The log aggregator is designed to view logs of web applications running on mobile devices. I created this aggregator when I encountered the issue that there is no way to view the logs in the toolbar (DevTools) of Android/iPhone web applications.
The Aggregator
collects all logs received from the internet and translates them in real time using
the Web UI
SPA. The SPA does not have any restrictions and displays all logs for all users who have opened this app.
This application utilizes SSE to translate logs to any number of developers connected to the Web UI
function log(message, level = 'INFO', instance = null, source = null, meta = null) {
const entry = {
date: new Date(),
instance, // define front instance: 'uuidV4' for example
level, // 'INFO|ERROR'
meta, // additional meta-data: {'comment': 'any object converted to JSON'},
source, // message source: './path/to/script/produces/log
type: 'FRONT', // BACK|FRONT
navigator.sendBeacon('', JSON.stringify(entry));
This app uses Knex.js to connect to PostgreSQL/MariaDB/MySQL/SQLite databases. Database structure is created on app
startup. It is recommended to use SQLite in-memory database (./etc/local.json
"@teqfw/db": {
"client": "sqlite3",
"connection": {
"filename": ":memory:"
"useNullAsDefault": true
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user logs_agg password '...';
postgres=# create database logs_agg owner logs_agg;
postgres=# \q
root@host:/# mariadb
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE logs_agg;
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER logs_agg@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '...';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON logs_agg.* TO logs_agg@localhost;
The handler processes requests to ./log-agg-beacon/