- NEW: /firestep/reset POST now accepts {}, which will use previously saved firenodejs reset string
- NEW: Ponoko SVG export
- FIX: Disabled serialport code. Thanks, Simon!
- NEW: Added link to printer calibration instructions
- NEW: Printer Calibration
- NEW: /mesh Print Z-calibration grid
- NEW: /mesh Print XY-calibration grid
- NEW: /camera flipped raspistill image to match xy axis orientation
- FIX: Undefined variable in firekue-service
- NEW: DeltaMesh save images at each ROI vertex
- NEW: DeltaMesh calculate XPrecision and YPrecision at each ROI vertex
- NEW: FireKue elapsed seconds alert
- NEW: Increased mesh display size
- NEW: DeltaMesh Scan and MoveTo button drop-downs
- NEW: DelaMesh MoveToVertex corrected/uncorrected
- NEW: DeltaMesh /mesh/calc-props evaluates calculable properties (e.g.: dgcw, dgch) for ROI vertices
- NEW: DeltaMesh /mesh/mend interpolates missing measurable properties for ROI vertices
- NEW: Added one line ROI summary to Calibrate sections
- NEW: Calculable property dgcw gives change in GridCellW between zplane0 and zplane1 (used for z-calibration)
- NEW: Calculable property dgch gives change in GridCellH between zplane0 and zplane1 (used for z-calibration)
- NEW: Archive firenodejs.json to logs/yyyymm folder
- CHG: moved archived logs to yyyymm folders inside logs
- CHG: Changed sequential palette to Brewer 9PuRd for better error visibility
- CHG: Changed calcoffset precision to two decimal places for improved reporting
- FIX: JsonError reference in FireSightREST.js (thanks, Reef!)
- NEW: Save firenodejs log files in logs
- NEW: DeltaMesh dual z-plane scans (required for z-calibration)
- NEW: Reorganized /firestep more... into sections
- NEW: LPP auto-home to address long-term precision drift
- NEW: /mesh ScanROI scan pattern change to reveal long-term precision drift
- CHG: Requires FireStep 1.085 for NeoPixel camera lighting on idle
- NEW: DeltaMesh chart shows color coded data values
- NEW: ScanROI creates job(s) to scan mesh ROI
- NEW: /mesh sort data by x,y,z
- NEW: /mesh show data iff ROI
- NEW: Use /firenodejs panel to Shutdown firenodejs server
- FIX: RMSE for CalcGrid did not sum squared errors (!)
- FIX: CalcGrid cell w/h were interchanged
- NEW: Single point DeltaMesh scanning. Data is stored in /var/firenodejs/firenodejs.json
- NEW: Reimplemented browser/server synchronization protocol using Synchronizer.js
- NEW: Camera autoRefresh checkbox
- FIX: /firekue now uses hostname instead of localhost in responses
- FIX: node-install should have used ./npm instead of npm
- NEW: /firesight/match-cds matches crash dummy symbol
- FIX: progress works again
- FIX: --verbose works again
- FIX: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined (Thanks, Reef!)
- FIX: firenodejs.log cleanup. Remove confusing warnings and add FireSight EXEC information.
- NEW: Changed /firesight error handling to return HTTP200 and null fields instead of HTTP500 for expected errors (e.g., no calc-offset)
- NEW: Improved error handling with JsonError (Error is not serializable)
- NEW: firenodejs saves backup file and restores from backup if saved models are corrupt.
- NEW: install.sh now installs and builds FireSight if required
- FIX: UI panels are sticky when you change tabs
- FIX: SyncService synchronizes browser client with server changes made by FireKue jobs
- NEW: scripts/addjob.sh lets you upload FireKue jobs from command line
- NEW: scripts/stepjob.sh lets you step FireKue jobs from command line
- NEW: various UI tweaks to Jobs tab
- NEW: upgrade to bootstrap 3.3.6
- NEW: upgrade to angular 1.4.9
- NEW: upgrade to angular bootstrap 1.1.1
- NEW: Steppable /firekue with RESTworker test job(s)
- NEW: added support for x86 architecture
- NEW: Upgraded to node v5.5.0
- FIX: aspect ratio of displayed image now matches camera image
- NEW: save camera image to named file
- NEW: CalcOffset compares camera image with location image or named image file
- NEW: CalcFgRect compares camera image with location image or named image file
- NEW: scripts/startup.sh launches firenodejs as server daemon
- NEW: scripts/shutdown.sh kills all firenodejs processes
- NEW: added RMS Error (rmse) to /firesight/calc-grid
- NEW: input fields no longer lose focus during active typing (background save bug)
- NEW: preview of new Jobs tab
- NEW: Simplified and renamed FireStep initialization UI as Reset.
- NEW: TinyG support for cartesian machines (Thank you, Anthony Webb!)
- NEW: New Calibrate tab splits and simplifies Home tab
- NEW: Scan /mesh accordion with DeltaMesh UI teaser (WIP)
- NEW: ReadQR decodes QR code (sometimes)
- FIX: Initialization startup JSON UI was unusable
- FIX: mock support for comments {"cmt":"anything"}
- FIX: Regression error on measure.js
- NEW: CalcFgRect calculates bounding rectangle of foreground object
- RENAME: MeasureGrid renamed to CalcGrid
- NEW: 4mm calibration grid replaces 5mm calibration grid
- NEW: MeasureGrid measures grid
- NEW: CalcOffset UI provides better feedback on non-match
- FIX: Location-based images sometimes didn't update correctly
- NEW: tracks and displays XYZ nominal and microstep-grid position
- NEW: pluggable kinematic models: mto-fpd, mto-xyz
- FIX: pushQueue bug fixed
- NEW: demo firenodejs with mock FireStep: node js/server --mock-fpd
- NEW: LPP moves automatically introduced for absolute moves (i.e., mov)
- NEW: Delta kinematic model used for path planning and user interface validation
- NEW: Marks show warning symbol if position is not on microstep grid
- NEW: UI disabled while move in progress (no click ahead)
- NEW: lppSpeed controls LPP speed with conservative default for best precision
- NEW: lppZ controls LPP high point with default of Z50
- NEW: msSettle specifies time for camera autoexposure convergence with default of 600ms
- NEW: FireStep serial path can now be changed from web page (and REST)
- NEW: Accordion user interface
- NEW: Mutable state saved to /var/firenodejs/firenodejs.json
- NEW: Up to 6 marks can now be named and edited
- NEW: Initialization commands are saved and can be used for FireStep robots without EEPROM
- NEW: Measure now provides min, max, avg stats for xErr and yErr
- NEW: Images cycle through three standard sizes
- NEW: Images can have reticle and/or crosshair overlay for lining things up
- NEW: added link to calibration grid
- GUI: Display level
- GUI: Measure jog and LPP precision
- GUI: version number