Quickly add/remove the 'hacktoberfest' topic to all your public repositories
Due to too much SPAM, participation in the Hacktoberfest is now opt-in. That means that you (as a maintainer) have to add the "hacktoberfest" topic to your repositories before the PRs will count for contributors. Because most private accounts will probably not be affected this much by spam, I created this tool to quickly add/remove the topic to all your public repositories on GitHub.
First you need to go to the Github developer settings and create a personal
access token with the public_repo
permission. The benefit of this in contrast to using your username&password is that
the script only has the permissions it needs, and it also works when you have 2FA enabled (which you definitely should! ;)
Provide this token to the script, for example by
export GITHUB_TOKEN="copy-your-token-here"
Then you need to install the "PyGithub" library. With pipenv installed you can run pipenv install
in the repository
folder to create a new virtual environment with all dependencies. If you want to use pip you can run pip install -r requirements.txt
run.py [-h] [--organization ORGANIZATION] [--dry-run] {add,remove}
Quickly add/remove the 'hacktoberfest' topic to all of your public Github
positional arguments:
{add,remove} 'add' or 'remove' the topic
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Modify topics for an organization, not your personal
--dry-run Don't actually modify the topics