The combineHistory command is used to merge two or more querydata files into one large one. The assumption is that the files are otherwise similar, but have different or at least partially different time steps. The result will contain all unique time steps found from the files. If several files contain the same time step, the data is taken from the newest file.
The most common use of combineHistory is to merge several files containing observations into a larger one so that accessing observations would be easier.
The syntax of the command line is
combineHistory [options] directory [ directory2 directory3 _.]
Normally only one directory argument is given, and all files in that directory will be merged. However, in connection with option -1 it is common to use two or more directory arguments.
The available options are
- -v
verbose mode - -o
require all data to have the same origin time - -t
attempt to minimize the size of the time descriptor in the result - -p hours
maximum age of allowed timesteps into the past (default = 48h) - -f hours
maximum age of allowed timesteps into the future (default = 8) - -N name
new producer name - -D id
new producer ID