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- It includes <a href="/docs">extensive documentation</a> covering all code, plus the API and other general PHP topics - It includes <a href="/docs/Security">features and guidance to make sites more secure</a>
- It works with PHP 5.1+ - It loves Linux/BSD, Solaris and Windows environments - It uses UTF-8 everywhere and provides <a href="/docs/fUTF8">UTF-8 functions</a> even without the <a href="http://php.net/mbstring" target="_blank">mbstring</a> extension - It provides <a href="/docs/fNumber">precise number support</a> even without the <a href="http://php.net/bc" target="_blank">bcmath</a> extension - It can <a href="/docs/fImage">manipulate images</a> and automatically detects if GD or ImageMagick is installed - It backports some PHP 5.2+ functionality to PHP 5.1 such as <a href="/docs/fCookie">Httponly cookies</a> and <a href="/docs/fJSON">JSON</a> - No shell access is required, simply <a href="/docs/GettingStarted">drop the classes in and go</a>
- It supports <a href="/docs/fDatabase">MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server</a> - It includes support for <a href="/docs/FlourishSql">one dialect of SQL</a> across all database types - It supports almost <a href="/api/fDatabase">all extensions for the supported databases</a> - It includes powerful, but intuitive <a href="/docs/ObjectRelationalMapping">object-relational mapping</a> features - Full support and auto-exploration of <a href="/docs/fActiveRecord#RelatedRecordsOperations">foreign key relationships</a> - Simple, shorthand notation for <a href="/docs/fRecordSet">querying sets of records</a> - <a href="/docs/fActiveRecord#CreatingandLoadingRecords">Multi-column primary key support</a> - <a href="/docs/fORM#ExtendingtheORM">A simple plugin system</a> using hooks and callbacks
- It includes <a href="/docs/fCore">error/exception handling and debugging features</a> that make bug fixing much simpler - It is <a href="/docs/InternationalizationLocalization">built with internationalization and localization in mind</a> - It is <a href="/license">licensed under the MIT license</a>
Check out the documentation for a list of all of the Flourish classes.
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