variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 # shopware 6 WEB_DOCUMENT_ROOT: '$CI_PROJECT_DIR/public' MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root DEFAULT_PLATFORM_BRANCH: trunk LOG_STDOUT: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/stdout.log CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE: $CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE PERCY_BUILD_NAME: '000' CYPRESS_shopwareRoot: $CI_PROJECT_DIR CYPRESS_grepTags: '-quarantined' CYPRESS_localUsage: 'true' NODE_VERSION: '16' stages: - build - analyze - test - prepare-release - release include: - local: .gitlab-ci/release_jobs.yml - local: .gitlab-ci/test_base.yml - local: .gitlab-ci/integration_jobs.yml default: tags: - t3.medium Build Test Package: interruptible: true stage: build tags: - m5.large only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests image: debian:bullseye-slim services: - name: docker:20.10-dind alias: dockerdaemon variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none SPLIT_REPOS: "Administration Storefront Core Elasticsearch Recovery" SPLITSH: /opt/splitsh-lite SHOPWARE_SKIP_BUNDLE_DUMP: 1 SHOPWARE_SKIP_ASSET_COPY: 1 SHOPWARE_SKIP_THEME_COMPILE: 1 DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dockerdaemon:2375/ DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" cache: key: "package_$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" paths: - .platform - .composer - .apt - .npm policy: pull-push before_script: - apt-get update - DEB_PACKAGES="git jq curl build-essential nodejs php-cli php-ctype php-curl php-dom php-fileinfo php-gd php-iconv php-intl php-json php-mbstring php-pdo php-mysql php-simplexml php-xml php-zip" # setup caching - rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean - cp -a /var/cache/apt .apt - echo "Dir::Cache::Archives ${PWD}/.apt;" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/cache.conf - apt-get install -y --download-only curl && apt-get install -y curl - curl -sL | bash - - apt-get install -y --download-only $DEB_PACKAGES && apt-get install -y $DEB_PACKAGES - curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer - npm config set cache $PWD/.npm # we need to do the checkout to have correct permissions. See: - umask 0022 - git config --global init.defaultBranch trunk - git init . - git remote add origin ${CI_REPOSITORY_URL} - git fetch origin $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH - git fetch --tags - git checkout -f -q ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} - git log -n 5 - composer config --global cache-dir $PWD/.composer # install helper tools - composer install --working-dir=.gitlab-ci/tools - '[[ -x $SPLITSH ]] || (curl -sL | tar -xz ./splitsh-lite && mv splitsh-lite $SPLITSH)' - chmod +x $SPLITSH - HASH_CHECK_LINE="ec46c5a409422bf55b26f7de1faab67c2320362934947f984872b3aedc4a9d99 $SPLITSH" - echo $HASH_CHECK_LINE | sha256sum -c script: # clone platform if it's not cached. We use caching to speed up the split - export TAG=${TAG:-$(.gitlab-ci/tools/console release:show-next-tag)} - echo "$TAG" - SHOPWARE_VERSION="$(git describe --abbrev=0)" - SHOPWARE_VERSION="${SHOPWARE_VERSION#"v"}" - echo "$SHOPWARE_VERSION" > artifacts/SHOPWARE_VERSION - 'if [[ -z "$TAG" ]]; then echo "TAG is empty"; exit 1; fi' - '[[ -d .platform/ ]] || git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN} -b ${DEFAULT_PLATFORM_BRANCH} --bare .platform' - git -C .platform remote set-url origin https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN} # Find best matching branch. Example try:, 6.3.2, 6.3, master - export MATCHING_BRANCH=$(.gitlab-ci/tools/console release:show-platform-branch $TAG .platform) - if [[ -z $MATCHING_BRANCH ]]; then echo "No matching branch found"; exit 1; fi - echo "Checkout platform branch $MATCHING_BRANCH" # fetch newest changes from $MATCHING_BRANCH - git -C .platform fetch origin ${MATCHING_BRANCH} # set HEAD to newest commit in $$MATCHING_BRANCH - git -C .platform reset --soft FETCH_HEAD - git -C .platform fetch --tags origin - git -C .platform log -n 5 # export e2e tests for usage in test jobs - git -C .platform archive --output $PWD/artifacts/tests.tar HEAD tests/ - tar --append -f $PWD/artifacts/tests.tar .gitlab-ci/install_store_plugin.bash # split platform into separate repos/packages - > for pkg in $SPLIT_REPOS ; do .gitlab-ci/ .platform src/${pkg} git -C .platform/ rev-parse HEAD > repos/${pkg,,}/PLATFORM_COMMIT_SHA done # build test package - .gitlab-ci/ - IMAGE_TAG=${TAG}-dev - docker build . -t "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG}" - mkdir artifacts || true - chmod 777 artifacts || true - .gitlab-ci/ > artifacts/additional_update_files - .gitlab-ci/ --deleted > artifacts/additional_deleted_files # TODO: get REFERENCE_INSTALLER_URL and REFERENCE_INSTALLER_SHA256 from shopware6.xml - use MINIMUM_VERSION # create package archive file - 'echo "Default env: $DEFAULT_ENV"' - docker run -v $PWD/artifacts:/artifacts -e DEFAULT_ENV -e REFERENCE_INSTALLER_URL -e REFERENCE_INSTALLER_SHA256 --entrypoint=bin/ ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} /artifacts/additional_update_files /artifacts/additional_deleted_files - echo ${TAG} > artifacts/TAG - echo ${CI_JOB_ID} > artifacts/PACKAGE_JOB_ID - echo ${MATCHING_BRANCH} > artifacts/PLATFORM_BRANCH artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - artifacts/ - repos/ Static Analysis: stage: analyze image: shopware/development:7.4-composer-2 only: refs: - merge_requests script: - apt update && apt install shellcheck # SC1090: source is not resolved # SC2039: busybox sh supports [[ - shellcheck --exclude=SC1090 --exclude=SC2039 bin/*.sh .gitlab-ci/*.sh .gitlab-ci/tools/bin/*.sh .gitlab-ci/e2e/*.sh - composer install - composer install -d .gitlab-ci/tools - php .gitlab-ci/tools/vendor/bin/ecs check --config easy-coding-standard.php - php .gitlab-ci/tools/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse Tools unit test: stage: test image: shopware/development:7.4-composer-2 only: refs: - merge_requests script: - composer install -d .gitlab-ci/tools - php .gitlab-ci/tools/vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration .gitlab-ci/tools/phpunit.xml.dist --log-junit phpunit.junit.xml artifacts: when: always paths: - phpunit.junit.xml reports: junit: phpunit.junit.xml # Unit tests Unit PHP 7.4: extends: .unit_base image: shopware/development:7.4-composer-2 only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests # e2e install tests Install (Visual, EN): extends: .e2e_install_base only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests variables: - $CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE == "true" variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none APP_ENV: e2e script: - cp artifacts/install*.tar.xz install.tar.xz - tar -xf install.tar.xz - rm install.tar.xz - > if [[ -n "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID" ]]; then mkdir -p config/packages/ || true cat > config/packages/ci.yaml <<EOF parameters: kernel.shopware_version: '$SHOPWARE_VERSION' EOF fi - SERVICE_PHPFPM_OPTS=--allow-to-run-as-root CONTAINER_UID=root /entrypoint supervisord > artifacts/supervisord.log 2>&1 & - apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb - tar -xf artifacts/tests.tar - cd tests/e2e - npm clean-install - echo $PERCY_BUILD_NAME - timeout 20m npx percy exec -- cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,usePercy=$CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE,SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/installer/ - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - timeout 20m npx percy exec -- cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,usePercy=$CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE --spec "cypress/e2e/recovery/visual/*" Install (EN): extends: .e2e_install_base only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests variables: - $CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE != "true" variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none APP_ENV: e2e script: - cp artifacts/install*.tar.xz install.tar.xz - tar -xf install.tar.xz - rm install.tar.xz - export SHOPWARE_VERSION=$(cat artifacts/SHOPWARE_VERSION) - > if [[ -n "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID" ]]; then mkdir -p config/packages/ || true cat > config/packages/ci.yaml <<EOF parameters: kernel.shopware_version: '$SHOPWARE_VERSION' EOF fi - SERVICE_PHPFPM_OPTS=--allow-to-run-as-root CONTAINER_UID=root /entrypoint supervisord > artifacts/supervisord.log 2>&1 & - apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb - tar -xf artifacts/tests.tar - cd tests/e2e - npm clean-install - timeout 20m $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0,retries=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/installer/ - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - timeout 5m $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG --spec "cypress/e2e/recovery/visual/*" Install (NL): extends: .e2e_install_base variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none CYPRESS_SKIP_INIT: 'true' APP_ENV: e2e script: - cp artifacts/install*.tar.xz install.tar.xz - tar -xf install.tar.xz - rm install.tar.xz - export SHOPWARE_VERSION=$(cat artifacts/SHOPWARE_VERSION) - > if [[ -n "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID" ]]; then mkdir -p config/packages/ || true cat > config/packages/ci.yaml <<EOF parameters: kernel.shopware_version: '$SHOPWARE_VERSION' EOF fi - SERVICE_PHPFPM_OPTS=--allow-to-run-as-root CONTAINER_UID=root /entrypoint supervisord > artifacts/supervisord.log 2>&1 & - apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb - tar -xf artifacts/tests.tar - cd tests/e2e - npm clean-install - $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0,retries=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,locale="nl-NL" --spec cypress/e2e/installer/ Install (NL) with scenarios: extends: .e2e_install_base only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests allow_failure: true variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none APP_ENV: e2e script: - export TAG=$(cat artifacts/TAG) - export SHOPWARE_VERSION=$(cat artifacts/SHOPWARE_VERSION) - cp artifacts/install*.tar.xz install.tar.xz - tar -xf install.tar.xz - rm install.tar.xz - SERVICE_PHPFPM_OPTS=--allow-to-run-as-root CONTAINER_UID=root /entrypoint supervisord > artifacts/supervisord.log 2>&1 & - apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb jq - tar -xf artifacts/tests.tar - > if [[ -n "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID" ]]; then mkdir -p config/packages/ || true cat > config/packages/ci.yaml <<EOF parameters: kernel.shopware_version: '$SHOPWARE_VERSION' EOF fi - cat