlur | NUMBER representing the amount of blur on the drop shadow |
shadowAngle | NUMBER representing the angle, in degrees, of the drop shadow |
shadowDistance | NUMBER representing the distance of the drop shadow from the element |
transformOrigin | STRING representing the origin from which to perform scales and rotations. Written as two values in a string with either a '%' or 'px' marker (ie '50% 50%' or '5px 100px') |
The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasImage](#CanvasImage) instances::
sourceX | NUMBER representing the horizontal value from which to start drawing data from the source image |
sourceY | NUMBER representing the vertical value from which to start drawing data from the source image |
sourceW | NUMBER representing the width value from which to draw data from the source image |
sourceH | NUMBER representing the height value from which to draw data from the source image |
The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasText](#CanvasText) instances::
fontFamily | STRING representing the font name |
fontSize | NUMBER or STRING (12, '12', '12px', or '12pt') representing the font size |
lineHeight | NUMBER which determines the line height between lines of text with defined maxWidth values |
marginLeft | NUMBER representing the X offset of the text |
marginTop | NUMBER representing the Y offset of the text |
maxWidth | NUMBER which determines the maximum width of the text field, which is used to create MUTLI-LINE text |
alignText | STRING or Align constant defining text's horizontal alingment: 'center', 'left', or 'right'. Can also use Align.CENTER, Align.LEFT, or Align.RIGHT. |
The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasImage](#CanvasImage)s, [CanvasCircle](#CanvasCircle)s, and [CanvasRect](#CanvasRect)s instances::
width | NUMBER representing the total width or diameter of the element |
height | NUMBER representing the total height or diameter of the element |
The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasCircle](#CanvasCircle)s, [CanvasRect](#CanvasRect)s, and [CanvasText](#CanvasText) instances (heretofore referred to as 'shapes')::
fill | STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the shape |
strokeFill | STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the shape's stroke |
strokeWidth | NUMBER representing the width of the shape's outline |
strokeJoin | STRING representing how two lines/corners form: 'round', 'bevel', and 'miter' |
strokePosition | STRING repsenting the position of the shape's stroke, 'outer' or 'center'; there is no 'inner' |
strokeDashSize | NUMBER representing the length of each segment in a dashed line |
strokeDashGap | NUMBER representing the gap between each segment in a dashed line |
strokeDashOffset | NUMBER representing the offset positioning of the dash segments |