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Transferable Visual Words - Official Keras Implementation

We provide the official Keras implementation of training TransVW from scratch on unlabeled images as well as the usage of the pre-trained TransVW reported in the following paper:

Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-supervised Learning
Fatemeh Haghighi1, Mohammad Reza Hosseinzadeh Taher1, Zongwei Zhou1, Michael B. Gotway2, Jianming Liang1
Arizona State University1, Mayo Clinic 2
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), 2021
paper | code


  • Linux
  • Python 3.7.5
  • Keras 2.2.4+
  • TensorFlow 1.14.0+

Using the pre-trained TransVW

1. Clone the repository and install dependencies

$ git clone
$ cd TransVW/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Download the pre-trained TransVW

Download the pre-trained TransVW as following and save into ./keras/Checkpoints/TransVW_chest_ct.h5 directory.

Backbone Platform model
TransVW U-Net 3D Keras download

3. Fine-tune TransVW on your own target task

TransVW learns a generic semantics-enriched image representation that can be leveraged for a wide range of target tasks. Specifically, TransVW provides a pre-trained 3D U-Net network, which the encoder can be utilized for the target classification tasks and encoder-decoder for the target segmentation tasks.

As for the target classification tasks, the 3D deep model can be initialized with the pre-trained encoder using the following example:

# prepare your own data
X, y = your_data_loader()

# prepare the 3D model
import keras
from models.ynet3d import *
input_channels, input_rows, input_cols, input_deps = 1, 64, 64, 32
num_class, activate = 2, 'softmax'
weight_dir = './keras/Checkpoints/TransVW_chest_ct.h5'
TransVW = ynet_model_3d((input_channels, input_rows, input_cols, input_deps), batch_normalization=True)
print("Load pre-trained TransVW weights from {}".format(weight_dir))

x = TransVW.get_layer('depth_7_relu').output
x = keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling3D()(x)
output = keras.layers.Dense(num_class, activation=activate)(x)
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=TransVW.input, outputs=output)
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy","categorical_crossentropy"])

# train the model, y)

As for the target segmentation tasks, the 3D deep model can be initialized with the pre-trained encoder-decoder using the following example:

# prepare your own data
X, Y = your_data_loader()

# prepare the 3D model
from unet3d import *
from models.ynet3d import *
input_channels, input_rows, input_cols, input_deps = 1, 64, 64, 32
num_class = 2
weight_dir = './keras/Checkpoints/TransVW_chest_ct.h5'
TransVW = ynet_model_3d((input_channels, input_rows, input_cols, input_deps), batch_normalization=True)
print("Load pre-trained TransVW weights from {}".format(weight_dir))
model = unet_model_3d((1,config.input_rows,config.input_cols,config.input_deps), batch_normalization=True)

for layer in tuple(model.layers):
    if "input" not in and "max_pooling3d" not in \
            and "up_sampling3d" not in and "concatenate_" not in \
            and "conv3d_1" not in and "activation" not in \
            and not"conv3d"):
models.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=dice_coef_loss, metrics=[mean_iou,dice_coef])

# train the model, Y)

Training TransVW on your own unlabeled data

1. Clone the repository and install dependencies

$ git clone
$ cd TransVW/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Preparing data

For your convenience, we have provided our own self-discoverd 3D visual words from LUNA16 dataset as well as their pseudo labels.

Download the data from this repository. We have provided the training and validation samples for C=50 classes of visual words. For each instance of a visual word, we have extracted 3 multi-resolution cubes from each patient, where each of the three resolutions are saved in files named as 'train_dataN_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy', N=1,2,3. For each 'train_dataN_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy' file, there is a corresponding 'train_labelN_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy' file, which contains the pseudo labels of the discovered visual words.

  • The processed anatomical patterns directory structure
    |--  train_data1_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy  : training data - resolution 1
    |--  train_data2_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy  : training data - resolution 2
    |--  train_data3_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy  : training data - resolution 3
    |--  val_data1_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy    : validation data
    |--  train_label1_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy : training labels - resolution 1
    |--  train_label2_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy : training labels - resolution 2
    |--  train_label3_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy : training labels - resolution 3
    |--  val_label1_vwGen_ex_ref_fold1.0.npy   : validation labels

You can perform the self-discovery on your own dataset following the steps below:

Step 1: Divide your training data into the train and validation folders, and put them in the dataset directory.

Step 2: Train an auto-encoder using your data. The pre-trained model will be saved into self_discovery/Checkpoints/Autoencoder/ directory.

python -W ignore self_discovery/ 
--data_dir dataset/ 

Step 3: Extract and save the deep features of each patient in the dataset using the pre-trained auto-encoder:

python -W ignore self_discovery/ 
--data_dir dataset/  
--weights self_discovery/Checkpoints/Autoencoder/Unet_autoencoder.h5

Step 4: Extract 3D visual words from train and validation images. The data and their labels will be save into self_discovery/TransVW_data directory.

python -W ignore self_discovery/ 
--data_dir dataset/  

3. Pre-train TransVW

python -W ignore keras/
--data_dir self_discovery/TransVW_data

Your pre-trained TransVW will be saved at ./keras/Checkpoints/TransVW_chest_ct.h5.


If you use our source code and/or refer to the baseline results published in the paper, please cite our paper by using the following BibTex entry:

      title={Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-supervised Learning}, 
      author={Fatemeh Haghighi and Mohammad Reza Hosseinzadeh Taher and Zongwei Zhou and Michael B. Gotway and Jianming Liang},


We thank Fatemeh Haghighi and Mohammad Reza Hosseinzadeh Taher for their implementation of TransVW in Keras. Credit to Models Genesis by Zongwei Zhou. We build 3D U-Net architecture by referring to the released code at ellisdg/3DUnetCNN. This is a patent-pending technology.