config/packages/ci.yaml || true - cd tests/e2e - npm clean-install - $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0,retries=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,locale="nl-NL",SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/installer/ - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - .gitlab-ci/install_store_plugin.bash SwagLanguagePack SwagPayPal - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - cd tests/e2e - $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --headless --spec "cypress/e2e/scenarios/**/*.cy.js" # e2e update tests Manual Update (EN): extends: .e2e_update_base variables: E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL: $REFERENCE_INSTALLER_URL E2E_TEST_DATA_FILE: "v6.1.6_test_data.tar.xz" script: - unzip -qqo artifacts/ - chown -R application:application $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cd tests/e2e - timeout 20m $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/recovery/updater/ - APP_ENV=e2e $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - APP_ENV=e2e $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testDataUsage=true --spec cypress/e2e/recovery/updater/validation/ after_script: - npx mochawesome-merge .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/mochawesome*.json > .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/report-final.json - npx mochawesome-report-generator .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/report-final.json --cdn true --reportDir .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome .E2E Update: extends: .e2e_update_base artifacts: when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/* - var/log/* - development/var/log/* - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/stdout.log after_script: - npx mochawesome-merge .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/mochawesome*.json > .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/report-final.json - npx mochawesome-report-generator .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome/single-reports/report-final.json --cdn true --reportDir .gitlab-ci/e2e/test/artifacts/mochawesome Update (Visual, DE): extends: .E2E Update only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests variables: - $CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE == "true" script: - cd tests/e2e - echo $PERCY_BUILD_NAME - chown "$(id -u):$(id -g)" . # Hack to prevent npm exec from dropping privileges. This behaviour has been removed already, but is used either by our version of `npm` or probably `percy exec`: - timeout 20m npx percy exec -- cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,usePercy=$CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE,testBase="Update",SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/recovery/updater/ - APP_ENV=e2e $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - APP_ENV=e2e npx percy exec -- cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testDataUsage=true,testBase="Update",locale="de-DE",usePercy=$CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE --spec "cypress/e2e/recovery/visual/*" variables: E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL: $REFERENCE_INSTALLER_URL E2E_TEST_DATA_FILE: "v6.1.6_test_data.tar.xz" Update (DE): extends: .E2E Update only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests variables: - $CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE != "true" script: - cd tests/e2e - timeout 20m $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testBase="Update",SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/recovery/updater/ - APP_ENV=e2e $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - APP_ENV=e2e $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testDataUsage=true,testBase="Update",locale="de-DE" --spec "cypress/e2e/recovery/visual/*" variables: E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL: $REFERENCE_INSTALLER_URL E2E_TEST_DATA_FILE: "v6.1.6_test_data.tar.xz" Update from latest: extends: .E2E Update tags: - m5.large only: refs: - schedules - merge_requests variables: - $E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL_LATEST script: - cd tests/e2e - timeout 20m $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testBase="Update",SKIP_INIT=true --spec cypress/e2e/recovery/updater/ - APP_ENV=e2e $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bin/console e2e:dump-db - APP_ENV=e2e $(npm bin)/cypress run --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://localhost:8000,numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --headless --env expectedVersion=$TAG,testDataUsage=true,testBase="Update",locale="de-DE" --spec "cypress/e2e/recovery/visual/*" - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - php bin/console bundle:dump variables: E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL: $E2E_INSTALL_PACKAGE_URL_LATEST E2E_TEST_DATA_FILE: "v6.1.6_test_data.tar.xz" Finalize Percy Build: extends: .e2e_install_base stage: prepare-release when: always only: refs: - schedules variables: - '$CYPRESS_PERCY_USAGE == "true" && $PERCY_TOKEN' script: # finalize all visual testing jobs - export PERCY_TOKEN=$PERCY_TOKEN - export PERCY_BUILD_NAME=$CI_PIPELINE_ID - export PERCY_PARALLEL_NONCE=$PERCY_BUILD_NAME - export PERCY_PARALLEL_TOTAL=-1 - npm install --save-dev @percy/cli - npx percy build:finalize