- Display a hint to fill out configuration form after first login
- Supports the following countries right now:
- Austria
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Russia
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- Important: After form submission, the form still displays the default values. The settings have been changed though
- Choose a country which will be configured as shipping source
- Set country specific configuration settings (i.e. newsletter confirmation
- Tax settings for the selected country (see Configuration Setup)
- All tax classes, rates and rules are deleted in the process and new ones are created
- For EU countries, shipping to all EU countries is supported
- You can select new tax classes for your products (if you have any yet) and customer groups depending on the old tax classes
- Setup preconfigured, language dependant CMS pages:
- 404 error
- Imprint
- Payment Methods
- Privacy
- Shipping Methods
- Order Overview
- Business Terms
- Declaration of Revocation
- Setup CMS static blocks (preconfigured, language dependant):
- Business Terms (is used by static page with same name, checkout agreement and as email content for some emails)
- Declaration of Revocation (is used by static page with same name, checkout agreement and as email content for some emails)
- Footer Links (including links to above pages)
- Setup Checkout Agreements (preconfigured, language dependant)
- Business Terms
- Declaration of Revocation
You can choose a different language for every store view.
- Setup Emails
- Choose a different language for every store view
- Emails are taken from installed language packs
- All emails are created as transational emails and can thus be edited in the Magento admin panel
- Some blocks are added automatically to certain emails (mostly "New Order" and "New customer"):
- Store information (template can be found at /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/magesetup/imprint/email_footer.phtml)
- Business terms (taken from created static block)
- Declaration of Revocation (taken from created static block)
- Can be found in System -> Configuration -> General -> Imprint
- Displays entered information in cms page "imprint" and in email footer
- Option to display checkout agreements on checkout, and customer registration, on both or none
- Option to make checkout agreements required (display checkbox on frontend) or optional (does not display checkbox, just the test)
- Store all newsletter subscription statusses of all subscribers
- Document all status changes in order to be able to prove subscriptions and unsubscriptions
- Generate meta title from product name
- Generate meta keywords from category names
- Generate meta description from short description, (if empty) description or (if still empty) category names
- Display a block below prices on product list and product view pages
- Configure via backend in System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Price
- Block can be replaced with a simple link to the shipping costs cms page
- Can be configured in System -> Configuration -> Checkout -> Shopping cart -> Hide estimated shipping costs in cart